Formation of information culture and academic integrity: practice of the Scientific Library of Admiral Makarov National University of Science and Technology 📚

With the beginning of the academic year, first-year students are actively involved in lectures on the basics of information culture and academic integrity at the Admiral Makarov National Technical University. Organization of information events, aimed at popularizing the use of information resources for learning and the principles of academic integrity, is an important area of ​​work of the Scientific Library of the university. The moderator of the event is Kateryna Bilonozhko, coordinator Groups […]

Dear friends!

The scientific library of the Admiral Makarov National Technical University invites you to the presentation of the project "Heroes do not die" of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education of the Moscow State University named after. IN. ABOUT. Sukhomlynskyi "Book of memory of those who died for the Motherland". We are waiting for you 3 October 2024 year Fr. 10.30 in the reading room of the Scientific Library of the Admiral Makarov National University at the address: etc. Central,3, […]

The scientific library welcomes

Dear friends! Today,1 October, three holidays are celebrated together - the Day of Defenders of Ukraine, Intercession of the Holy Mother of God and Day of the Ukrainian Cossacks. These holidays are a symbol of continuity of heroic traditions of our people, strength of spirit and courage, devotion to the Motherland and pride in its military glory. We remember this day with special love, […]

Celebrations on the occasion of All-Ukrainian Library Day

Traditionally, on the last day of the first autumn month - 30 September, celebrate the All-Ukrainian Library Day, and librarians have their own professional holiday. On this occasion, in the Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences named after the admiral. Makarov, a solemn meeting of the team took place. The vice-rector for scientific work of the university came to congratulate the library employees on the holiday, Doctor of Engineering, professor […]

"Library - together we can do more" (continuation)

The All-Ukrainian Library Day was celebrated interestingly and creatively in all service departments of the Scientific Library of Admiral Makarov National University. Open day "Opening a book - opening the world" was held in the user service department of the Educational and Scientific Humanitarian Institute and the Faculty of Maritime Law. Students visited the library 2531, 1541, 1541-Art. groups. They familiarized themselves with information resources […]