WITH 3 January 2020 year, all Ukrainian state and municipal free economic zones and scientific institutions received free access to full-text resources of a well-known international publishing house Springer Nature. The subscription from the state budget was provided by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Subscribed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine free access to the following resources of the Springer Link portal, namely: magazine content (articles in peer-reviewed peer-reviewed journals published by Springer) for 1997–2020. – 3 580 issues of magazines; e-books Springer 2017 p. – 9 505 titles of books. Topics of magazines and books: mathematical sciences, natural Sciences (biology, medicine, ecology, chemistry, physics, geography, pharmaceuticals, health care), technical sciences (Informatics, engineering), law and international relations, social sciences (psychology, Politology, pedagogy), economic sciences (finances, business and management), as well as the humanities (history, philosophy, literary studies). Access to Springer Nature resources, one of the world's largest publishers of academic and popular science books and magazines, operates in all buildings and branches of NUS. adm. Makarova for IP address control (from all computers and WI-FI networks) - by links: magazines e-books

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