International open educational resources

We present to your attention International open educational resources – E-books, textbooks, manuals in a foreign language.
Open TextBooks Library - an open library of free, peer-reviewed and licensed textbooks.
Open textbooks are licensed to authors and publishers for free use and adaptation. Download, edit and distribute them for free.

Results of the seminar "International scientometric databases: performance indicators and "predatory" conferences in Ukraine: problem and solutions"
Useful materials from Elsevier

All recordings of previously held webinars of the Elsevier Ukraine company on work with Scopus, SciVal and ScienceDirect are freely available to all users here:…/elsevier-training…/ukraine

To the attention of the scientific community of NUS named after. adm. Makarov and all interested!
We present to your attention the materials of another webinar from the Elsevier company.

1.Webinar recording “Author profile in Scopus: step by step instructions”, tRenner Elsevier Lyudmila Trotsenko, 20 April 2023 p.

Password: 7fE94=Lk

Information on setting up free access to a range of Elsevier products (including. Scopus і ScienceDirect).
Elsevier also invites you to join the following webinars. A list of upcoming events is available at Elsevier Online Training Hub.

2.Webinar recording “Effective literature search in ScienceDirect“, tRenner Elsevier Marina Nazarovets, 27.04.2023

Password: %M36l3*9

Presentation “Author profile in Scopus. Step-by-step instructions”  у pdf

Elsevier also invites you to join the following webinars. A list of upcoming events is available atElsevier Online Training Hub:

you will receive an email in response with further instructions, Maidan Open University - an educational initiative, you will receive an email in response with further instructions. The platform offers over 80 training courses, which are formed from video lectures, practical tasks and control questions. These are courses from leading business school teachers, public sector, practitioners from business and social sphere. The topics are related to personal development and realization of your potential; entrepreneurship as a mechanism of quality development of the community and society; understanding of the construction and activity of an open society and its formation in Ukraine.
Coursera – the platform offers hundreds of free educational courses in various disciplines from universities from different countries around the world. Coursera for Campus is now available to all Ukrainian higher education institutions and students - it is an opportunity to access more than 5200 courses and 2200 projects on a free basis for institutions of higher education.
Coursera Program for Refugees available for free to non-profit organizations worldwide. All, who need financial assistance to access Coursera courses, can apply in the "Financial Aid available" section on the page of the selected course.
EdEra (Successful completion of the course will allow you to obtain an electronic certificate) - an online education studio. The platform offers online courses, special projects, interactive tutorials and educational blogs.
find common ground – a platform for mass open interactive English language courses, which was founded by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University.
Prometheus - Ukrainian platform of mass open online courses, which provides an opportunity to view university-level educational courses from KNU teachers free of charge, KPI, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and other institutions of higher education.
WiseCow - Ukrainian video lecture, where short videos on 10 minutes. The videos tell about Ukrainian culture and history. Currently, the video lecture hall offers lectures on 9 topics - this is literature, cinema, art, history, journalism, fashion, cities and society.
Section “Cities”, unlike others, does not contain videos, and interesting cultural initiatives of each oblast
TED - a well-known English-language platform, where there are many artists and specialists from various fields of science, art, design, policy, cultures, business, global problems, of technology and entertainment share their thoughts. Most of the content is in English. But many videos are translated into Ukrainian. For the most part, the translation can be found in the subtitles.

Scientific library presents: Open educational resources

What are open educational resources

Open educational resources (Open Educational Resources, OER) are materials for teaching (teaching), teaching (learning) and research (research) in any format and on any medium (digital or otherwise), which are in the public domain or protected by copyright, published under an open license, which allows free access, reuse, repurposing, adaptation and distribution in other ways without or with limited restrictions. Using open technical standards improves access and reuse potential.

OERs may include: full courses, course modules, open textbooks, educational programms, lectures, manuals for students, teaching notes, Homeworks, quizzes, laboratory and classroom classes, pedagogical materials, video, interactive materials, such as simulations or role-playing games, assessment tools and many other resources, Software, programs (including mobile applications) and any other educational and useful materials.

The term "OER" is not synonymous with online learning, e-learning or mobile learning. Lots of OER, except for digital use, can also be printed. ( Guidelines for open educational resources (OER) in higher education.)

Creative Commons licensing

When educational resources are digital and openly licensed under licenses Creative Commons (SS), they can be shared with everyone for free. Textbooks, courses and lesson plans become free and easy to find, share, to adjust, adapt and combine. Thanks to the CC License, students can find and incorporate free materials for talks and presentations, teachers can customize textbooks and lesson plans, universities can distribute open resources to a global audience, and publishers (university publishing houses or libraries) can adapt materials and design services to enhance the learning experience.

You can learn more about licenses here – types of Creative Commons licenses

ENOEL toolkit: advantages of open education. Version 2 (укр.)

This is a set of tools (slides, postcards and Twitter cards), prepared by the European Network of Open Education Librarians (ENOEL). The toolkit aims to raise awareness of the importance of open education and highlights the benefits for students, teachers, institutions and society.
Original files in 15 languages Zenodo.

You can download the Ukrainian version at link.
When using tools, quote like this:
European Network of Open Education Librarians. (2022). An ENOEL Toolkit: Open Education Benefits. Version 2. Zenodo (Ukrainian version).

Repository of Admiral Makarov National Shipbuilding University

Major open access projects and initiatives
Open Access 2020 Initiative (OA2020)

OA2020 is a global initiative to promote open access by supporting and encouraging the transformation of modern scientific journals from the existing subscription system to new models, allowing unlimited and reusable scientific results, ensure transparency and stability of publishing costs.

Plan S. Making full and immediate Open Access a reality

Plan S is an initiative, aimed at consolidating efforts to speed up the transition to such publishing models, which provide full, immediate open access to research results.
The initiative was launched 4 September 2018 p. a number of large national funds from twelve European countries, as well as the European Research Council. These agencies formed a consortium called "cOAlition S" (in the title: S - science - science, OA - open access, coalition).


SHERPA / RoMEO is an Internet resource, which aggregates and analyzes the open access policy of publishers from around the world and provides a summary of self-archiving permissions and rights conditions, provided to authors by journals. The Sherpa / RoMEO search service can be used to find out specific publisher policies for manuscript self-archiving.

International Open Access Week

International Open Access Week (International Open Access Week) - a global event, which will take place on October 25-31 2021 p. for the 14th year in a row. The initiative to celebrate the International Open Access Week belongs to the Coalition of Scientific Publishers and Academic Resources (Scholarly Publishing And Academic Resources Coalition – SPARC) and gained worldwide support. It provides an opportunity to better understand the benefits, which provides open access, to share experiences, ideas.


Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) - a coalition of scientific publications and academic resources, organization of library communities, advocating for the expansion of open access to knowledge. The coalition is convinced, that the rapid and comprehensive dissemination of open access to scientific materials will help increase the efficiency of the educational process, development of science and increase the amount of investment. SPARC supported community with 800 scientific academic libraries from around the world.

Budapest Open Access Initiative

Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) - public initiative on the principles of open access to scientific literature, was made public 14 February 2002 p. It was adopted at the conference, organized in Budapest by the Open Society Institute on December 1-2 2001 p. and is recognized as one of the main defining events of the open access movement.

Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities

The Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Scientific and Humanitarian Knowledge is one of the main documents in the field of open access, was signed on October 20-22 2003 at the Open Access Conference in Berlin, organized by the Max Planck Society (Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science e.V.).

Durham Statement on Open Access to Legal Scholarship

Durham's application for open access to a legal scholarship is a public statement, related to ensuring open access to legal information and science. It was written in 2008 p. a group of library school principals in the United States.

Bethesda Statement on Open Access Publishing

Bethesda statement on open access publications 2003 p. defines the concept of open access and supports it.

NIH Public Access Policy

The National Institutes of Health's public access policy is a mandate for open access, developed in 2004 p. He predicts, that peer-reviewed electronic versions of scientific documents, which describe the study, funded by the National Institutes of Health, must be submitted for public access free of charge through PubMed Central no later than 12 months after the official date of their publication. PubMed Central is a self-archiving repository, in which authors or their publishers keep their publications.

Open Knowledge Foundation

The Open Knowledge Foundation is a global non-profit organization, focused on awareness of the value of open data for society, which helps civil society groups to access and use data to address social issues.

Global Open Access Portal

Global open access portal (GOAP) - presents the current overview of the state of open access (OA) to scientific information in 158 countries of the world (funded by the governments of Colombia, Denmark, Norway and the United States Department of State). For countries, who have succeeded in implementing open access, the portal highlights critical success factors and aspects of a supportive environment. For countries and regions, which are still in the early stages of open access, the portal identifies key players, potential barriers and opportunities.

Open Access Tracking Project

Open access tracking project (OATP) Is a public social tag project, running on free software, to display new developments, concerning open access to research.

Open Access Directory

Open access directory (BEANS) Is a set of simple factual open access lists (OA) to science and research, which is generally supported by the OA community. Combining many lists in one place, associated with OA, OAD makes it easy for everyone to discover them, use for help and updates.

Directory of Open Access Journals – DOAJ

The mission of DOAJ is, to oversee, maintain and develop sources of reliable information about open access scientific journals on the Internet; check the compliance of journals with high publishing standards; increase accessibility, popularity, prevalence, attractiveness of open access magazines; provide scientists, libraries, universities, research foundations and other stakeholders the opportunity to use the information and services provided; facilitate the integration of open access journals into library services and aggregator sites; assist, if possible, publishers and their magazines according to the best standards of digital publication; and thus support the transition of the system of scientific communication and publication into a model, which serves science, higher education, industry, innovation, societies and people. Based on its mission, DOAJ cooperates and invites all interested parties to cooperate, working to achieve similar goals.
The catalog of open access journals provides free access to the full texts of articles. In DOAJ it is possible to search for articles from 13 844 magazines (4 360 834 articles) 130 countries of the world. The title of the journal can be used as search criteria, article title, ISSN, author's name, keywords or annotation words. It is also possible to simultaneously search for all these fields and search for a logical combination of two search terms.


The catalog of open electronic archives unites more than 4366 repositories of scientific information and provides the ability to select and search open archives by geographical location, type of materials and subject area, language, etc.. The catalog was created in collaboration with Lund University (Sweden) and Nottingham (United Kingdom) and is a development of the open access initiative.

Registry of Open Access Repositories ROAR

The catalog of open electronic archives unites more than 4725 repositories of scientific information. The resource promotes open access by providing timely information on the growth and status of electronic archives around the world. The purpose of the project is to maintain access to scientific publications, providing information on the status of archives around the world.


OpenAIRE is a European project to support open science (Open Science).
OpenAIRE - partnership (currently) over 60 institutions, working to formulate and use effective OA and Open Science strategies. The network consists of 34 national open access offices (KNIVES), located in each EU country and other European countries. Raising awareness at the state level is provided through a number of activities to train and support Open Science, such as seminars and webinars, dissemination of teaching materials and direct access to researchers.

Horizon 2020

Horizon 2020 Is the largest framework program of the European Union for the financing of science and innovation with a total budget of about 80 billion. euro, designed for 2014-2020. The program is an EU initiative, provides for the provision of funds on a competitive basis to support the development and implementation of innovations, including in business and industry.
Horizon 2020 requires researchers, who receive government funding, publish the results of their research in open access journals (hybrid magazines), or publish a peer-reviewed version of the article in the public archives of the institution no later than 6 months after its release.

Initiative for Open Citations

The I4OC Open Reference Initiative is a collaboration between scientific publishers, researchers and other stakeholders to facilitate the unrestricted availability of scientific citation data.

European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)

European Open Science Cloud Initiative (EOSC) was proposed in 2016 by the European Commission as part of the European Cloud Initiative to Build a Competitive Data and Knowledge Economy in Europe.
In recent years, numerous politicians around the world have formulated a clear and consistent vision of global open science as a driving force for a new paradigm of transparent science., data driven, as well as accelerating innovation.

Open access archives


Archive for economists, supported by the American Economic Association (AEA). Provides information on the content of journals and links to full-text AEA journals, annotations, databases, as well as information on conferences and grants.

The largest free archive of electronic publications of scientific articles on physics, mathematics, astronomy, computer science and biology. Articles in arXiv are taught by scientists, working in different countries. Most articles are written in English. You can publish the article in another language provided, that the title and annotation itself will be written in English. It is possible to subscribe to the list of new articles with annotations. You can subscribe to all articles, or on the article only on the necessary subject.


The resource provides access to materials from Australian universities and research centers, including dissertations, preprints, magazine articles, chapters from books, music and photos are just around the corner 500 thousand. documents. The site is maintained by the National Library of Australia.


ChemRxiv is a free archive service for unpublished preprints in the field of chemistry and related fields. Preprints can improve the reliability of research results, promoting broad cooperation, accelerating the exchange of research results, and ensure greater transparency of the communication cycle and the availability of conclusions.
ChemRxiv is managed by the American Chemical Society, which is a non-profit and the world's largest scientific society.


Cognitive Science EPrint Archive is an open archive of cognitive sciences (psychology, neurology, linguistics, Computer Science, philosophy, biology).


The world's largest collection of scientific papers with open access. CORE is a non-profit service, provided by the Open University and Jisc.
CORE's mission is to integrate all the results of open access research from repositories and journals around the world and make it publicly available. So, CORE facilitates free unrestricted access to research for all.


Electronic Archiving System of the Institute DANS (Data Archiving and Networked Services) - electronic archiving system of the Institute of Data Archiving and Network Services (Netherlands). EASY provides access to a huge amount of data in the collection of data archiving and network services. The files are available for download for free. Some documents do not have a link to the full text. The resource can be used to archive research data.


The electronic archive of doiSerbia contains more 47900 full text articles from 66 Serbian leading scientific journals, published on the terms of free access. The subject matter of the materials is diverse - natural, social sciences, medicine, etc.. Depth of archive - with 2002 p.

Re3data is a global registry of research repositories from all disciplines. It provides an overview of existing research repositories, to help researchers determine the appropriate repository for their data and, so, comply, set out in the data policy.
Re3data promotes a culture of data exchange, expanded access and better visibility of research data. The register started working in the fall 2012 year and is funded by the German Science Foundation (DFG).

Electronic journal library (EZB)

Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek - electronic library of journals at the library of the University of Regensburg; access to the content of journals and full texts of articles.


International open electronic archive in the field of library and information sciences. Includes more 20 thousand. documents.
The E-LIS archive is built on the principles of open access (open access) and self-archiving (self-archiving). The author can independently send to E-LIS any finished work (including unpublished). If necessary, you can include multiple files (example, with the text of the report at the conference and presentation).
Registered users can subscribe to the newsletter about the latest arrivals in the archive.


International Renaissance Foundation 1999 p. has launched the Electronic Information for Libraries project in Ukraine (EIFL Direct), which is a joint initiative of the Open Society Institute (Budapest) and the world's largest publisher of EBSCO periodicals.
EIFL offers more 3 000 full-text ezines, newspapers, news bulletins, close 1 300 brochures and reference books mainly from social sciences and humanities. Medical database (MEDLINE) also included in the project. Getting the latest information is an urgent need of scientists, teachers, students, research institutions, government structures of any country. However, most libraries in Ukraine do not have the funds to subscribe to foreign printed scientific periodicals. The project gives libraries permanent access to a wide range of scientific journals from around the world in electronic format.
The Open Society Institute was organized by the Consortium, uniting 39 countries participating in the project, among which - Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Republic of Macedonia, South Africa, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Ukraine, Czech Republic and others.
The EIFL project offers: 3 248 names of full-text electronic versions of magazines, newspapers, news digests; 1 305 full-text electronic versions of reference books and brochures.

EIFL Open Access programme

Open access program of the international consortium EIFL (The EIFL Open Access programme) creates an opportunity to launch and maintain open archives to increase the transparency of research and use their results.

Genamics Journal Seek
The largest systematized database of ezines in free access. The database currently contains more 105 thousand. full names, 42 508 titles of magazines 6 617 publishing houses. Information about the magazines includes a description of the topic, abbreviation, link to the home page of the magazine, category and ISSN. The resource allows you to quickly identify potential journals for publication of your research, and also allows you to find new magazines, of interest in a particular field of research.
ICPSR Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research
The resource provides access to the archive of data on sociological research for scientific purposes (more 13 800 research). The resource is the world's largest archive of electronic data on the social sciences: political science, sociology, demography, economy, history, justice, Foreign Policy, countering terrorism, education, racial and ethnic minorities, psychology, law and much more.

Internet Archive

The archive collects texts, copies of web pages, graphic materials, video- and audio recordings, Software. The archive provides long-term archiving of the collected material and free access to its databases.


Electronic archive of scientific journals published by Stanford University. Subject: biology, biomedicine, physiology, clinical medicine, psychiatry, etc.. field of medicine and related sciences, as well as the social sciences. HighWire provides free full-text access to over 2,4 million. articles.


The main portal of Croatian open access scientific journals. Includes 477 magazines, 189 658 full texts of articles. The portal presents publications on natural sciences, technical and humanities.

MDPI Molecular Diversity Preservation International

Platform of open access scientific journals, issued by MDPI with 1996 p. and are provided free of charge to users.

NARCIS – National Academic Research and Collaborations Information System

The information system of the national academic research and cooperation of the Netherlands provides access to scientific publications (over 2 million - 320 thousand. of which in the public domain): dissertations and research projects of scientific institutions of the Netherlands. NARCIS was developed to search for Dutch research.


RePEc is the result of the joint efforts of hundreds of volunteers from 90 countries to enhance the dissemination of research in the field of economics and related sciences. The heart of the project is a decentralized bibliographic database of working papers, magazine articles, books and individual chapters of books and software components, supported by volunteers. RePEc databases include: over 1 900 archives, 2 800 magazines and 4 500 series of working papers. Registered close 50 000 authors; weekly e-mail - 75 000 subscribers.


The site provides online access to the collection of ezines, issued in the Republic of South Africa - SA ePublications. From 264 journals in various fields of science, technology and business 43 magazines - in free access.

SciELO – Scientific electronic library online

Latin American Scientific Electronic Library Online. The resource contains over 1 285 scientific journals of free access in full-text format, over 745 thousand. articles, 16 million citations from different countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Spain, Portugal, Venezuela. Magazines are mostly in Spanish and Portuguese, but there is also English.

The ticTOCs Journal Tables of Contents

JournalTOCs are the largest, free collection of contents of scientific journals (KTVA): over 32 thousand. magazines, including 14 thousand. selected Open Access logs and almost 12 thousand. hybrid magazines from 3 238 publishing houses.
JournalTOCs for researchers, students, librarians and those, who is looking for the latest scientific articles.
After registration, the site provides a personal account for working with the database.

Specialized search engines

The Austrian Library Network

The Austrian Library Network introduces its new search engine. The new search engine is a central starting point for searching for scientific literature in the funds of the country's institutions.

Google Patents

Special search engine for patents. The base is over 7 million full texts of documents.

Google Scholar

A free search engine is available, which indexes the full text of scientific publications of all formats and disciplines. Beta release date - November 2004 p. The Google Scholar Index includes most of the peer-reviewed online journals of Europe and America's largest scientific publishers. It is similar in function to the freely available Scirus systems from Elsevier, CiteSeerX і getCITED. It also looks like tools, based on subscription, such as Scopus from Elsevier and Web of Science. Google Scholar's advertising slogan - "stand on the shoulders of giants" - is a tribute to scientists, who have contributed to their industries over the centuries, providing a basis for new scientific advances.


Search service (acts from 1998 p.) in over 300 world magazines and publications in the field of management, economy, computer science, techniques, education, sports, art, etc..

HighWire Press

HighWire Press is an electronic archive of the Stanford University Library. Contains more 1 thousand. magazines, more 2 million full-text peer-reviewed articles in free Internet access.

WorldCat & OAIster

WorldCat is the world's largest portal for library information and services. Considering that, that libraries from different countries are connected to the WorldCat system, it contains materials in many languages. WorldCat allows you to search for books, music discs, videos and available for download audiobook. As a result of the search you can get quotes with links to the original articles, documents and photos, as well as digital versions of rare objects, which will be inaccessible to the general public. OAIster is a consolidated directory, containing millions of records, collected on open access resources around the world, using the OAI-PMH protocol. To date, OAIster includes more 30 million records, which represent electronic resources more than 1 500 participants. OAIster search results are published along with search results in many thousands of libraries.
Languages: English, Spanish, Italian, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, German, Dutch, Portuguese, Thai, French, Czech, Japanese.

Search for scientific articles in free access (over 1,8 million articles) and an online forum for scientific discussions.

Scientific Commons

The resource allows you to search for scientific information: articles, dissertations and publications, which is public property (more 16 million publications in various fields, over 6 million authors). IN 2019 p. integrated with Creative Commons and is no longer a separate project.


Global science portal, which includes 62 national and international scientific databases and portals. provides a single database search around the world.

Open Access Button

Open Access Button is a browser plug-in, which allows users to report cases, when they cannot access the article.
When a user reports not being able to access an article with a survey result, The Open Access Button saves the user's location, his profession and reason, through which he sought precisely this study. This information is then mapped to create an interactive picture of real-time open access issues. Open Access Button is integrated with social networks and allows you to tell about the problem of access to colleagues.
The open access button can be used by anyone from anywhere in the world, regardless, whether she is a scientist and for what reason she is looking for information about research.

Open Science Monitor

The new Open Science Monitor project has been implemented by the European Commission. Its ultimate goal is to increase transparency, cooperation, scientific communication and participation in research projects, to accelerate the progress of science.

Ukrainian open access resources
Scientific ㅤ open ㅤ resources

National repository of academic texts

The National Repository is a nationwide distributed electronic database, in which they accumulate, academic texts are preserved and systematized.
The purpose of the National Repository is to make scientific information of Ukraine and the world as accessible as possible for the society, which will promote the development of education, scientific, scientific, technical and innovative activities, by improving access to academic texts and promoting academic integrity.

National Ecological Center of Ukraine

Access to NECU publications on environmental issues, ecology, agriculture, etc..

Scientific electronic library of periodicals of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

The Scientific Electronic Library of Periodicals of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is an open access library and provides free access of readers to scientific information on the Internet with the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, refer to full-text articles, index, that is, use it for a legitimate purpose without financial, legal and technical obstacles, in line with the Budapest Open Access Initiative.

Library of abstracts

Full-text electronic database of dissertation abstracts, protected in Ukraine from 1998 by 2011 рр. Resource of the National Library of Ukraine named after V.. AND. Vernadsky.


Wikisource is a free online library, Wikimedia Foundation project to create a free content library, which would be constantly replenished as original texts, and their translations into any language.


A wiki tutorial is a free online collection, where each visitor can contribute to the writing of educational literature: manuals, recipes, etc.. It is one of the projects of the Wikimedia Foundation and works on the "wiki" technology., anyone can create and edit any wiki page and read it for free, copy, publish and change its content.

Ukrainian science

Ukrainika Naukova is a Ukrainian national abstract database. Founded by the National Library of Ukraine named after V.. AND. Vernadsky and the Institute of Information Registration Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

LibNAS UA Library portal of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

To improve the organization of accounting and monitoring of publishing and publishing activities of the NAS of Ukraine, the Vernadsky National Scientific Library has prepared a concept and test version of the "Library Portal of the NAS of Ukraine" - "LibNAS UA".

Register of scientific professional publications of Ukraine

The Register of Scientific Professional Publications of Ukraine is a reference and information resource, designed to inform the scientific community and improve access to information about Ukrainian scientific publications in various fields of knowledge. Created by specialists of DNU UkrINTEI. Information about scientific professional publications, presented on the resource, updated regularly

ELibUkr Electronic Library of Ukraine: creation of Knowledge Centers in Ukrainian universities

ELibUkr is an innovative project, which unites libraries of higher education institutions, national libraries and other organizations of Ukraine. The aim of the project is to provide access to world scientific information, creation of own academic resources, as well as the integration of Ukrainian science and librarianship into world scientific communication.
The site of the resource in the section "Electronic archives of Ukraine" contains links to existing open e-archives in the institutions of Ukraine.

Scientific periodicals of Ukraine

On the page of the National Library of Ukraine named after. IN. AND. Vernadsky National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine presents open access to scientific journals and collections of scientific papers, issued in Ukraine, mostly for 5 recent years, but there is also a deeper archive.

Project "Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine"
The project "Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine" is a national technological platform, which provides editorial processing, publication and post-publication support of scientific periodicals of Ukraine. The resource is developed on the basis of partnership of publishers and libraries of Ukraine.

Scientific ㅤ ឵ ㅤ institutions ㅤ of Ukraine

Institute for Modernization of Educational Contentand

The purpose of the Institute is scientific and educational support for the modernization of educational content, the process of education, development, socialization of the individual by conducting basic and applied research, scientific and technical (experimental) development and implementation of their results.

Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information

The Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information was established to ensure the implementation and scientific support of measures to implement state policy in the fields of scientific, scientific and technical, innovation and technology transfer.
The mission of the Institute is to provide scientific, scientific, technical and innovative development through expert, information and consulting support.

National Antarctic Science Center

The National Antarctic Research Center is a state scientific institution of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, which organizes annual expeditions to the Ukrainian Antarctic station "Academician Vernadsky" and ensures the operation of the station, coordinates the study of Ukraine in Antarctica. The center was created in 1993 p.
Along with scientific activities, the Center conducts educational work, introducing students, students, the general public with the impact of atmospheric processes in the polar regions of the Earth on the general state of the environment, environmental measures to preserve the planet's resources and unique life forms.

Nikolaev Astronomical Observatory (MAO)

Mykolayiv Observatory is one of the oldest observatories in Eastern Europe, founded in 1821 year as a marine. IN 1992 became an independent scientific institution of Ukraine, and with 2002 of the year - Research Institute "Nikolaev Astronomical Observatory".
Currently, the observatory is working in the following areas: dynamics of bodies of the solar system, study of near-Earth objects, creation of astrometric catalogs of stars, information support of astronomical research, astronomical instrumentation, history of astronomy.

National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

The academy unites full members, corresponding members and foreign members, all scientists of its institutions, organizes and carries out fundamental and applied scientific research on the most important natural problems, technical, social sciences and humanities.

National Library of Ukraine named after. IN. AND. Vernadsky

National Library of Ukraine named after V.. AND. Vernadsky - the main all-Ukrainian book collection, nationwide comprehensive library and information, research, scientific-methodical and cultural-educational center, the largest in terms of documentary and information resources book depository of Ukraine.
The library acts as a national center for biographical research: develops theoretical and scientific-methodical problems of Ukrainian biography, formation of databases of biographical information, coordination of research nationwide, collecting and publishing materials of biographies of Ukrainian figures, almanacs, directories, creates resources of the electronic Ukrainian biographical dictionary, electronic scientific and information resource "Ukrainian National Biographical Archive".

Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

The Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was founded 17 July 1944 p. on the initiative of a famous scientist, astronomer and geophysicist, Alexander Yakovlevich Orlov.
The observatory occupies a leading position in many branches of astronomy, such as: study of the Earth's rotation and construction of coordinate systems in outer space, physics of the photosphere of the Sun and bodies of the Solar system, formation and evolution of stars and galaxies, etc..

Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

The Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is the main institution in the structure of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, carrying out research activities in the field of archeology and ancient history of Ukraine. The Institute of Archeology is part of the Department of History, philosophy and law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
The main task of the Institute is to carry out basic and applied research, comprehensive study of archeological monuments of Ukraine in order to obtain scientific knowledge in the field of archeology and ancient history of Ukraine.

Institute of Biochemistry. ABOUT. IN. Palladin of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

The institute was established and operates to conduct research, aimed at obtaining and using new knowledge in the field of animal and human biochemistry, molecular biology, bioinformatics and biotechnology, nanobiotechnology, as well as for work, aimed at drug development, preparations of biologically active substances, diagnostics and biosensors, means for medical practice, agriculture and veterinary medicine, etc., bringing scientific and scientific and technical developments to the stage of practical use, training of scientific personnel, social satisfaction, economic needs and innovative development of the country.

Institute of Geophysics. FROM. AND. Subbotin of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Scientific directions of activity of the Institute of Geophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine:
– study of deep structure, of tectonic geodynamics of continental and oceanic lithosphere using geophysical methods (seismic and gravimetric);
– theory development, equipment methods, automated systems for geophysical research, as well as processing and interpretation of results;
– conducting geophysical studies of the environment to study and predict seismic hazards and other threatening natural phenomena;
– study of the basic principles of nonequilibrium geophysics and its use for the development of new technologies, intensification of hydrocarbon exploitation techniques.

Institute of Hydromechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Here you will find information about the work of the institute, services provided, scientific developments, conferences and more.

Institute of Electric Welding named after. IS. ABOUT. Paton of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Institute of Electric Welding named after. IS. ABOUT. Paton National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is a scientific and technical complex, which includes: research design and technology bureau, experimental production, research plants, a number of engineering centers, training and certification centers.
One of the main activities of the Institute is the training of scientific personnel through doctoral and postgraduate studies, as well as engineering staff - in cooperation with NTUU "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Igor Sikorsky".
The institute publishes scientific journals "Automatic welding", "Technical diagnostics and non-destructive testing", "Modern electrometallurgy", conducts scientific conferences and seminars, organizes national and international exhibitions.

Institute of General Energy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

The Institute is a part of the Department of Physical and Technical Problems of Energy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The main task of the Institute is to qualitatively and operatively solve key problems of development and functioning of national energy in the conditions of Ukraine's integration into the world energy market and increase of energy and economic security..

Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry. IN. AND. Vernadsky National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is one of the oldest scientific institutions of chemical profile, founded at the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, a powerful center of chemical science in Ukraine.
One of the most important areas of the Institute's work since the 1920s is research in the field of physical chemistry and electrochemistry of aquatic, non-aqueous and molten electrolytes.
The research strategy of the Institute is based on elucidating the fundamental laws of chemical and electrochemical transformations of matter and is focused on solving relevant to the innovative development of the state and relevant to the Institute of chemical and technological problems.

Institute of Cybernetics. IN. M. Glushkova NAS of Ukraine

From the first years of activity at the Institute conducted deep theoretical research in the field of optimization theory, abstract and applied theory of automata, theory of discrete converters.
A number of informational medical ones have been developed and implemented, biological and diagnostic systems. In the first years of the Institute's existence, an "artificial heart-lung" device was created to support human life during heart operations.. Subsequently, the "Myoton" devices were developed and are still widely used in medical practice for the treatment of patients., "Myostimulus" and their modifications.

Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

During its existence, the Institute of Mathematics has fulfilled its main purpose - to conduct basic research and training highly qualified scientific personnel.. In the process of this work, well-known scientific schools were established at the Institute, which continue to function to this day.
The Institute of Mathematics is the founder and co-founder of six publications. Among them are five magazines: “Nonlinear oscillations” (Monday - Friday: 1998 p.), “Ukrainian Mathematical Bulletin” (Monday - Friday: 2004 p.), “Ukrainian Mathematical Journal” (Monday - Friday: 1949 p.), Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology (Monday - Friday: 1995 p.), Theory of Stоchasitc Processes (Monday - Friday: 1995 p.) and “Collection of scientific works of the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine” (Monday - Friday: 2004 p).

Institute of Problems of Mathematical Machines and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

The main activities according to the Charter of the Institute - the creation of scientific foundations, development and implementation of information technologies in the national economy and defense of the state, automated systems for various purposes, computer facilities and their software systems.

Institute of Problems of Materials Science named after. AND. M. Frantsevich NAS of Ukraine

The main direction of scientific activity of the Institute was based on the global idea of ​​I. M. Frantsevych - to create new materials with specified properties for extreme operating conditions based on the results of basic research in the field of physical and inorganic chemistry, physical materials science, solid state physics, mechanics of a deformed solid.

Institute of Information Registration Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

In order to improve the organization of work in the field of creating optical storage devices and their fastest introduction into the national economy on the basis of the Department of Optical and Mechanical Storage at the Institute of Modeling Problems in Energy of the USSR Academy of Sciences was established Institute of Information Registration Academy of Sciences.
The main directions of scientific activity of the Institute are:
- physical foundations, principles, methods and systems of registration and transformation of information, creation of technology for long-term storage of digital information;
- theoretical bases and applied methods of creation of computer information-analytical systems, research and development of methods of information protection in computer systems and networks, creation of decision support systems;
- development of methods for creating a system of computer networks of data banks, databases and knowledge bases;
- creation of systems for reproduction of information from rare media;
- theoretical bases and applied methods of computer modeling;
- creation of automated real-time monitoring systems for many moving objects.

Institute of Theoretical Physics. Bogolyubov NAS of Ukraine

Institute of Theoretical Physics. M. M. Bogolyubova of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine occupies a leading position as in Ukraine, and abroad in a number of areas of solid state theory, theories of the nucleus and nuclear reactions, mathematical methods in quantum field theory, plasma theory, statistical physics, particle theory and astrophysics, quantum molecule theory and quantum biophysics.
The Institute is the basic institution of the leading scientific publication of the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine "Ukrainian Physical Journal".
Institute of Theoretical Physics. M. M. Bogolyubova is the coordinator of works on the creation of the first grid segment in Ukraine, combining computing resources of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and a number of institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Much attention is paid to the training of scientific personnel.

Institute of Physiology. ABOUT. ABOUT. Worshipers

Institute of Physiology. ABOUT. ABOUT. Bogomolets National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was founded 1953 as a result of the merger of the Institute of Experimental Biology and Pathology of the Ministry of Health of the Ukrainian SSR and the Institute of Clinical Physiology of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR.
The scientific activity of the institutes was of great importance for the development of physiology. Allergies have been studied and researched in these institutes, immunity, hypoxia and tumor development, as well as the most important issues of endocrinology, gerontology and geriatrics.
Institute of Physiology. ABOUT. ABOUT. Bogomolets is a research center in the field of molecular physiology, biophysics, neurophysiology, pathological physiology.

Institute of Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

The Institute of Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is a research institution of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The main tasks of IFKS NAS of Ukraine are to conduct basic research in the field of theoretical physics and condensed matter physics; training of highly qualified personnel; dissemination of research results.

Institute of Semiconductor Physics. IN. IS. Lashkareva National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Institute of Semiconductor Physics named after V. IS. Lashkarev NAS of Ukraine was founded in 1960 on the basis of departments and laboratories of the Institute of Physics of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
The institute was established and operates to conduct research, aimed at obtaining and using new knowledge in the field of physics, semiconductor physics and materials science, bringing scientific and scientific knowledge to the stage of practical use, training of highly qualified scientific personnel, social satisfaction, economic and cultural needs and innovative development of the country. The institute carries out research activities, associated with the use of precious metals and precious stones and other materials.

Carpathian Branch of the Institute of Geophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

KV IGF NAS of Ukraine played a significant role in the development of seismological, magnetotelluric and geomagnetic research in the Carpathian region. The department provides scientific and methodological guidance to the Carpathian Research and Methodological Party, which provides seismic forecasting works on the network of geophysical stations in the Carpathian region, provides scientific, technical and methodological assistance in performing observations and data processing.

Institute of Nuclear Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Fundamental and applied developments in low- and medium-energy nuclear physics have been identified as the main directions of nuclear research., reactor physics, promising problems of nuclear energy and research on the use of isotopes and nuclear radiation in the national economy.
The institute conducts fundamental and applied research and development in the following areas:
– nuclear physics, particle physics and high energies;
– nuclear energy;
– radiation physics and reactor materials science;
– plasma physics and controlled thermonuclear fusion;
– nuclear, radiation and technogenic-ecological safety.
Initiated in the institute medical and biological research on the treatment of cancer by neutron irradiation was brought to practical application in the treatment of patients. Together with medical institutions of Ukraine, work was carried out to obtain radiopharmaceuticals at the nuclear-physical facilities of the INR..

Scientific and Technological Complex "Institute of Single Crystals" of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Scientific and Technological Complex "Institute of Single Crystals" of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is a leading research center, in which interdisciplinary research is conducted in many priority areas of modern materials science, physics, chemistry, biology and medicine. The complex carries out a full cycle of scientific developments - from the idea and basic research to the practical creation of materials and finished equipment based on them and the organization of production. Over the years of the institution's existence, its scientists have developed a number of unique intellectual materials and technologies, including such, having no analogues in the world.

Radio Astronomical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

The Radio Astronomical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was established in 1985 on the basis of the Department of Radio Astronomy of the Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics of NASU.
RI NASU is the main scientific organization in Ukraine in the field of radio astronomy and radiophysical space research.
The main scientific directions of the institute:
– development of the theory and physical principles of creation of radio telescopes and improvement of tool base for radio astronomical researches;
– conducting radio astronomical research in a wide range of radio waves;
– study of the Earth and planets, near-Earth and interplanetary space by methods of radio astronomy and remote sensing.

SKTB with research production of the Institute of Strength Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

State Enterprise "Special Design and Technology Bureau of the Institute of Strength Problems. D. FROM. Pisarenko National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine "was created in 1972 p. The main activity of SKTB is the development of equipment for testing materials and structural elements in extreme conditions, creation of non-standard scientific and technological equipment.

Physico-Mechanical Institute named after. Karpenko NAS of Ukraine

Physico-Mechanical Institute named after. D. IN. Karpenko NAS of Ukraine, known in Ukraine and the world as a research center in the field of fracture mechanics and strength of materials, physico-chemical processes of corrosion, non-destructive testing of defects in materials and technical diagnostics of structures and environments.
The institute is developing advanced technologies, methods and means of technical diagnostics using eddy current, ultrasonic, acoustic emission, magnetic and vibration flaw detection.
The institute pays considerable attention to the development of the experimental base, in particular:
– operation of the URAN-3 radio interferometer, which is the national heritage of Ukraine;
– of development of researches in the field of ecological monitoring of Shatsk National Natural Park within the framework of activity of Shatsk interdepartmental research laboratory, which was established in accordance with the resolutions of the WFTM Bureau and the Bureau of the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine;
– the center of collective use of scientific devices "Center of electron microscopy and X-ray microanalysis" is created, purchased at the expense of the NAS of Ukraine.

Physical and Technical Institute of Low Temperatures named after. B. I. Verkina NAS of Ukraine

The mission of the institute is to conduct basic and applied research in the field of physics and mathematics at the global level to obtain fundamentally new knowledge and find ways to put it into practice in order to respond as quickly as possible to today's challenges.; preserving and enhancing the role of domestic science as an important factor in modernizing the country; increase in the contribution of FTINT them. B. AND. Verkin National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in ensuring effective economic and social development of Ukraine, its defense capabilities and national security.

National Institute for Strategic Studiesb

The National Institute for Strategic Studies is the basic research institution for scientific and analytical support of the President of Ukraine., National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine.
The institute carries out scientific-analytical and forecast researches of problems of development of Ukraine, its national security. The institute prepares and submits to the President of Ukraine, Analytical materials to the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, drafts of program documents and normative legal acts.
The scientific achievements of the Institute are covered in monographs, scientific and analytical materials, analytical reports, scientific articles. These scientific products are published in the form of books, collections, periodicals, in electronic form on the Internet.

National Research Center "Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology"

Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology, one of the oldest and largest centers of physical science in Ukraine, was created in 1928 year in order to develop current research areas.
Distinctive features of the institute have always been a combination of a fundamental approach to solving problems with the practical orientation of work and the breadth of research. The latter circumstance played an important role in the formation of several large scientific institutions on the basis of CIPT.: Physical and Technical Institute of Low Temperatures of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics of NASU, etc..
The main scientific directions of the NSC KIPT's work are:
– solid state physics; physics of radiation phenomena and radiation materials science; materials technology;
– plasma physics and controlled thermonuclear fusion;
– nuclear physics, physics of electromagnetic interactions, physics and technology of electronic accelerators;
– plasma electronics and physics of high-current beams; physics and technology of heavy charged particle accelerators; new methods of acceleration;
– theoretical physics.

Electronic ㅤ libraries ㅤ and ㅤ archives


This is a joint project of the Center for Liberation Movement Studies, Lviv National University named after. AND. Franko and the National Museum-Memorial to the Victims of Occupation Regimes "Lontsky Prison".
The project aims to provide open access to electronic copies of documents on the history of the Ukrainian liberation movement in the XX century.

Ukrainika Electronic Library

Ukrainika is a national reference and information and documentary resource of archives, handwritten and printed sources, created in Ukraine and in other states - about Ukraine, her story, economy, culture, which is created on the basis of accounting and accumulation of documentary heritage of the Ukrainian people.
The National Library of Ukraine named after V.. AND. Vernadsky. The main tasks of the Ukrainika project are:
– providing the general public with access to state and national documents;
– providing users with a single entry point to search for different types and thematic orientation of Ukrainian resources;
– collection and archiving of network electronic resources of Ukraine (primarily electronic versions of books and periodicals);
– ensuring the preservation of rare library and archival funds of Ukraine in electronic form;
– creation on the basis of resources of electronic library of personal, thematic and problem-oriented electronic collections;
– popularization of the Ukrainian language and culture, distribution of Ukrainian literature for Ukrainian-speaking foreign users;
– creating the possibility of using the funds of the electronic library in research, in educational processes, as well as to promote the image of Ukraine in the world.

Library of the Chersonesos Museum

Bibliotheca Chersonessitana contains digitized rare editions of the XIX - early XX centuries: "Notes of the Odessa Society of History and Antiquities", "News of the Imperial Archaeological Commission", "News of the Russian Archaeological Institute in Constantinople", "News of the Tavricheskaya Scientific Archival Commission", "News of the Tauride Society of History, Archeology and Ethnography ", "Reports of the Archaeological Commission", as well as the publication of the Chersonese Museum and more.

Civil society and government

Government information and communication resource, designed to facilitate the interaction of citizens and their associations with the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the executive authorities.


Diasporiana Electronic Library is a project to preserve the intellectual heritage of Ukrainian emigration. Contains rare publications of various orientations.

"Listen" online library of audio books in Ukrainian

The library entered 100 audiobooks of classical Ukrainian prose and poetry from the school curriculum and works of modern writers with author's reading. The works were read by the presenters, actors and musicians, including Valery Kharchyshyn, Dasha Astafyeva, Bogdan Benyuk, Dasha Kolomiets, Alexander Yarmak, Yevhen Halych.


History of Ukraine IX-XVIII centuries.: primary sources and interpretations - a project of an electronic library of ancient Ukrainian literature. The library is a selection of e-books and texts, united by a single idea and theme. The idea of ​​the project is to seek to collect as many works of Ukrainian literature as possible, not just as a random set of texts from different times and authors., but also against the background of a holistic cultural and historical process.

Culture of Ukraine: electronic library

The electronic library includes resources, that are physically stored in library collections, museums and other cultural institutions and those, which are provided by the authors under the agreement on the right to use the object of copyright. The theme of the formation of the EB fund is the theme "Culture of Ukraine".
The EB fund consists of four collections:
1) History of culture. Theory of culture. Culturology;
2) Art;
3) Ethnography;
4) Cultural institutions.

UkrLib Ukrainian Library

UkrLib is a library of Ukrainian literature. The site is presented 380 biographies of Ukrainian writers, literary encyclopedia, 700 works on Ukrainian literature on free topics, 740 abstracts, folk art of Ukraine, short translation of works, literary-critical articles, modern Ukrainian literature.


Library of Ukrainian poetry. in addition, the resource contains Ukrainian translations of classical works, lyrics of folk and modern songs.

Books in Ukrainian

Library of free books on various topics in Ukrainian.

Open ㅤ E-Archives ㅤ in ㅤ instructions ㅤ Ukraine


Multidisciplinary open electronic archive for Ukrainian scientists. Accumulates, saves, distributes and provides long lasting, constant and reliable access to research results (articles, training materials, presentations, etc.) Ukrainian scientists. After registration, everyone has the opportunity to post the full texts of their own publications.

ARRChNU - Scientific repository of Chernivtsi National University. YU. Fedkovich

eaDNURT - Electronic archive (repository) Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician Lazaryan

eaNUPh - Electronic archive of the National University of Pharmacy

Electronic repository of the Donetsk Institute of Railway Transport of the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport

eEast-UkrNUIR - Institutional Repository of East Ukrainian National University named after. Vladimir Dahl

eIR NUOS - Institutional Repository of Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding

eKhNUIR - Electronic archive of Kharkiv National University named after V.. N. Karazina

eKhSUIR - Electronic archive-repository of Kherson State University

eKMAIR - Electronic archive of the National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy"

eKSPUIR - Institutional repository (archive) scientific publications of Kirovohrad State Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Vynnychenko

ELAKPI – Electronic archive of scientific and educational materials of KPI named after. Igor Sikorsky

ElArKhADI - Digital archive of Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University

ElarKhNU - Institutional Repository of Khmelnytsky National University

ElarKPNU - Institutional Repository of Kamyanets-Podilsky National University

eIRAISE - Electronic Institutional Repository of the Municipal Higher Educational Institution of the Kyiv Regional Council "Academy of Continuing Education"

ELARTU - Institutional Repository of Ternopil State Technical University named after Ivan Pulyuy

elONUar - Electronic archive-repository of Odessa National University. AND. AND. Мечникова

eOSAUIR - Institutional repository of Odessa State Agrarian University

ENPUIR - Archive of scientific publications of the National Pedagogical University. M. Драгоманова

eNTUKhPIIR - Electronic archive of the National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic University"

eNUFTIR - Electronic archive of the National University of Food Technologies

eNULAUIR - Electronic archive-repository of Yaroslav the Wise National Law University

eNUOLAIR - Electronic archive of the National University "Odessa Law Academy"

eNUUPESIR - Electronic archive of the National University of Physical Education and Sport

eONEU - Electronic Institutional Repository of Odessa National Economic University

eONPUIR - Electronic archive of scientific and educational materials of Odessa National Polytechnic University

ePHSHEIR - Electronic archive of Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky State Pedagogical University named after Hryhoriy Skovoroda

ePNTUIR - Institutional Repository of Poltava National Technical University named after Yuri Kondratyuk

erKNUTD - Electronic archive of Kyiv National University of Technology and Design

erNAU - Institutional repository of the National Aviation University

ErUCU - Electronic repository of the Ukrainian Catholic University

eScriptorium - an archive of rare publications and manuscripts for science and education

eSNUIR - Institutional Repository of Volyn National University. Lesya Ukrainka

eSSUIR - Electronic archive of Sumy State University

eUSPUIR - Institutional repository of Uman State Pedagogical University named after Pavel Tychyna

EZTUIR - Electronic archive of Zhytomyr State Technological University

IRChNUT - Electronic archive of Chernihiv National Technological University

iRKNEU - Institutional Repository of Vadym Hetman Kyiv National University of Economics

iRVNTU - Institutional Repository of Vinnytsia National Technical University

IRZNAU - Electronic archive of Zhytomyr National Agroecological University

IRZNTU - Electronic Institutional Repository of Zaporizhia National Technical University

KhNMU - Repository of Kharkiv National Medical University

KhNUIAIR - Institutional repository of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs

NUBIP - Repository of master's theses of NUBIP of Ukraine (now available from the university's local network)

Old Printed Books is a repository of European rare editions (Scientific Library named after. M. Maksymovych Kyiv National University named after. T. Shevchenko)

ONMUIR - Institutional Repository of Odessa National Medical University (IRONMEDU)

OSACEAeR is a repository of the Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

eIR PSTU - Electronic archive of Azov State Technical University

Electronic library of Zhytomyr State University

Electronic library of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine

Electronic archive of open access of Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

Electronic archive of Donetsk National Technical University (m. Pokrovsk)

Electronic archive of Zaporizhia State Medical University

Electronic archive of Poltava National Pedagogical University named after V.. D. Короленка

Electronic archive of Poltava University of Economics and Trade

Electronic institutional repository of Mariupol State University

Electronic scientific archive of the Scientific and Technical Library of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic"

Electronic repository of Uzhhorod National University

Electronic repository of the National Academy of Internal Affairs

Electronic repository of Odessa National University named after I.. AND. Мечникова

Electronic repository of Ternopil National Economic University

Electronic repository of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

Electronic repository of scientific publications of Odessa State University of Internal Affairs

Electronic repository of scientific publications of the University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine

irNASAA - Institutional Repository of the State Institution of Higher Education “National Academy of Statistics, accounting and auditing "

Institutional repository of the Nikolaev national agrarian university

Institutional repository of the National Mining University of Ukraine (now National Technical University "Dnieper Polytechnic")

Institutional repository of Borys Hrinchenko University of Kyiv

Institutional repository of Ternopil National Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Hnatyuk

Institutional repository of the Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University

Scientific electronic library of periodicals of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Repository of the Odessa National Academy of Communications named after. ABOUT. FROM. Popova

Repository of Kharkiv Humanities University "People's Ukrainian Academy"

Repository of Semyon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

Repository (electronic archive) Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy

Repository of the Central Ukrainian National Technical University

Digital archive of the National University "Ostroh Academy"

Digital Repository - Intellectual Funds of Bukovynian State Medical University

Digital repository of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University

Digital repository of the National University of Water Management and Environmental Sciences

Digital repository of Kharkiv National University of Municipal Economy named after. ABOUT. M. Beketova

Repository of the National Library of Ukraine named after V.. AND. Vernadsky

Electronic libraries
Polythematic ㅤ libraries


Full-text English-language medical journals, social, biological, physical, legal sciences, arts and education.


Portal of open access academic journals (over 7 000). You can search by category, language or presence in databases: Scopus, PubMed, CONTENT Master.

World Digital Library (WDL)

The World Digital Library is a project of the Library of Congress, with the support of the United Nations Educational Program, culture and science (UNESCO) and in collaboration with libraries, archives, museums, educational institutions and international organizations from around the world.
As part of the objects, presented on the website of the World Digital Library, manuscripts are included, cards, rare books, musical scores, movies, pictures, photos and architectural drawings. The library contains documents 40 languages ​​of the world.


Europeana Digital Library provides access to digitized library holdings, archives, museums of EU member states. The project has officially started 20 November 2008 year, by this time it had already been digitized 2 million different European cultural heritage sites. Europeana collections now provide access to more than 50 million digitized elements - books, music, works of art, etc.. - with sophisticated search and filtering tools, which will help find that, what are you looking for.

Library of Congress

Library of Congress - National Library of the United States and a research unit of the US Congress. It is the largest book depository and one of the most important libraries in the world.
Library of Congress, like many other libraries, digitizes its collections, it now has one of the largest and highest quality electronic libraries. First of all, the rarest collections and those are digitized, which are not available anywhere else. Digitization allows free access to materials, which require special care. The growing collection contains books, digitized photos, manuscripts, cards, audio- and videos, as well as Internet sites.

Project Gutenberg

The site has collected more 54 000 free ebooks in different languages. English language versions prevail, there are also books in French, in Italian, in Portuguese and German. The library has a wide range of categories - from fiction to educational literature. The books are available for download in various formats. in addition, they can be quickly uploaded to the cloud via Dropbox services, Google Drive і Microsoft OneDrive.

Open Library

Open Library is an online archive project, designed to create “one web page for each book, ever published ». Open Library is a project of the non-profit organization Internet Archive. Partially funded by grants from the California State Library (California State Library) and the Calais-Austin Foundation (Kahle / Austin Foundation).


The OAPEN library contains freely available scientific books, mainly in the humanities and social sciences. OAPEN works with publishers to create a collection of open access books, and provides services to publishers, libraries and research sponsors in the field of deposit, quality assurance, distribution and preservation of digital resources.


Gallica is an online library of the National Library of France. All materials of the library are freely available (more 4 million documents). The library contains the following types of documents: books, magazines, newspapers, photos, cartoons, cry, cards, manuscripts, scores, audio materials, book miniatures.

The Questia Online Library

English-language online library provides access to collections of books and journal articles in the humanities and social sciences. The resource contains over 83 thousand. full text scientific books from 1 000 publishers and 10 million articles of leading newspapers, special and popular magazines. Questia offers quality sources, selected by librarians and approved by professors, many of which are peer-reviewed.

Wiley Online Library

Blackwell Publishing is one of the world's best-known publishers of natural science magazines, public, humanities and medicine. Thanks to the open access program, it helps to improve the transparency of research and adhere to open access mandates by increasing the availability of research.

World Bank – World Development Indicators (WDI) Online

The supplier of the resource is the World Bank. The database contains information on economic development more than 200 countries, starting with 1960 year. Development indicators (600) concerning demographics, finance, social aspects, Health Care, environment. The program has a clear search engine. The results can be scaled, indexed by a fixed year, viewed on a percentage scale and displayed in the form of charts. Data output is possible in different formats, including Excel spreadsheets.

American Memory

The American Memory Project is created by the Library of Congress as a gateway to online collections on United States history and culture and contains more than 7 million digital documents. A complete list of all digitized collections of the Library of Congress can be found at

California Digital Library (CDL)

The electronic library provides access to scientific materials, Database of journal articles and dissertations, electronic magazines, reference database of the University of California.

Digital Collections: National Library of New Zealand

The electronic collections of the National Library of New Zealand provide access to the texts, images, photos, newspaper articles, audio and video collections, as well as virtual exhibitions. The site is bilingual (Maori and English).

Book Lovers Club

You can read books on the site, listen to audiobooks, watch film adaptations of your favorite works online. You can also download fiction and reference books for free.

Digital library

Catalog of foreign literature of all genres. Business literature, action books, various prose and poetry.


Website, which will definitely be useful for schoolchildren and students. The Info-Library has a full-text library of textbooks, which can be read online.

Bookman's electronic library

The electronic book library is a literature for everyone absolutely free of charge, without registration and SMS. Daily replenishment with new editions, rare books, specialized literature, textbooks, as well as programs for reading and converting various text files.


Presented in the library: Ukrainian essays, astrology, detectives, fiction, encyclopedias and reference books, lyrics, folklore, medicine and computer literature, documentation, religion, philosophy and more.


The Papyrus Literary Project is a large free electronic library. You can download books for free, without registration and SMS, or read online. There is a version for PDA. Base - over 60 000 books. The cloud reader service will allow any visitor to read online e-books in fb2 and epub formats for free and without registration.

Virtual library

The "Virtual Library" project is designed for students of higher educational institutions, students of technical schools and colleges, as well as for a wide range of readers, who are interested in car service problems.

NEL National Electronic Library of the Russian Federation

The purpose of the National Electronic Library is to collect and make available electronic documents, contributing to the preservation and development of national science and culture. Currently, the NEB project is supported by three participants: Russian State Library, Russian National Library and the State Public Scientific and Technical Library of Russia. This portal is the only access point to the full-text electronic collections of the participating libraries.

Electronic Library of the Russian State Library(RGB)

Collection of electronic copies of valuable and most popular printed publications and electronic documents from RDB funds and other sources. The electronic library consists of several collections, includes hundreds of thousands of dissertations, old prints, manuscripts, musical editions and is constantly updated.

Scientific electronic library of the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology

The purpose of the project of the State Public Scientific and Technical Library of Russia is to return rare books to scientific circulation, which reveal the history of science, machinery and technology in Russia. Collections are presented: architecture and construction; geography and geology; road to space; engineering; transport; chemistry.

Electronic library "Scientific heritage of Russia"

The project is designed to preserve and provide public access to the scientific works of Russian scientists and researchers, who worked in various scientific fields. The database allows you to search for the author, names of scientific disciplines. As a result of the search, you can get biographical information about scientists and read the texts of their works.

Scientific Electronic Library "KYBERLENINKA"

KiberLeninka is a scientific electronic library, built on the paradigm of open science (Open Science), the main tasks of which are the popularization of science and scientific activity, public quality control of scientific publications, development of interdisciplinary research, modern institute of scientific review and increasing citations of n science. KiberLeninka supports the dissemination of knowledge on the model of open access (Open Access), providing free online access to scientific publications in electronic form, which depending on the arrangements with the right holder, are placed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC-BY).

Lib.Ru: Library of Maxim Moshkov

The largest free electronic library on the Russian Internet. History literature is presented, policy, philosophy, psychology, fiction, etc.. The library is constantly replenished.

Single window of access to educational resources. Library

Electronic library of educational and methodical literature for general and professional education.

Goomer Library - Humanities

Collection of books on social sciences and humanities: stories, culturology, philosophy, political science, literary studies, linguistics, journalism, psychology, pedagogy, rights, economy, etc..

NeHudLit.Ru Non-fiction library
Large library of literature of non-humanitarian specialties: biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, medicine, machinery, geology, astronomy.

Electronic library of textbooks

Collection of educational literature on socio-economic and humanities.

Coffee room

"Magazine hall" (ЖЗ) is a non-profit literary Internet project, which represents the activities of n thick literary, artistic and humanitarian magazines, coming out in Russia and abroad. Including: Arion, "Friendship of Peoples", "Banner", "Foreign literature", "UFO", "New Youth", "New world", "October" and many others.

Technical sciences

AIP Publishing

AIP Publishing is a non-profit affiliate of the American Institute of Physics (AIP). AIP Publishing's mission is to support charities, scientific and educational goals of AIP through scientific publishing in the field of physics and related sciences. AIP Publishing 's portfolio consists of 20 peer-reviewed journals, including the flagship journals Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Applied Physics та Journal of Chemical Physics, in addition to AIP conference materials.

Index Thomisticus

Index Thomisticus is considered one of the first research projects, which are known today as applied linguistics, humanities and digital humanities. Contains works by Thomas Aquinas (118 texts), and 61 text by other authors.


The best books on mathematics and physics. The library will be useful for students, students, teachers, leaders of circles, as well as for all the curious.
– freely distributed publications on the ICMMO website;
– electronic archive of the magazine "Quantum" (Monday - Friday: 1970 p.);
– electronic archive of the publishing house "MATEZIS" (1904–1925);
– online library on methods of teaching mathematics;
– electronic archive of the journal "Bulletin of Experimental Physics and Elementary Mathematics" (1886–1917).
As well as a full-text archive of many mathematical journals of the RAS.

Perseus Digital Library

A unique project, in which you can freely find many works by ancient authors as Latin, and Greek, and the texts are related to interactive dictionaries.


Website of the American Physical Society. Online center, where electronic versions of articles from almost all major American journals in physics in all fields are collected. Hybrid search engine, access is free, in some cases registration is required.


Books and articles on programming, internet technologies, operating systems, programming languages, DB et al.

Programmer’s Klondike

The electronic library contains many books and articles on computer science.


Many interesting books can be downloaded from the free technical library without registration, magazines, collections, electronic directories, operating instructions, as well as schemes and service manuals (more 20 000 publishing houses, 10 000 schemes and service manuals, 150 000 articles). The library is constantly updated with new materials.


On the site you can for free, without registration download technical literature in the field of mechanical engineering. Book format - djvu and pdf.

Public Electronic Library "PROMETHEUS"

Large collection of literature on technology. The most voluminous sections: "Radio Engineering", "Electronics", "Accessories". There are archives of Radio magazines, "Radio Amateur", "Radio Designer" and others. All books in djvu format, which is very convenient for displaying diagrams and drawings.

Technical Library

Large collection of scientific and technical literature (physics, chemistry, mathematics, mechanics, etc.) - fundamental and scientific-practical works.

The largest library of normative and technical literature - just over 53 thousand. names.

Library of technical literature

Easy to use collection of books. Contains a publication on mechanics, hydraulics, refrigeration equipment, engineering, construction, transport and other industries.

Library of technical literature

A large selection of books from various sections of radio engineering: electrical circuits, electrical engineering, circuitry, electronics, digital devices, basics of digital communication and much more.

Schemes, reference books, programs

You can find TV diagrams on the site, VCRs, car radio, telephones and other household and office appliances, recommendations for equipment repair.

Library of computer literature

Free library of computer and computer related topics (monographs, dissertation, books, articles, news and analytics, lecture notes, essays, textbooks). Subject: first of all the emphasis is on "business topics" (office applications, Email, project management, publishing systems, document management systems, business graphics and presentations), there is also literature on operating environments, systems and shells, programming languages, databases and more.
At the moment the library is close 3 500 documents.

Natural sciences

SPIE Digital Library

Journals and e-books on optics and photonics of the American Society The International Society for Optical Engineering.


The catalog of free full-text magazines is formed in alphabetical order and contains information about those magazines., who publish English-language articles on chemical topics. Only those magazines are included in the Catalog, which provide constant free access to the full texts of articles, and not less than the annual set.

Barcode of Live

Project, which is based on the discovery of Paul Hebert (Paul Hebert, University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada) - determination of differences between species by special characteristics of DNA. Contains free articles on DNA barcode research.

Bioline International

Non-profit service of electronic publications of scientific journals from countries, developing. Free access to full texts of articles from peer-reviewed scientific journals (over 50 names) in biology, medicine and health, issued in countries, developing. In addition to current issues of magazines, the database includes full texts of journal articles, which no longer replenish the base (archive to 2003 year), as well as special publications (ballots, published in South Africa), African demographic research reports. The site contains many useful links to other Internet resources (websites, electronic libraries, electronic directories and archives).

BioMed Central: The Open Access Publisher

Database of the independent publishing house BioMed Central. Access to full texts of articles from biological and medical journals is provided.

Birding News and Features – eBird

The purpose of the site is to make available reports of annual bird watching as amateurs, and professionals. The database contains more than 4 million reports of bird watching in North America.

Cancer GeneticsWeb

The site provides a directory of links to resources about genes, proteins, genetic mutations, associated with cancer and other diseases. Each page contains links to relevant databases.

Darwin Online

The site presents the works of Charles Darwin, prepared by historian Dr. John van Viya (Tembus College, University of Singapore), which are freely available (in pdf format).


Online catalog, comprehensive authoritative resource, containing information about human genetics and genetic phenotypes. Full texts, OMIM abstracts are freely available and contain numerous links to other genetics resources. The resource is updated daily.

Site for chemists with various services, search and library of textbooks on organic, inorganic, physical, colloidal and biochemistry.


The site contains several thousand foreign dissertations. Search by author, name, keyword, subject matter.

Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations

Metasearch system on a distributed database of full-text dissertations, which is created within the framework of the international project Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD). The project contains more 4 million documents.

Theses Canada Portal

Library of dissertations, protected in canada with 1998 p. Full texts in English and French. Digital dissertations on the internet

The project is being developed in Germany. The task of the project is to create full-text databases of dissertations, who are preparing in German universities for degrees. More than one person is involved in the project 70 universities and the National Library of Germany, which is the coordinating center. The search is possible by the name of the educational institution and the author's surname.

OATD (Open Access Theses and Dissertations) strives to be the best resource for finding open access theses and dissertations, published worldwide. Metadata (information about theses) come from over 1 100 colleges, universities and research institutions. The OATD is currently indexing 5 069 860 dissertations and theses.


Contains dissertations from European libraries.
Languages: English and other European.
Number of documents: more 828 thousand. works of scientists from 596 universities 28 European countries.
Open access to full texts for all works.


Contains dissertations and scientific articles of employees of scientific and educational institutions of France.
Languages: mostly English and French.
Number of documents: 1 million.
Open access to full texts for 350 thousand. documents.

CiNii Dissertations

Contains doctoral dissertations of universities and institutes of Japan, as well as bibliographic information from dissertations. Languages: Japanese, English.
Number of documents: 230 thousand. dissertations from the National Diet Library and universities, 600 thousand. bibliographic references.
Open access to the full texts of all works.


Contains dissertations, scientific articles by scientists from leading universities in Spain.
Languages: Spanish and other European.
Number of dissertations: 203 thousand.

Open access to the full texts of all works.

Contains doctoral dissertations of Swedish scientists.
Languages: English.
Number of documents: more 60 thousand.
Open access to full texts 50 % works. - part of the project of information support of higher education with the support of the Ministry of Education of France.
Contains dissertations, protected in French universities.
Languages: French and English.
Number of documents: 370 thousand.
Open access to full texts 50 thousand. works.

Australasian Digital Theses Program

The database of digitized dissertations of Australia and New Zealand contains about one million works.


Lithuanian Academic Electronic Library (eLABa), as a national aggregate open access electronic archive (OA), is an online system for downloading electronic copies of dissertations or abstracts. The purpose of its creation is the collection and storage of scientific products, created by members of the Lithuanian academic community, to ensure open access to full-text documents not only for members of the university community, as well as for society as a whole.


PQDT Open is ProQuest’s UMI Dissertation Publishing database
The main fund - dissertations.
Language: English.
Number of documents: 30 thousand.
Open access to the full texts of all works.


EThOS is a British dissertation service, which aims to maximize the visibility and availability of doctoral dissertations in the UK.
Languages: English.
Number of documents: 450 thousand, of them in the public domain - 160 thousand.

Shodhganga: a reservoir of Indian theses

Contains dissertations, scientific works of scientists from leading universities in India.
Languages: English.
Number of dissertations: 2 million
Open access to the full texts of all works.


Canadian Patents Database

Canadian Patent Search Engine. Simple and convenient search. It is possible to display graphic illustrations for patents. Archive with 1965 year.

Chemical Patent Search

SureChemOpen - free access to chemical patents.

German Patent and Trademark Office

Resource of the State Patent Office of Germany.


Search engine resource of the German Patent Office.

European Patent Office

Resource of the European Patent Office.


Espacenet is a European resource, which provides free access to the database of national patent offices due to its worldwide coverage and simple and functional search.


Advanced patent search from GOOGLE.

Official Gazette for Patents

The Official Patent Bulletin is published weekly only in electronic form and contains a bibliographic text and a representative drawing for each patent., issued.

Patent Searching and Inventing Resources

The FreePatentsOnline is one of the most powerful, fast and easy to use patent search engines.


Search for international and national patent information funds. The uniqueness of the system is, that it allows you to search for patents not only by number, but also by name, as well as to conduct patent searches separately in many countries around the world. The PATENTSCOPE system allows you to search among 77 million patent documents, including 3,6 million published international patent applications (PCT).


Full-text database of US patents (formulas and drawings are attached to each patent).


Resource, giving access to more than 60 patent BD. Allows you to search by name, abstract, the claims, on behalf of the patent owner, in the name of the inventor, description and IPC. Interface in Spanish, in English, in French, in German, in Russian, in Japanese, in Chinese and Korean.

Ukrainian Institute of Intellectual Property (Ukrpatent)

Full-text database of patents of Ukraine.

Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Institute of Industrial Property" (FIPS)

Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Intellectual Property, patents and trademarks.

State Organization "Ukrainian Agency for Copyright and Related Rights"

The Ukrainian Agency for Copyright and Related Rights is an organization of collective management of the rights of music authors, literary, dramatic and other works of art and science. UACRR manages the property rights of Ukrainian authors, and also represents on the territory of Ukraine the interests of foreign rights holders on the basis of agreements on mutual representation with foreign copyright organizations.

Ukrainian Center for Innovation and Patent Information Services

Patent Information Services Department, consulting and promoting innovation.

Open educational resources

Open educational resources (Open Educational Resources, OER) - educational and scientific resources, existing in the public domain or released under license, which allows their free use and modification by third parties. Open educational resources can exist as courses, and in the form of any other means, materials or technologies, which are used to provide access to knowledge.

Open Education Consortium

The Open Education Consortium is a global network of educational institutions, individuals and organizations, which support the approach to education, based on openness, including cooperation, innovation and collective development and the use of open educational materials. The open education consortium is non-profit, social organization, which is registered in the USA and works all over the world.

Open Educational Resources

Collection of links to open educational resources of the world: full university courses, interactive mini-lessons, electronic textbooks, etc..


Ground, where everyone can place their courses (it is possible to do it for free), and to be trained on the placed courses.

Сourse hero

The resource combines several possibilities: access to 30 million educational documents (task, lectures, essays and others.). It is possible to ask questions and talk to experts from different fields. Courses on various topics and special cards for studying subjects are presented.

Google Academy

Free search engine, which provides a full-text search for scientific publications of all formats and disciplines. The search is performed by various sources, including articles, dissertation, books, abstracts and reports, published by publishers of scientific literature, professional associations, institutions of higher education and other scientific organizations.

DSpace @ MIT

The electronic electronic archive of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is open. Over 60 000 documents (articles, working documents, dissertations, etc.) from all fields of knowledge. The most complete collections in mathematics, physics, computer technologies.

Formulas, online guide

Interactive formula guide contains in a concentrated form the basic formulas and information on mathematics, geometry, physics.

Single window of access to educational resources

The electronic library is the largest in the Russian segment of the Internet repository of full-text versions of educational, educational and methodical and scientific materials with open access. The library contains more than 30 thousand. materials, sources of which are more than three hundred Russian universities and other educational and scientific institutions.

Canvas Network

The service provides access to many open courses from various educational institutions around the world, as well as courses of own production.

MOOCs ㅤ -massive ㅤ online ㅤ courses
One type of open educational resource is mass online courses.
MOOCs - online courses with mass interactive participation and open access. They, usually, free (only the certificate is paid), have no restrictions on registration and any preconditions.


MOOC List is an aggregator of information about mass open online courses, conducted by various services and educational institutions.

Platforms ㅤ MOOCs


Codecademy is an interactive online learning platform 12 programming languages: Python, PHP, JavaScript, Ruby, Java and others., as well as working with the jQuery library and web page layout and design languages: HTML і CSS. Codecademy has received many positive reviews from many blogs and sites, including the New York Times and TechCrunch.
Each user has their own profile. To motivate users, there is a system of incentive achievements for performing exercises, course progress indicator, which can be seen by other users of the site. HTML and CSS dictionaries are also available within one course. The site allows everyone to create and publish new courses, using Course Creator.


Connexions is a global archive for viewing and sharing learning materials, as well as an environment for rapid publication of scientific material online. The content of the fund contains educational materials for different groups of users - students, specialists - and organized into small modules (just over 25 thousand), which are easily combined into larger collections or courses (over 1 500 collections).


The commercial organization Coursera was founded in April 2012 p. two Stanford University professors, Dr. Andrew Ngoma and Dr. Daphne Koller. Coursera offers courses in various disciplines, including the humanities, medicine, biology, social science, mathematics, business, computer science and other subjects.


Duolingo is a free platform for learning different languages ​​and crowdsourcing translations. The service is designed as follows, that during the lessons users, in parallel, help translate websites, articles and other documents.

Educational Era (EdEra)

EdEra is a Ukrainian educational project with a social mission: make education high quality and accessible. Access to course materials is completely free.
EdEra Books is a social project of interactive educational literature. Developed by a team of young scientists, programmers, designers and experts. Online books on EdEra consist of illustrated texts with integrated videos and tests to test the acquired knowledge. Allow to combine different methods of information perception and increase the effectiveness of learning. And most importantly - free online access 24/7.


EdX is a non-profit organization, presented in April 2012 p. two partner universities, Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The online platform is not only used to create a global community of online learners, but also to find teaching methods and technologies. Online courses give researchers the opportunity to track student progress, identifying problems in the education system. Here you can listen to Cambridge lectures on artificial intelligence, electronics, programming, computer science and chemistry.

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a non-profit educational organization, created in 2008 p. MIT and Harvard graduate Salman Khan. Physics courses are presented, biology, economy, art history, computer science, medicine, etc..

Learn Lifelong

The online platform of non-formal education Learn Lifelong was created for the purpose: to promote public awareness of educational programs, which are sold in Ukraine; establishing communication between those wishing to study and educational institutions; awareness of the value and development of a culture of lifelong learning; creating conditions for the full realization of the potential of the individual and increase its social, civic activity and responsibility.
The online platform of non-formal education is implemented with the support of the DVV International Representative Office in Ukraine, International Center for Non-Formal Education and the Ukrainian Association of Adult Education.

MIT OpenCourseWare

MIT OpenCourseWare (WITH OCW) - Massachusetts Institute of Technology project to publish materials of all courses of the institute in free access. Published materials include course plans, lecture notes, Homeworks, examination questions. Video recordings of lectures are available for some courses. Awarded a number of prizes, the MIT initiative set an example, which was followed by other universities.


Prometheus is a public project of mass open online courses (MVOK). In cooperation with the teachers of the best universities of Ukraine, IOC is created and posted on its own online platform and free access is provided to universities., organizations and leading companies to publish and distribute courses on this platform. Free online access to the best university-level training courses is open to anyone in Ukraine.
Udacity is an educational organization, founded in February 2012 p. Sebastian Tran, David Stavens and Mike Sokolski. The project is based on technology, engineering, mathematics and business. The project cooperates with industry leaders, such as Google, NVIDIA, Microsoft, Autodesk also offers online classes, which are not always available in regular educational institutions.


Collection of high quality video lectures on architecture, art, astronomy, biology, economy, chemistry, computer science and many other subjects.

World lecture project

The video library of video lectures is a central platform for providing academic videos of various higher education institutions from around the world. International training network.

Bank of lectures

The lecture bank is an initiative of two projects: Scientific Room and Intelligence TV.
This is the first attempt in Ukraine to create a centralized bank of scientific and popular science lectures for free use.
The catalog contains lectures, conducted by various organizers: public, commercial institutions, promotional projects, individual scientists.
All lectures on this resource can be watched or in free order, or using a directory. Lectures are divided into separate groups on the principle: scientific (for schoolchildren, for students, for graduate students and scientists); popular science (for the general public).


Non-profit project, which creates educational materials in the format of open online courses, as well as filming and posting video lectures. It is located on the site 7 mass online courses.

The Universarium project is an open e-education system. The project started 23 December 2013 p. The system presents free educational courses for teachers of some universities in Russia, as well as research centers.