Dear students, teachers, employees of NUS named after. adm. Makarova!
Given the strengthening of quarantine and restrictive measures in the country and in NUS. adm. Makarova, The scientific library continues to work remotely.
We recommend using information from the library's website, institutional repository eIR NUOS; as well as remote access services to electronic databases
To organize the educational process during quarantine, we offer a database of full-text electronic documents of the Scientific Library, which has almost 1500 textbooks and guidelines and about 8000 books. You can receive these documents by e-mail, by sending a letter requesting an email address: .
Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova collects information about various open databases and educational materials, free for users during quarantine. Read more - "Useful resources during quarantine" .
Contacts: Director of the Scientific Library - Tamara Kostyrko;
• Consultations on checking works for text matches / identity / similarity using software and hardware - Marina Zhigalkina
• Definition of UDC code - Tetyana Panchenko (
• Consultations on the use of databases and search engines, publishing activity, determination of scientometric indicators - Tatiana Korolyova (
• Consultations on the use of the institutional repository eIR NUOS, upload materials to eIR NUOS, compilation of lists of literature for accreditation at the request of faculties and departments - Kateryna Dynderenko (
• Консультації та довідки із загальних питань – Світлана Ларенкова
Пропонуємо слідкувати за новинами на офіційному сайті Наукової бібліотеки НУК ім. adm. Makarova and a Facebook page (