Educational and Scientific Institute of Automation and Electrical Engineering - 50
17 December celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Automation and Electrical Engineering. For this remarkable event, the staff of the Maintenance Department of the Scientific Library in NN IAE prepared a detailed review of publications, reflecting the scientific and methodological activities of scientists, teachers and students of the institute. At the exhibition were presented: textbooks, textbooks, methodical editions; scientific articles of teachers, students, published in collections of scientific papers and periodicals. Some textbooks deserve special attention, for they have remained the mainstay of the disciplines for decades.
Дубовик О. FROM.,
провідний бібліотекар НБ
Photo report
Maritime safety
2 December, employees of the maintenance department of the Scientific Library at the Mechanical Engineering Educational and Scientific Institute for fifth-year students in the field of training "SHIPBUILDING AND OCEANOTECHNICS" held an Information Day "Maritime Safety". The senior lecturer of the SSEU I department took an active part in the preparation and holding of the event. AND. Filipov.
According to the program of the Information Day, the following events were offered to the audience: slide-presentation of literature from the fund of the National Library of NUS on the topic "Safety of human life on ships", video "Prevention of marine pollution from ships and marine structures" and a book exhibition.
At the end of the event, the library staff provided the audience with information about the resource base of the Scientific Library of NUS, which can be actively used for successful learning.
Kulagina A. IN.,
бібліотекар І категорії
Photo report
Good tradition of cooperation
It has become a good tradition in the service department of the Scientific Library of NUS in the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute to hold information events directly at the departments..
30 November, the staff of the department held the Day of the Department of Technical Thermophysics and Ship Steam Plants. The event was attended by: B. IN. Dimo, Head of Department, candidate of technical sciences, professor; scientific and pedagogical staff of the department; students, masters, graduate students.
The main purpose of the event is to inform the specialists of the department and young scientists about modern library and bibliographic resources and information technologies., used in the Scientific Library.
During the Day of the Department, the library staff acquainted masters and graduate students with the review of publications, reflecting the scientific achievements of the department. Also, category I librarian. L. Wednesday acquainted the audience with a review of publications on the topic: "Fundamentals of energy audit", which included electronic resources of the NB NB.
Meaningful speech B. IN. Dimo revealed interesting historical moments and modern activities of the department. At the end of the event there was a presentation of new educational publications, that recently replenished the book fund of the library, the authors of which are teachers of the department.
Kulagina A. IN.,
бібліотекар І категорії
Photo report
“Life in science”
27 November, an event took place in the Electronic Reading Room of the National Library “Life in science”, dedicated to B. IS. Paton, world-famous Ukrainian scientist in the field of welding processes.
The event was opened by the Head of the Service Department of the National Library of Ukraine. IN. Kostyuk with interesting and meaningful information about an outstanding scientist.
Of particular interest to those present was the speech of B.. F. Kvasnytsky, head of the department of welding production, professor, doctor of technical sciences, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine, who spoke about his personal impression of communication with Boris Yevgenyevich, his high professionalism, attitude to young scientists. Vyacheslav Fedorovich noted such features of character of the outstanding scientist as openness to communication, humanity, care for people, with whom he worked.
Also, a documentary was presented to the audience “Academician B. IS. Paton. Lifelong work”.
Leading librarian O. IN. Yarmushevich presented a book-illustrative exhibition “The authority of the name”, on which monographs were presented, textbooks, textbooks, articles by an outstanding scientist from the fund of the Scientific Library.
The information picture of the event was supplemented by the librarian of the I category H. ABOUT. Mahmutov with a presentation of a virtual exhibition “Welding in shipbuilding”.
D. IN. Kostyuk, завідуюча сектором
відділу обслуговування НБ НУК
Photo report
Presentation of a book exhibition on the basics of energy audit and energy management
24 November, on the initiative of the service department of the National Library of NUS at the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute (MNNI), for masters and faculty of the Faculty of Maritime Infrastructure (FMI) the presentation of the book exhibition of educational and methodical editions took place, textbooks, directories on the basics of energy audit and energy management.
The event was attended by scientists from the Department of Systems Engineering of Marine Infrastructure and Energy Management and the Department of Technical Thermophysics and Ship Steam Plants: B. IN. Dimo, Deputy Director of the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute of NUS, Cand. tech. Science, prof., AND. P. Shevtsov, Dr. Tech. Science, prof., YU. M. Kharitonov, Dr. Tech. Science, prof., YU. AND. Dolganov, Cand. tech. Science, FMI students.
D. D. Glushko, head of the library service department at MNNI, told about the capabilities of the department and the Scientific Library in general in providing information support to the educational, scientific and educational processes in higher education. Emphasis was placed on that, what help is provided by the staff of the service department for undergraduate students, undergraduates and graduate students. The bibliographic review of publications from the fund of the National Library of Ukraine "Fundamentals of Energy Audit" was offered to the attention of the audience., which was presented by the librarian of the I category I. L. Wednesday.
The presentation once again confirmed, that the library is a reliable assistant of the university in the training of highly qualified specialists.
Glushko G. G., завідуюча відділом
Photo report
All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference “The library is the foundation of education, guardian of knowledge, center of culture”
19 November 2015 on the basis of the Scientific Library of the NMU named after Admiral Makarov, regional methodical center of libraries of higher educational institutions of. Of Nikolaev, took place All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference “The library is the foundation of education, guardian of knowledge, center of culture”, dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the Scientific Library of the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding.
They took part in the professional forum: ABOUT. IN. Surovtseva, Deputy Director for General Affairs of the Scientific Library of Odessa National University. I. Mechnikov, zonal methodical center of libraries of universities of III and IV levels of accreditation of the south of Ukraine; heads and leading specialists of university libraries. Of Nikolaev, which are part of the Methodical Association; colleagues from the Regional Universal Scientific Library. ABOUT. Гмирьова, Central Library CBS for adults. M. L. Kropyvnytskyi, Central Library CBS for children. Sh. Kobera and B.. Хоменка.
The conference participants were welcomed: IN. FROM. Pancakes, Vice-Rector for Research at the Admiral Makarov National Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Engineering, professor and B. N. Piglet, Dean of the Faculty of Marine Economics, Doctor of Economics, professor. They noted the special role of the university library for the development of the information society and the importance of libraries supporting educational and scientific processes.. Also, they emphasized the importance of this meeting, wished librarians interesting professional communication, aimed at further innovative development.
Dean of the Faculty of Marine Economics VN. Parsyak on behalf of scientific and pedagogical collective of faculty handed over to representatives of libraries of Nikolaev the edition of scientists of faculty: monographs, textbooks, methodical and educational manuals. This turned out to be a nice gift for the conference participants. The heads of the libraries expressed their sincere gratitude for the valuable gifts and assured them, that these publications will take a worthy place in the funds of libraries. Of Nikolaev, will find their grateful readers.
During the conference of many employees of the National Library of NUS for conscientious work, high professionalism was marked by diplomas and thanks.
Reports and speeches were presented to the conference participants, concerning the transformation of the activities of the university library in accordance with the changes, occurring in society and higher education in particular. Emphasis was placed on priority trends in the work of university libraries, namely: determining the communication strategy of a modern university library, introduction of an innovative model of scientific communication, use of quality management system in university libraries, web representations of libraries in the world information and communication space, use of cloud technologies in the activities of university libraries, information-analytical activity of the university library in the conditions of innovative changes, etc..
Also, participants of the professional forum got acquainted with the results of monitoring “University libraries. Nikolaev in virtual space”.
in addition, an extensive exposition was presented to the attention of the conference participants, dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the NUS Scientific Library, which reflected the multifaceted activities of the book collection in historical and modern perspectives.
As part of the conference, its participants had a great opportunity to get acquainted with the exhibition of books by the publisher “Oldie Plus”, on which educational editions on disciplines were exhibited, taught in universities.
The conference was held at a high professional level. The participants of the conference noted the practical content of the presented speeches, most of which were supplemented by visualization through electronic presentations. Fruitful work of the conference, meaningful meetings and professional communication of colleagues enriched the participants with experience, new ideas.
therefore, inverted 95 page of the history of the Scientific Library of NUS, rich in notable events and glorious names, ahead is a continuous path - a path of improvement in the field of information, education, science.
Bєlodєd O.V.,
head of the library marketing department,
innovative and methodical work of the Scientific Library of NUS
Photo report
VII International Scientific and Technical Conference "Ship Energy: condition and problems »
12 November, the VII International Scientific and Technical Conference "Ship Energy" was held at the Mechanical Engineering Training and Research Institute of NUS: condition and problems », dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Department of Ship and Stationary Power Plants.
Traditionally, a book-illustrative exhibition was prepared for this event by the staff of the NUK NB service department.
"Pages of the history of the SSEU department", materials of which covered the scientific and methodological activities of specialists of the department. The basis of the exhibition was close 300 publications: scientific works of teachers, textbooks as past years of publication, and modern; monographs, teaching aids, electronic professional publications.
Glushko G. G., завідуюча відділом
Photo report
A great mocker
12 November in the scientific department, foreign literature and periodicals NB NUS took place
literary and educational hour "The Great Ridiculer", dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the birth of M. Twain, famous American writer, humorist, satire, publicist, publisher.
During the meeting, the participants learned about interesting facts about the writer's biography and funny incidents from his life. He was recognized not only as a writer, and as the author of wise quotes and aphorisms, possessor of fine humor and even as an inventor.
The story of the library staff was supplemented by slide presentations: "Subtle humor from M. Twain », "Literary heritage of M.. Twain ». Also, the attention and interest of the participants of the event was aroused by watching films and videos about the writer: "Essay on the life of M.. Twain », "Interesting facts of the biography of M.. Twain », "Attacking Angel". The event was accompanied by music from the movie "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer".
Fans of the writer's work, as well as those wishing to get acquainted with his creative achievements, a book-illustrative exposition was organized. The exhibition consists of literary works of the writer, photographic documents and its known expressions, which have long been aphorisms. So everyone, who is interested in the proposed topic, we invite you to view!
Domasheva IL, завідуюча відділом
наукової, foreign literature,
and periodicals of the NUS National Library
Photo report
Hands created beauty
5 November in the reading room of the Main Building of the Scientific Library of NUS was a meeting with a teacher of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Faculty of Humanities A. IN. Tkachenko on the topic
“Hands created beauty. Ukrainian embroidered shirt “, dedicated to the Day of Ukrainian Literature and Language. The event was attended by Fr.. IN. Bobbin, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Head of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, Cand. ist. Science, docent, T. M. Skeleton, Director of the Scientific Library of NUS, Candidate of Sciences in Social Communications, staff and students of the university.
The meeting began with a speech by the head of the service department of the National Library of NUK Zakharenko A.. M., which briefly told about interesting facts from the history of embroidery. Present, in particular, learned, that Ukrainian embroidered shirt is called “prayer without words”, and an embroidered shirt is the main amulet of a person. These words are reflected in the tragic legend, that sounded in the story.
And then the meeting was continued by A. IN. Tkachenko. She is bright, casually, fascinatingly told about the history of embroidery, its symbolism, showing slides with the image of various types of embroideries. The teacher skillfully kept in touch with the audience.
The parade of embroideries continued the event. Students participating in the event were dressed in colorful embroidered shirts, wreaths, symbols of Ukrainian life, adorned their heads. They revealed the meaning of colored ornaments on their shirts, confirming, that the Ukrainian embroidered shirt is our national pride. For those present, this bright spectacle was attractive, that the stories of the students echoed with the poems, songs about Ukraine. Everyone was especially moved by the humorous dance. It was simple and interesting. Time passed, but the students did not tire, there was a lively and friendly atmosphere in the hall all the time. Everyone is satisfied and looking forward to new meetings.
An exhibition of embroideries became a bright addition to the event, designed by the staff of the Scientific Library. Along with modern embroideries, the products of our mothers and grandmothers were presented on it.
Kozhukhar L. L.,
category I librarian,
Photo report
Bohdan Khmelnytsky is the hetman, diplomat, statesman
3 November in the Electronic Reading Room by the staff of the junior year subscription of the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute, Educational and Scientific Institute of Computer and Engineering Sciences was held
historical and information hour "Hetman. Diplomat. Statesman", dedicated to the 420th anniversary of the birth of Bohdan Khmelnytsky, prominent statesman, commander, diplomat.
The event opened
head of the sector GV. Kostyuk presentation, in which the diplomatic activity of Bohdan Khmelnytsky was covered in detail. Her speech was imbued with a desire to stimulate the interest of student youth in the history of the Ukrainian people, to arouse the desire for further, deeper study of it.
The story was meaningful and emotional
O.V. Bobbins, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Head of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, Cand. ist. Science, associate professor about the historical events of that time and unknown facts from the biography of the hetman. He thanked the library staff for their cooperation, present for the sincerity of feelings and participation in the event. The genuine interest of students was aroused by the documentary film “Great Ukrainians: Bogdan Khmelnitsky".
At the end of the event
librarian of the I category L. B. Afanasyeva presented to first-year students the exposition of the book-illustrative exhibition “Hetman. Diplomat. Statesman", which included monographs, textbooks, textbooks, articles and essays, dedicated to a prominent statesman.
The event was warm, friendly atmosphere. We hope so, that for the participants the received information will become an impetus to a deeper study of the history of their country.
L. B. Afanasyeva,
category I librarian,
Photo report
Economy under sail
The presentation took place
bibliographic index - a joint project of the Faculty of Marine Economics and the Scientific Library of NUS, dedicated to the 95th anniversary of MKI-UDMTU-NUS and the 50th anniversary of economic education in Mykolayiv region.
The purpose of the creative team, who worked under the guidance
Candidate of Sciences in Social Communications TM. Kostyrko and Doctor of Economics VN. Piglet, became reflection in the systematized kind of scientific and scientific and methodical works of many generations of scientists and teachers of the leading center of economic education of the Nikolaev region. It included monographs, textbooks, textbooks, methodical instructions, articles, materials of reports on all-Ukrainian and international scientific, scientific and practical conferences - 2175 names.
In their speeches, the participants of the presentation emphasized the important role of university libraries as a treasure trove of knowledge., accumulated by mankind; determined the prospects for their rise in the context of extensive work on the implementation of the provisions
Of the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education". The long-term fruitful cooperation of the Scientific Library with leading specialists was emphasized
Faculty of Marine Economics.
With index structure, methodical approaches, that were used in its construction, the head of the information and bibliographic department acquainted the participants
M.S. Zhigalkin.
Sincere words of gratitude were addressed to the direct developers of the collection:
S.Yu. Pride, K. S.. Dinderenko, A.A.. Lukashina, T.S.. Panchenko, N.O.. Senotrusova.
Photo report
Library of the Ukrainian soldier
Holding promotions for the Scientific Library is part of its image policy. Among the most famous - "Give a book to the library", "Book to home", "Let's bring the book back to life", bookcrossing and others. That's why, having received a letter from the chief of military unit A 3130 with a request to help in the formation of the library fund for servicemen, The Scientific Library of NUS announced a charity event
"Library of the Ukrainian soldier". This work was carried out in close coordination with Girzheva O.. L., head of the Center for Youth Policy and Socio-Cultural Work of NUS, and the Student Parliament.
As part of the action, more than one was collected and handed over to the military unit 350 copies of art, popular science, educational and technical literature on shipbuilding. It should be noted, that the transfer of books was symbolically timed to the Day of the Defender of Ukraine. The library staff is sincerely grateful to everyone who cares, who responded to the call for action. Special thanks to the most active participants: Горбову В. M., to. t. n., to the professor, Head of the Department of Ship and Stationary Power Plants of the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute of NUS; Наливайко В. FROM., to. t. n., associate professor, Professor of NUS, to the lecturer of the department of internal combustion engines of the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute of NUS; employees of the departments of the educational and scientific Institute of Automation and Electrical Engineering; commandant and security guards of the Faculty of Humanities, as well as employees of the Scientific Library of NUS: Yarmushevich O. IN., Kostyuk G. IN., Queen TD, Kuznetsova I. IN., Kartashova K. AND., Glushko G. G., Oleinichenko V. M.
We hope so, that the collected literature will be useful for the organization of full-fledged rest, raising the level of education and maintaining the fighting spirit of our soldiers.
Kaftan OI,
leading methodologist of the library marketing department,
innovative and methodical work of the National Library of NUS
Photo report
14 October - Day of the Defender of Ukraine
14 In October, the Ukrainian community celebrates the Day of the Defender of Ukraine. This holiday is new for our country, since it was started only in 2014 year, according to the decree of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko: "In order to honor the courage and heroism of the defenders of independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine, military traditions and victories of the Ukrainian people, promoting the further strengthening of the patriotic spirit in society and supporting the initiative of the public. I decide: to establish a holiday in Ukraine - the Day of the Defender of Ukraine, which is celebrated annually 14 October ». This step is another evidence of the state's attention and respect for the people, who are not sparing themselves, defend the territorial integrity and sovereignty of our country.
On this day, the staff of the Scientific Library of NUS joins in congratulating all the defenders of our Motherland! We wish you well-being and strength, health and happiness! Peace be upon you and peace be upon your hearts! Happy holiday to you, dear our defenders!
Note, what 14 October in Ukraine also celebrates the great religious holiday of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin. Thanks to the respectful attitude of the Ukrainian Cossacks, the second name, the Cossack Intercession, was also attached to this holiday, and in the minds of the people it became associated with such concepts, as a military honor, valor, courage and chivalry. That is why, in 1999 year by the then President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma 14 October was founded as the Day of the Ukrainian Cossacks. The Cossacks have always been one of the brightest pages in Ukrainian history, on the glorious examples of which a sense of national self-respect of many generations of Ukrainians was nurtured. The Cossacks are a victorious history and a great pride of our people, soul of Ukraine, her hope and amulet.
The NUS Scientific Library joined the celebration
presentation of book exhibitions in customer service departments. We offer you a book-illustrative exhibition
"Ukraine is a spiritual Cossack state", which is exhibited in the customer service department of the National Library of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Automation and Electrical Engineering. To the 420th anniversary of the birth of B. Khmelnytsky (1595-1657 pp.), such exhibitions have been prepared:
"Ways of courage and glory" (reading room of the Main Building of the NUS National Library) and
"Hetman. Diplomat. Statesman" (subscription to junior courses of the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute, Educational and Scientific Institute of Computer and Engineering and Technological Sciences).
The materials of the expositions will help you to turn the glorious pages of Cossack battles once again, to get acquainted with the life and way of life of glorious knights. The scientific library is waiting for its readers as always. We are glad to see you in our halls.
Kaftan OI,
leading methodologist of the library marketing department,
innovative and methodical work of the National Library of NUS
Historical and information hour "His name in the chronicle of Nikolaev"
8 October employees of the scientific department, foreign literature and periodicals NB NUS conducted for first and second year students, studying in the specialty “science of law” historical and information hour “His name is in the chronicle of Nikolaev”, dedicated to the 240th anniversary of the birth of Admiral OS Greig, military governor of. Of Nikolaev.
From a slide presentation “O.S. Greig : admiral, personality, man”, presented by the leading librarian LM. Denisyuk, Attendees learned about the activities and merits of the admiral as military governor of. Of Nikolaev.
The story of O.Yu., a researcher at the Museum of Shipbuilding and Fleet, aroused great interest in the audience.. Оловянникової, accompanied by a slide lecture “Fit as a citizen of the city forever”. Attendees learned about the little-known facts of Greig's biography, his personal life, fruitful work in the field of shipbuilding, scientific activity, careful attitude to the improvement of the city, and the history of the Admiral's monument.
A book-illustrative exposition was also offered to the students “Legendary names:Admiral O. S. Greig”, which included photo reproductions, collection of rare editions 18-19 Art. including. “Marine collections”.
At the end of the meeting the leading librarian of the Electronic Reading Room SV. Borshchevskaya presented a virtual exhibition of book editions “Alexey Samuilovich Greig: admiral, naval commander, shipbuilder”, revealing the versatile activities of the admiral and his multifaceted personality.
Domasheva IL, завідуюча відділом
наукової, іноземної літератури
та періодичних видань НБ НУК
Photo report
An hour of interesting messages
7 October in the Electronic Reading Room of the Scientific Library of NUS students of the group 1511 listened to a lecture-presentation on "Fundamentals of Information Culture", which was read by a category I librarian. FROM. Dindirenko.
Then the library staff prepared an hour of interesting messages for students, which began with a video tour "Walks around Nikolaev". Employees of the Scientific Library of NUS M. ABOUT. Boklag and A. AND. Lukashin interested everyone in a virtual quest "Interesting and magical places of Nikolaev". There was a lively discussion on the topic among the participants: it is necessary to know the history of the native land or such knowledge is not necessary in life. Students also showed remarkable erudition in guessing the virtual quiz "Book - a wise helper".
The event was warm, friendly atmosphere. We hope so, that for participants of action the received information will become an impetus to deeper studying of history of Nikolaev.
Borshchevska S. IN.
Leading Librarian of the National Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Photo report
Solemn meeting of the team
On the occasion 95 anniversary of the founding of the Scientific Library of NUS and the All-Ukrainian Day of Libraries in the Electronic Reading Room of the National Library of NUS a solemn meeting of the staff of the book collection. At the meeting with these remarkable events, the library staff was congratulated: V.S.. Pancakes, Vice-Rector for Research, Ph.D.. Science, professor and T. M. Skeleton, director of NB NUK, Candidate of Sciences in Social Communications . During the celebrations of many library staff for conscientious work, high professionalism was marked by diplomas and thanks.
Photo report
With the library to the pinnacle of success
NUK Scientific Library on the Day of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia celebrated a double holiday: 95-anniversary and All-Ukrainian Day of Libraries. These holidays have long ceased to be only professional, this is a good reason, when the library together with its users re-emphasizes, that the university library has always been and is an important part of it. Really, Today, the NUS Scientific Library is an information base of the educational process, research work of scientists and students, center of humanitarian and educational work of the university.
So., on the occasion of the celebration in the book collection was organized
promo – action “With the library to the pinnacle of success”, which took place under such a relevant motto today: «Libraries @ – dialogue, culture, world!». For all fans of the book the staff of the book collection organized expositions of book-illustrative exhibitions, including: “A treasury of knowledge and human wisdom” (service department at the Humanities Institute),”The book is the tireless wings of thought” (subscription to junior courses of the Mechanical Engineering Institute, Institute of Computer and Engineering Sciences), “Treasures of our library: rare editions” (scientific department, foreign literature and periodicals), “There is no future without a book” (reading room of the Main Building).
In the lobby of the Institute of Automation and Electrical Engineering (IAE) an exhibition-presentation was organized by the staff of the service department of the Scientific Library of NUS “The university starts with the library ”. On the first stand “Forgotten Pages of Old Books ”presented rare and valuable publications on the history of the fleet and shipbuilding, dated XVIII-XIX centuries.
On the second stand “NAE NUK - 50 years ”textbooks were presented, textbooks, methodical instructions, scientific articles of teachers and students from the fund of the Scientific Library. in addition, information about the information potential was presented at the exhibition, book collection services.
The NB Service Department at the Mechanical Engineering Institute organized an oral journal for its users “NUS Scientific Library: traditions and innovations”. The event was attended by Deputy Director of the Mechanical Engineering Institute B. IN. Dimo, teachers and students of the institute. Head of department, G.G. Glushko told the participants about the contribution of the department to the information support of educational and scientific processes of the university in historical and modern aspects. The presentation of the book-illustrative exhibition was a supplement to the information picture of the event: “The best modern educational and scientific publications from the library”. Electronic presentation “Information and educational activities of the department”, prepared by a category I librarian A. IN. Kulagina, and a photo exhibition: “User and library: photom instantaneous events” demonstrated the full range of activities of the department.
Bєlodєd O.V.,
завідуюча відділом
бібліотечного маркетингу
та інноваційно-методичної роботи НБ НУК
Photo report
Local lore journey “Walks through the hometown”
28 and 29 September students of the Mechanical Engineering Institute (city. 1261, 1234) became participants in the literary journey of local lore “Walks through the hometown”, which was organized by the employees of the subscription of the Shipbuilding Institute, Faculty of Marine Economics and the Institute of Computer and Engineering Sciences of the National Library of Ukraine.
Leading librarian O. IN. Yarmushevich and the librarian of the I category N. ABOUT. Mahmutov prepared meaningful information about the history of. Of Nikolaev, famous figures, who lived here, worked and made a significant personal contribution to the development of the city. The story about the mysterious and mystical places of our city became interesting for the audience.
During the meeting, attendees had the opportunity to watch the films "Favorite City" and "Nikolaev Evening", revealing to the spectator beauty and uniqueness of Nikolaev.
Cognitive was the local lore virtual quest "Nikolaev: city, people, ships ». This section of the program allowed students to participate directly in the event. Students actively answered the proposed questions, showing this a fairly high level of knowledge about the history and present of the native land.
The book-illustrative exhibition "City on the Bug" became a meaningful addition to the event., which presented literature about his hometown from the library, which gave the opportunity to learn more detailed information on this topic.
Yarmushevich O. IN.,
leading librarian of the National Library of NUS
Photo report
Information Day "From Language Linguistics to Communication Linguistics"
17 September staff of the scientific department, foreign literature and periodicals conducted for first-year students, Students majoring in "Applied Linguistics" Information Day on "From the linguistics of language to the linguistics of communication". At the event there was a meaningful video acquaintance of freshmen with the educational fund, scientific, reference and fiction in foreign languages. The use of electronic resources provides an opportunity to present information in a dynamic form, which is better remembered by students. Therefore, the virtual interest of the audience was aroused by virtual tours: "English Grammar without errors", "New generation dictionaries", "Language - man - communication", prepared by specialists of the department.
The viewing of the film "Non-verbal means of communication" supplemented the information palette of the meeting.
Domasheva IL, завідуюча відділом
наукової, іноземної літератури
та періодичних видань НБ НУК
Photo report
With love to my hometown
Hometown's birthday is a holiday, which unites all Mykolayiv residents and guests of the city of shipbuilders. Each of us has something to tell about his hometown, regardless, we were born here, or spent their best years.
Traditionally, in the framework of the historical and local lore program "History of the city, in which we live and study "in the Scientific Library of NUS held a number of different events, dedicated 226 anniversary of the founding of his hometown.
On the eve of the holiday, for first-year students, in the department of customer service at the Humanities Institute was held a series of events "Native home remains in the heart, how far do you go from him ". An exhibition of literature "My land is my pride" was presented, which told students about the sights and memorable places of Mykolayiv. Literature review "History of the native land", conducted by the librarian of the I category KI. Kartashova, interested everyone who cared about the past of his small homeland. Viewing books "Literary Nikolaev" revealed an interesting world of the poetic word. Those present got acquainted with creativity of the Nikolaev poets, who conveyed love in their pages, tenderness, respect for our hometown.
Also, librarian of the I category of the subscription of junior courses of MI, IKITN L. B. Afanasyeva prepared for freshmen a presentation of the book-illustrative exhibition "Nikolaev - the city of shipbuilders". With the help of the presented publications she acquainted future shipbuilders with the glorious history of the region, outstanding personalities, who made a significant contribution to its development.
15 September employees of the Electronic reading room organized for freshmen local lore virtual quest «Nikolaev: people, ships, legends ». The quest is an opportunity to become the hero of a real adventure, plunge into the world of mysteries and secrets. The intellectual game began with a brainstorming session, dedicated to monuments and outstanding people of Mykolayiv. Of great interest was the solution of riddles and the question of the city quest, in which there was an opportunity to show and develop their erudition. Students successfully coped with all tasks, and the reward for it became a humorous video trip across Nikolaev.
So., the participants of the events learned a lot of interesting facts about their hometown, viewed rare videos and photos, which fosters love and respect for its history, culture and literary heritage.
Photo report
Presentation of the book B. IN. Matskevich "Naval fables - 3: friends on a strong case »
27 May in the reading room of the Main Building of the Scientific Library was a presentation of the book "Naval tales - 3: friends on a strong case »In. IN. Matskevich, captain of the 2nd rank, chief metrologist of NUS. This edition is a continuation of the series of books "Naval tales", which tell about the life of submariners.
On each warship there is a ship Vasya Torkin with his stories about people, related to the sea. IN. IN. Matskevich, as a bearer of the memory of submariners of the 50s - 60s, took the responsibility to engrave on the letter in memory of the descendants known to him stories. That's how "Navy Fables" appeared. Third, presented book series, contains not only memories of retired submariners, but also the poems of a classmate E. Antoshin and stories of a colleague, writer-publicist B. Kulinchenko.
The meeting began with a touching song about submariners, against which the life path of B was shown. IN. Matskevich. Then the head of the service department Zakharenko A spoke. M., which briefly acquainted the audience with his biography and told about interesting life events.
Attendees learned from the author about the history of the creation of books and listened to the poem E. Antoshina. The presentation was complemented by slides, prepared by librarians Kozhukhar L.. L. and Lukashina A. AND. In the final part of the event songs were performed by the poet-bard B. AND. Panchenko, who works with many creative collectives of the city of Nikolaev. Deputy Director of the Scientific Library of NUS T. FROM. Migunova sincerely thanked the guests and presented flowers to the author.
An exhibition of books and periodicals "From the time of cadets to gray hair" was offered to the attention of the participants of the presentation., which presents the literary and journalistic heritage of the marine writer. The audience was impressed by the versatility of B's talent. IN. Matskevich.
The guests of the presentation were: students, employees of NUS, Head of the Department of Economics and Organization of Production Gurchenkov Alexander Petrovich, friends-veterans of military service.
Everyone present was satisfied with the presentation and expressed hope for new meetings in the library.
Kozhukhar L. Л.,бібліотекар І категорії
читального залу НБ НУК
Photo report
Book as a gift to the library
Libraries have always played a huge role in people's lives. And today, in conditions of a rapid increase in the flow of information and knowledge, the role of libraries remains unchanged. After all, this is where they are always ready to come to the rescue, if there is a question of subjugation, learning something new, unknown. Studying in a higher educational institution is impossible to imagine without a book: textbook, scientific and reference publications, works of fiction.
Economic and financial troubles of today, Unfortunately, negatively affect the acquisition of the university's book collection. That is why books are invaluable in its replenishment, donated by teachers, students, university staff, authors and publishers. It should be noted, that for the last year the Scientific Library of NUS has received more than a thousand of them.
27 May visited the Scientific Library Fr.. P. Gurchenkov, professor, PhD in Economics, Head of the Department of Economics and Organization of Production, which transferred to the fund of the book collection 8 copies of the book “How to raise the Ukrainian economy”, the author of which is a well-known Ukrainian economist, political scientist, public figure, head “Committee of Economists of Ukraine” AND. I AM. Newbie.
In his work, the author invites the reader to consider a holistic model of formation of a competitive and efficient Ukrainian economic system in modern conditions of world economic relations - Trifunctional Economic Model of Ukraine.
The monograph is designed for professional economists, students, who study economic specialties, journalists of economic publications and readers, who are interested in economic issues.
Books are always needed by man today, and in the future, therefore, the NUS Scientific Library is sincerely grateful to everyone, who cares about replenishing its funds.
Kaftan OI,
leading methodologist of the library marketing department,
innovative and methodical work of the National Library of NUS
Photo report
Remember. We win.
12 May in the reading room of the customer service department of the Scientific Library of NUS at the Humanities Institute on the initiative of A.V.. Tkachenko, teacher of the department of social and humanitarian disciplines, a meeting of the literary and musical living room took place, dedication
World War II Remembrance Day. 70 years separate us from those May days, when the last volleys of the most terrible echoed, the bloodiest war in human history. The memory of the war, her harsh truth will remain with us as an example of courage, patriotism, hard military work and eternal sorrow for them, who laid on the altar of Victory the most expensive - life.
At the meeting, students read poems not only by famous authors, and their own works, favorite songs of that time sounded. At the end of the holiday the director of the Humanitarian Institute OV. Bobina spoke about the modern view of the historical events of that time, thanked everyone for the sincerity of feelings and participation in the event.
Kuznetsova IV,
zav. NB service department in GI.
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Hour of Remembrance "Those days cannot be erased even today"
7 May in the reading room of the customer service department of the Scientific Library of NUS at the Mechanical Engineering Institute for students, teachers and staff organized an hour of remembrance "Those days in the memory can not be erased today", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in World War II.
Employees of the Scientific Library of NUS acquainted the participants with the literature, presented at the book-illustrative exhibition "And the memory is sacred" and the thematic review "Nikolaev Shipbuilding Institute during the Second World War and postwar reconstruction". The basis of the review are popular science publications of scientists of the National University of Shipbuilding: doctor of technical sciences, Professor B. AND. Bugaenko and Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor A. F. Galya. The publications cover the history of the institute during the evacuation period, reconstruction and subsequent restoration; books and monographs of researchers of the history of Mykolayiv region: IN. P. Starling, M. M. Shityuka, IS. D. Gorburova and K.. IS. Gorburova - from the funds of the National Library of NUS.
The names of teachers-participants of the Second World War were announced during the event (professors G. AND. Artyomov, IN. P. Suslova, Associate Professor P. AND. Meshchaninov and others), a list of their scientific works is given, training and methodical manuals, illustrations and photographs of the structure of the pre-war institute are shown, wartime and the postwar recovery period. The exposition was supplemented by publications, on the pages of which information about modern tank engines is collected, pre-war and post-war tank building.
The speech of the candidate of technical sciences aroused special interest of the present, associate professor, Professor of the Department of Internal Combustion Engines - V. FROM. Pour on the topic: "From the history of the T-34 tank and the chief engineer of the Marty plant - A.. ABOUT. Firsova ». IN. FROM. Nalyvayko presented information about unknown and little-known facts and events from A's life. ABOUT. Firsov and acquainted with his activities as the chief engineer of the plant Marty, emphasizing its role in creating the T-34 tank. The professor's speech was held in the format of a dialogue with students.
Glushko G. G.,
Head of the Service Department of the National Library of NUS in MI.
Photo report
In the book's memory - the moments of war
There are events and dates in the history of our people, the meaning of which cannot be forgotten. The most revered among them is the Victory Day. World War II went through every heart, became part of the national and family memory. And although time relentlessly delays May 1945 year, we never forget the heroism and courage of those people, who bore the deadly burden of war on their shoulders, wartime events live on in the memories of veterans, displayed on the pages of books. To thank veterans - living and dead - for their feat on Victory Day - the least, what can we do.
The 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Second World War was timed to the festive concert "Living - a bow, to the dead is glory!», which took place 6 May in the premises of the customer service department at the Humanities Institute of the Scientific Library of NUS. There were sincere words of congratulations and thanks to the veterans and participants of the hostilities at the event., who previously worked at the University.
On the occasion of this significant date, the staff of the department organized book exhibitions, photos, documents "In granite, in bronze, in the hearts "and" Honor for the feat, gratitude for peace ", which presents a chronicle of the events of the worst war in the twentieth century, highlighted the feat of the liberators of his native land. literature, presented at exhibitions, will help to learn more about the struggle of our people against fascism and to honor the memory of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. We invite everyone to view, who wants to join the memory of the war years.
Kaftan OI,
leading methodologist of the library marketing department,
innovative and methodical work of the National Library of NUS
Photo report
Meeting with a psychologist "Your main relationship"
29 April in the reading room of the Service Department of the Scientific Library in the Main Building was a meeting with a lecturer at the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Humanities Institute, psychologist I. IN. Korostylov. An RPT certified and an NLP certified therapist conducted a seminar on "Your main relationship". This topic has interested many students, teachers, university staff. The event was also attended: Director of the Humanities Institute, Head of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor. IN. Bobbin, Director of the Scientific Library T. M. Skeleton.
The meeting was started by the head of the service department A. M. Zakharenko, which acquainted students with the book exhibition "Masters of Psychology". In particular, she stressed, that each of the presented books contains interesting and unique material, having mastered which, we will take a step towards our own “I”, learn to understand and empathize more with each other. Antonina Nikolaevna reminded students, that on the library website, in the section “Electronic resources”, you can view a virtual exhibition on the same topic.
And gave, the meeting continued with. IN. Коростильова. She is bright, casually, fascinatingly presented his material. The psychologist skillfully kept in touch with the audience, asked questions, students responded, often joked. It was simple and interesting. It was noticeable, that the topic really interested everyone. The presentation was complemented by slides, movie clips, prepared by the staff of the library L. L. Furrier and A. AND. Lukashina. At the end of the meeting, the psychologist held a relaxation session, accompanied by the sound of light music.
Kozhukhar L. L.,
бібліотекар І категорії
читального залу НБ НУК
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Historical journey "With a book through the centuries"
24 April in the reading room of the customer service department at the Humanities Institute of the Scientific Library of NUS to the World Book and Copyright Day was a historic trip "With a book through the centuries.". We remember from school, that a book is a source of knowledge, the best gift, bridge, that connects different civilizations in time and space. The book will never "die", it only changes its form, turning into an electronic or audio version.
The "thanks" to the book for its significant contribution to people's lives was its foundation
World Book and Copyright Day. UNESCO General Conference, which took place in Paris in 1995 year, decided to pay tribute to this day and pay tribute to books and authors, encouraging young people to enjoy reading, respect the invaluable contribution of those, who by his creativity promotes social and cultural development.
Symbolically the day (23 April) was chosen due to the tradition of celebrating Book Day in Catalonia, where it is customary to give a rose on St. George's Day for each book purchased. It is also a day to commemorate Cervantes, Shakespeare and other famous writers.
The highlight of the event was the performance of I. D. Marcinkowski, chairman of the board of the Nikolaev regional association "Education", Associate Professor of the Humanities Institute of NUS, who presented books of the eighteenth century from his personal collection ( «Octoich, si is Osmoglasnik Yelinsky same paraclitics creation… John of Damascus на ». - I started: Printing House of the Holy Dormition Pochayiv Lavra, 1774 p. and "Triodion si есть tripisnets« " [Triodion is fasting]. - I started: Printing House of the Holy Dormition Pochayiv Lavra, 1767 p.).
The book exhibition "Book as a work of art" presented at the event acquainted readers with the history of world and Ukrainian books., rare editions of the Scientific Library.
The event was complemented by reports from student designers: Lebedeva N., Strigul V., Doroshina V., There are Zasyadvovk. about modern types of graphic art and informative videos on the topic.
Kuznetsova IV,
завідуюча відділом обслуговування НБ НУК
в Гуманітарному інституті
Photo report
Environment Day "Energy and Environment"
22 April in the service department of the Scientific Library at the Mechanical Engineering Institute was held Environment Day on the topic: "Energy and the environment". The event was organized for fourth year students (city. 4211, 4212), who study in the specialties of the SSEU department and the staff of the institute.
The event was attended by scientists of the Department of SSEU - Head of the Department of SSEU, Professor B. M. Gorbov and Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of SSEU B. FROM. Mitenkova. Speech by Professor B. M. Gorbova on the topic "Environmental protection in the operation of ship power plants" was presented accompanied by a video presentation "Alternative fuels in marine energy", its author, candidate of technical sciences, Associate Professor B. FROM. Mitenkova. In an interesting, In an accessible form, scientists of the department acquainted students with new topics of modern research on pollution of the oceans, organizational and legal framework for the prevention of pollution from ships, ways to obtain alternative fuels, which in the future can be used for transport and stationary energy.
The information picture of the event was supplemented:
- "Ship Energy and the World Ocean" (Glushko G. G., Head of the Service Department of the National Library of NUS);
- "Ecology and nature protection" (Kulagina A. IN., category I librarian).
Scientific publications of the university scientists were presented at them, textbooks and manuals of teachers of the institute from the fund of the service department of the users of the Scientific Library in MI., The bibliographic review of publications on the topic "Legal aspects of the marine environment" and the exposition of the book-illustrative exhibition were offered to the attention of the audience.: "Man. Nature. Society "Carrying out of a complex action, with close creative interaction “department - library”, serves a single purpose - to convey to students a unique array of information on energy and the environment.
Glushko G. G.,
завідуюча відділом обслуговування НБ НУК
в Машинобудівному інституті
Photo report
Ecological hour “Ways of energy development in Ukraine”
14 April, the customer service department of the Scientific Library of NUS at the Institute of Automation and Electrical Engineering held an ecological hour “Ways of energy development in Ukraine”, dedicated to Environment Day.
The event was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Marine Infrastructures, Doctor of Technical Sciences YM Kharitonov. He acquainted students with the state of energy development in Ukraine and Mykolayiv region.
2015 year - International Year of Light and Light Technology. Buryatinskaya told about it in detail. AND., librarian of the Center for Environmental Information and Culture, which operates on the basis of the branch library № 2 CBS for adults m. Of Nikolaev.
Also, to the attention of the participants of the event the employees of the department presented a book-illustrative exhibition “Ecology. Nature. Man” and thematic review of periodicals “Environmental aspects of the use of renewable energy sources in Ukraine”.
Oleinichenko V.M.,
завідуюча відділом обслуговування НБ
в Інституті автоматики та електротехніки
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Literary hour "Mass culture and creativity A. Hailey »
6 April in the service department of the Scientific Library at the Humanities Institute was held a literary hour "Mass Culture and Creativity A. Hailey », dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the writer's birth.
The event was opened by Candidate of Philological Sciences OM. Danilchuk with the presentation of his textbook "Problems of mass culture and creativity of Arthur Haley", in which the work of the prose writer is sufficiently fully covered. The speech was imbued with a desire to stimulate the interest of student youth in US literature, to arouse the desire for further, deeper study of it.
Students of the group took part in the discussion of the problem 2521 Humanities Institute: Bormotova V., Brezgunova K., Galchenko K., Rakhmangulova A., Сидоренко М., who analyzed the success of the writer's work.
The book-illustrative exhibition became a bright visual addition “Man. Share. Art”, on which the works of the writer from the fund of the department were presented.
Summing up the event, was emphasized, that Arthur Haley's novels will remain a favorite work for fans of prose.
Kartashova KI,
бібліотекар І категорії
відділу обслуговування НБ в ГІ
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Information Day "Latest information technologies in gas turbine construction"
20 March, the staff of the maintenance department of the Scientific Library at the Mechanical Engineering Institute held for future masters and specialists, studying in the specialties of the Department of Turbines, Information day on the topic: "The latest information technologies in gas turbine construction".
The participants of the event were presented with a review of scientific publications of scientists of the Department of Turbines and presented a book-illustrated exhibition "Research activities of the Department of Turbines". The exposition was based on scientific publications: "Innovations in shipbuilding", "Bulletin of the National University of Shipbuilding", "Collection of scientific works of the National University of Shipbuilding" of the last years of publication and monographs of scientists of the department. In particular, students were acquainted with the scientific publications of Serbin SI, doctor of technical sciences, Professor and Mostipanenko GB, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor; foreign publications, included in the scientometric database Scopus.
Undoubtedly, The material became useful information for future specialists in the field of turbine construction and aroused increased interest of masters in scientific activity..
Glushko G. G.,
Head of the Service Department of the National Library of NUS in MI
Photo report
"Great personalities of Ukraine. Mykhailo Verbytskyi »
In March 2015 Ukraine celebrates two anniversaries at once: 4 March is over 200 years since the birth of Mykhailo Verbytsky – Ukrainian priest, composer, conductor, public figure, author of music for the National Anthem, a 10 March is over 150 years from the date of its first public performance, In connection with these important dates for our people,
16 March in the Electronic Reading Room of the National Library of NUS was a multimedia hour "Great personalities of Ukraine. Mykhailo Verbytskyi ». Second-and third-year law students from Turkmenistan and students of the Humanities and Mechanical Engineering Institutes were invited to the event.. During the event, they learned many interesting facts about the life and multifaceted work of Mykhailo Verbytsky, listened to the National Anthem of Ukraine on 14 national languages of nations, inhabiting Ukraine, as well as performed by famous Ukrainian artists: Ruslana and the band "Ocean Elzy".
Employee ECHZ S. IN. Borshchevskaya presented books from the NUS National Library, that tell about the national symbols of Ukraine. Information and bibliographic material on the symbols of Ukraine was also presented, authors of the Anthem with an indication of web resources and a list of periodicals. The students were very interested in the revised documentaries “Mykhailo Verbytsky is a music author, known to the world "and" Ukrainian statesmen - Mykhailo Verbytsky ".
Ect.. The Queen, Head of the ECU NB NUS
"Life in science"
4 March employees of the subscription of junior courses of the Mechanical Engineering Institute, The Institute of Computer and Engineering Sciences organized an evening-portrait "Life in Science" for students and teachers of the Department of Welding, dedicated to the 145th anniversary of the birth of EO Paton, outstanding Ukrainian scientist in the field of welding processes and bridge construction.
The event was opened by GV Kostyuk, Head of the Service Department of the National Library of NUS. With interesting and informative information about the outstanding scientist and his son - BE. Paton was made by VF Kvasnytsky., head of the department of welding production, professor, Doctor of Engineering, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine. Vyacheslav Fedorovich emphasized that, that these individuals are an example of professionalism and dedication to the chosen cause for future engineers.
Also, The documentary film “E.. Paton. The path to the dream ". The event ended with a review of publications, presented at the book-illustrative exhibition "Authority of the Name".
Kostyuk GV,
head of the service department of the NUS National Library.
Photo report
Scientific and practical seminar “Components of research efficiency”.
29 January 2015 year on the basis of the Scientific Library of the National University of Shipbuilding named after Admiral Makarov held a scientific and practical seminar “Components of research efficiency “.
This topic of the seminar was chosen not by chance. At the present stage of development, the functionality of the NUS Scientific Library has gone far beyond storing information and providing access to it.. The university's book collection has become a center of social and information communications, the role of the university's scientific activity in the world information space has significantly increased. One of the priority areas of its activity was the study of publishing activity of university scientists using scientometric and bibliometric methods.. The experience of such work has been repeatedly covered by the director of the National Library of NUS T. M. Kostyrko and Deputy Director for Automation of the National Library of NUS I. IN. Cooper at the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conferences, interuniversity activities of the advanced training system.
Scientific-practical seminar was held for teachers of the Faculty of Management and Business of the Separate Department “Nikolaev branch of the National University of Culture and Arts” in order to acquaint them with the most famous international and national scientometric databases, methods of evaluation of scientific activity.
Reports were made: T. M. Kostirko - “International electronic resources to help the author”, AND. IN. Cooper - “How to write an article for an international publication. Key points”. Speech by S.. YU. Pride, head of information and bibliographic department, was devoted to highlighting the practical experience of creating an institutional repository of NUS as a means of promoting scientific publications of the university community.
At the end of the event, the seminar participants had the opportunity to talk, to exchange views on the considered material. There was a lively professional discussion with numerous questions and answers.
Photo report