Friends! Тематична довідка «Наша мета – Україна свята» присвячена Дню Соборності України – знаковому державному святу, which is celebrated 22 January.
This is a special date in the history of Ukraine. It is on this day in 1919 The year was proclaimed the Act of Union of the Ukrainian People's Republic and the Western Ukrainian People's Republic.
Тож тематична довідка “Наша мета – Україна свята” надає можливість дізнатись про події минувшини, а запропоновані покликання – розширити знання про державотворення української держави.
Приємного та пізнавального перегляду!
Dear friends!
20 January - Day of commemoration of the defenders of Donetsk airport. Virtual exhibition "242 days of the history of courage", which we offer to your attention, dedicated to this memorable event.
Numbers 242 mean the number of days of airfield defense. Бої за нього були одними з найзапекліших та продемонстрували усьому світові приклад стійкості та мужності українських захисників, яких стали називати «кіборгами». За найпоширенішою версією, так про захисників Донецького аеропорту казали вороги, які не могли інакше пояснити, чому гарнізон неможливо було взяти штурмом.
Remember, we remember, схиляємо голови!
Вивчаємо героїчну історію України разом із бібліотекою!
Dear friends! Пропонуємо переглянути віртуальну виставку «Світ фінансів», which presents publications from the fund of the Scientific Library. We hope so, that its materials will become a source of new knowledge, will help expand your understanding of financial activities and raise your professional level. The exhibition will be useful for students of higher education, teachers, and also to everyone, who is interested in the world of finance.
Досягаємо нових вершин успіху разом із бібліотекою!
Dear friends! Вашій увазі пропонується віртуальна виставка «Золоті сторінки олімпійського спорту», which introduces the history and development of Olympic sports, Olympic sports, also with the achievements of athletes of Ukraine and the world in the Olympic Games.
We invite applicants for the "Olympic and Professional Sports" specialty to view, "Physical culture and sports", professional athletes and all, кого цікавить спортивна тематика.
Остап Вишня (Павло Михайлович Губенко) – новеліст, сатирик, засновник жанру “усмішка” в українській літературі, член літературних об’єднань “Плуг” and “Гарт”, офіцер медичної служби УНР, в’язень сталінських концтаборів.
Про життєвий шлях, який пройшов письменник, його літературні досягнення можна дізнатися з віртуального нарису «Кому веселе, а кому й сумне…» , який підготували співробітники Наукової бібліотеки до дня народження талановитого майстра української сатири й гумору.
Плекаймо українську та знаймо своїх талановитих митців!
До славетного ювілею Віктора Михайловича Бузника, який відзначався 4 October, співробітники відділу обслуговування користувачів Наукової бібліотеки у Машинобудівному навчально-науковому інституті НУК підготували віртуальний нарис «Лідер свого часу».
Віктор Михайлович Бузник – видатний вчений-теплофізик, Doctor of Engineering, professor, завідувач кафедри теорії теплотехніки і суднових парових котлів, декан машинобудівного факультету (1953–1961), ректор Миколаївського кораблебудівного інституту імені адмірала Макарова (1965–1968).
Вклад професора В. M. Бузника у розвиток науки та освіти, становлення Миколаєва як одного з центрів суднобудування країни важко переоцінити. Victor Mikhailovich, Unfortunately, дуже рано пішов із життя, але його справу продовжують учні та послідовники.
Українська література дуже глибока та багатогранна. Кожен письменник чи поет доповнює її новими творами, які надовго залишаються в серцях читачів. З нагоди ювілею Михайла Коцюбинського – письменника, playwright, надзвичайно ерудованої людини, пропонуємо ознайомитися з віртуальним нарисом «Життя та творчість Михайла Михайловича Коцюбинського (до 160-ти річчя від дня народження)», підготовленого співробітниками Наукової бібліотеки.
Плекаймо українську та знаймо своїх талановитих митців!
Friends! Пропонуємо ознайомитися з віртуальним нарисом «Іван Котляревський – Коперник українського слова (до 225-річчя від дня народження І. P. Котляревського)».
Удосконалюйте свої знання разом із Науковою бібліотекою, це зробить ваше життя більш цікавим!
Dear friends! Добірку цікавих фактів про Основний закон України – “Конституція – основа держави” – підготовлено до Дня Конституції України, which is celebrated annually 28 June. Came on this day in 1996 The Basic Law was adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
The Constitution has the highest legal force and importance, all other laws of the land, зазвичай, спираються саме на неї. Зміст статей Конституції спрямований на забезпечення суверенітету України, становлення її як незалежної правової держави та окреслюють права українців. IN 2024 році Основному Закону України виповнюється 28 years. Конституцію України ухвалили за одну ніч, а активний період роботи над документом зайняв три місяці. Конституція 1996 року для України була не першою, але саме вона стала для нашої держави доленосною.
Якщо бажаєте дізнатись більше цікавого про Основний Закон України – наша добірка фактів допоможе вам це зробити!
Вітаємо з Днем Конституції України та запрошуємо до ознайомлення!
Читайте та пізнавайте більше про історію державотворення, а бібліотека завжди надасть можливість для удосконалення ваших знань!
The virtual exhibition "Eternal Call of MorI" employees of the user service department of the Scientific Library at the Mechanical Engineering Educational and Scientific Institute of the Admiral Makarov National Technical University prepared for the International Sailor's Day. This relatively young holiday appeared in 2010 year as a result of the signing of the corresponding resolution by the member countries of the International Maritime Organization, which is part of the UN.
The goal is to thank seafarers for their contribution to the global economy, for risks and personal expenses. It is known, that over 80% global trade activity depends on the well-established work of merchant and cargo fleet sailors.
Around the world, more than one and a half million people have connected their profession with the marine element, among them are graduates and students of NUK. The legendary profession of a sailor is romantic, but difficult and dangerous - every exit from the port can become a real battle for their lives for sailors.
literature, which the exhibition introduces, will help to acquire the necessary technical skills, improve professional knowledge, familiarize yourself with the legal aspects of the activity. It is located in the NB user service department at the MNNI NUK at the address: street. Kuznetsk, 5, aud. 56 (The old building of NUS)
Interesting viewing and seven feet under the keel!
Environmental Protection Day is an occasion to think about environmental problems, pay attention to its preservation. Пропонуємо ознайомитися з інформаційним повідомленням «Всесвітній день охорони навколишнього середовища», which was prepared by the Scientific Library on the occasion of the holiday. So we take care of environmental protection and do not forget, that nature and man are one whole.
On the occasion of the birthday and commemoration of Roman Ivanychuk, Ukrainian writer, політичного та громадського діяча Наукова бібліотека презентує віртуальну виставку «Творив серцем, mind, soul", which illuminates the pages of the creative biography of the individual and unique, an artist devoted to historical themes.
Roman Ivanychuk is one of the organizers of the Ukrainian Language Society named after. T. Shevchenko, Народного Руху України, член Спілки письменників України, народний депутат України І-го скликання, Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine, лауреат Державної премії УРСР ім. T. D. Shevchenko, літературної премії ім. AND. Головка, премії ім. AND. Мазепи. Hero of Ukraine. Впродовж майже півстоліття творчої діяльності письменника вийшло близько шістдесяти книг, читаючи які можна мандрувати часом і простором, відкриваючи для себе незвідані сторінки української історії.
Virtual exhibition «Наукова та педагогічна спадщина професора В.М. Gorbova. Selected", which was prepared by the staff of the user service department of the Scientific Library at the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute of Admiral Makarov National Technical University, introduces only a small part of the scientific and pedagogical heritage of the famous scientist, candidate of technical sciences, professor, Viktor Mykhailovych Gorbov, Head of the Department of Operation of Ship Power Plants and Thermal Power Engineering, which 26 May 2024 року мало б виповнитися 80 years.
У його доробку більше 350 scientific works, 30 підручників та навчальних посібників з питань проєктування та експлуатації СЕУ, публіцистичні видання з історії університету, біографічні видання. З майже повною колекцією матеріалів авторства Віктора Михайловича усі бажаючи можуть ознайомитися у відділі обслуговування користувачів Наукової бібліотеки у Машинобудівному навчально-науковому інституті НУК за адресою: street. Kuznetsk, 5 (The old building of NUS).
З нагоди дня народження та вшанування пам’яті Анатолія Івановича Золотухіна – інженера, вченого, винахідника, еколога, local historian, publicist, literary critic, діяча культури, співробітники Наукової бібліотеки підготували віртуальну виставку «До світла вічної істини».
Золотухін А. AND. закінчив Миколаївський кораблебудівний інститут імені адмірала Макарова, працював у Центральному науково-дослідному інституті “Тайфун”. Автор багатьох краєзнавчих публікацій та історико-краєзнавчих книг, має понад 50 науково-дослідних робіт із акустики і турбулентності та 26 inventions. IN 1980 році за власною ініціативою зайнявся дослідженням життя і творчості Гомера та розгадкою таємниці “Слова о полку Ігоревім”. Досліджуючи історію України, створив нову історичну науку – апокрифологію. Ініціатор створення і лідер першої в Миколаївській області громадської екологічної організації “Зелений світ” (1988–1999).
З нагоди дня народження видатного українського письменника, playwright, public figure, автора творів, які стали надбанням української літератури та культури, співробітники Наукової бібліотеки підготували віртуальний нарис «Панас Мирний. Історія життя та цікаві факти про письменника».
We invite you to watch!
Friends! Добірка цікавих і маловідомих фактів “Книга всіх нас мудрості навчає”, яку ми пропонуємо до перегляду, присвячена Всесвітньому дню книги та авторського права, який відзначається щороку 23 April, starting with 1996 year, відповідно до рішення 28-ї сесії ЮНЕСКО. «Винуватців» у цього «свята книголюбів» кілька. So, саме 23 квітня народилися такі видатні особистості світової літератури, як французький письменник Моріс Дрюон (1918), ісландський лауреат Нобелівської премії з літератури Галдор Лакснесс (1902) і трикратний претендент на цю премію Володимир Набоков (1899), а також український письменник Григорій Тютюнник (1920); у цей же день 1616 року померли Вільям Шекспір (щоправда, за юліанським календарем) і перуанський історик Інка Ґарсіласо де ла Веґа (вже за григоріанським календарем), and 1850 року – англійський поет-романтик Вільям Вордсворт.
Запрошуємо до ознайомлення ! Read, розвивайтесь, get to know!
Проводьте вільний час з користю!
Дату для святкування Міжнародного дня англійської мови обрано в пам’ять про відомого англійського поета Вільяма Шекспіра, який вважається одним із засновників літературної англійської мови. Friends! Запрошуємо вас завітати до відділу обслуговування Наукової бібліотеки в Навчально-науковому інституті автоматики та електротехніки і ознайомитися з книжково-ілюстративними виставками нових надходжень навчальної літератури «Speak Up English», «English Technical Students».
До вашої уваги пропонуються англомовні видання з граматики, rights, комунікації, mathematics.
Також пропонуємо переглянути віртуальну виставку «The New Book of Popular Science», яка повністю виконана мовою оригіналу.
Вдосконалюйте свої знання разом з Науковою бібліотекою!
Friends! Анонс виставки «Подарунки вдячних читачів» допоможе дізнатись вам про наукові, навчальні та художні видання, які Наукова бібліотека отримала від учасників акції з нагоди Міжнародного дня дарування книг. We hope so, що кожне видання знайде свого читача! Занурюйтесь у світ нової книги, подаруйте собі радість від зустрічі з нею та оберіть ту, яка стане вам до вподоби!
Віртуальна виставка «До вершин економічних знань» для вас, economists, as well as for everyone, who is interested in the world of finance and economics. We hope so, that its materials, and these are books 2023 year of publication, will become a source of new knowledge and inspiration for improvement, will give an opportunity to expand their understanding of economic and financial activity, to raise the professional level. Досягаємо нових вершин успіху разом із бібліотекою!
Напередодні чудового весняного свята – Міжнародного жіночого дня, Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Макарова презентує віртуальний огляд «На порозі весни: традиції святкування Міжнародного жіночого дня в країнах світу».
We invite you to an interesting and informative viewing!
https://olgabondar0.wixsite.com/website-3 для вас, economists, as well as for everyone, who is interested in the world of finance and economics. We hope so, that its materials, and these are books 2023 year of publication, will become a source of new knowledge and inspiration for improvement, will give an opportunity to expand their understanding of economic and financial activity, to raise the professional level. Досягаємо нових вершин успіху разом із бібліотекою!
Даємо підказку: рубрика нашого сайту «Нові надходження» дозволить вам завжди бути в курсі новинок Наукової бібліотеки. Скористайтесь!
Журналістика – одна з найцікавіших професій. Журналіст завжди у вирі подій, де б він не працював: на телебаченні, радіо, чи періодичній пресі. Якщо Ви здобуваєте вищу освіту за спеціальністю «Журналістика», бажаєте відшліфувати навички спілкування та стати освіченим учасником будь-якого медійного процесу, пропонуємо переглянути віртуальну виставку «Сучасна журналістська освіта», на якій представлені видання з фонду Наукової бібліотеки НУК ім. adm. Makarova. We invite you to an interesting and informative viewing!
This day reminds of everyone's right to speak their native language in their country. The holiday is relatively young - in Ukraine it has only begun to write its history since 2002 year. Детальніше про історію свята можна дізнатися з інформаційного повідомлення за даною тематикою.
Вітаємо з Міжнародним днем рідної мови та запрошуємо ознайомитися з виставкою літератури «Мови велич та краса» в читальному залі відділу обслуговування користувачів Наукової бібліотеки в Новому корпусі (aud. 109).
Нехай українське слово буде для всіх нас оберегом. Збережемо рідну мову – збережемо націю і державу!
Almost everyone knows, what 14 February - Valentine's Day, but on this day another international holiday is celebrated, яке об'єднує всіх поціновувачів книги – Міжнародний день книгодарування (International Book Giving Day). Про історію та традиції свята ви можете дізнатися з інформаційного повідомлення «Книги з добрих рук».
Virtual exhibition «Нові надходження – 2023», prepared by the staff of the customer service department of the Scientific Library at the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute, має на меті ознайомити з новою літературою, яка надійшла до відділу впродовж 2023 year. Scientific, навчальна, публіцистична література стане у нагоді як студентам, так і викладачам для використання у навчальній та науковій роботі. We invite you to watch!
З нагоди свята Наукова бібліотека презентує віртуальний нарис «День Збройних Сил України».
We invite you to watch.
Every year on the fourth Saturday of November, Ukraine commemorates the victims of the Holodomor. Наукова бібліотека презентує віртуальну галерею «І плакала свічка в скорботі…»
Згадайте в цей день про мільйони людських життів, which Ukraine lost as a result of the Holodomor, get involved 25 November Fr. 16.00 to the National minute of silence.
Наукова бібліотека презентує віртуальну виставку «Жива історія Майдану», which presents books about the events of the bloody confrontation on Independence Square through the eyes of witnesses: ordinary volunteers, musicians, writers, doctors. Among the proposed editions, works of art deserve special attention, born on the Maidan.
We invite you to an interesting and informative viewing!
З цієї нагоди Наукова бібліотека презентує віртуальний нарис “Mіжнародний день студента”, which introduces the history of the holiday, celebration traditions and interesting facts about students.
We invite you to an interesting and informative viewing!
A year ago, a well-known scientist in the field of ship power engineering passed away, candidate of technical sciences, professor, Honored Education Worker of Ukraine, the head of the department of operation of ship power plants and thermal power engineering of the National Technical University named after. adm. Makarova Viktor Mykhailovych Gorbov. Virtual exhibition "In Memory of the Scientist", which was prepared by the staff of the user service department of the Scientific Library at the Mechanical Engineering Educational and Scientific Institute is a tribute to the outstanding scientist, a talented teacher, a caring person, to a true connoisseur of books, who was connected with the library not only by professional relations, but also warm sincere friendship. Thanks to Viktor Mykhailovych, the library fund was replenished with valuable literature, and joint events were always held at a high professional level.
Thank you! We remember...
This day reminds the international community of the need to use scientific and technical achievements in the interests of peace and development for the benefit of human civilization. It is also a great opportunity to honor scientific traditions, popularization of scientists' achievements, attracting young people to the world of science.
З нагоди свята Наукова бібліотека презентує віртуальний нарис «Всесвітній день науки».
Dear friends! On this occasion, the Scientific Library presents an information block, which entered: virtual essay "International Black Sea Day" and useful links, which will introduce you to interesting facts about the sea, its environmental problems and threats, which arose during modern hostilities.
More interesting information at the links:
31 October – International Black Sea Day
Why the Black Sea lights up in August - interesting facts from Breakfast
Black Sea / project Emblas
Pollution of the Black Sea
Why is the sea black and seven more questions for a marine biologist
16 interesting facts about the Black Sea
International Black Sea Day and interesting facts about it
Interesting facts about the Black Sea
The popular science book "Secrets of the Black Sea" contains short stories about the life of the flora and fauna of the Black Sea, their problems and interesting facts from Black Sea life
About the Black Sea to, after and during the war: lecture outline of Maria Pavlovska
Discover together with the Scientific Library the secrets of one of the most magical Ukrainian reservoirs and enjoy its beauty!
The scientific library presents
Dear friends! Пропонуємо вашій увазі інформаційний колаж “Ти наше диво калинове, beloved Ukrainian language!”. His materials will introduce you to the origin and development of the Ukrainian language, interesting facts and statements about her by famous Ukrainian writers and figures.
In today's conditions, the Ukrainian language has acquired special importance - it has become our weapon, символом миру та єдності нації. Доки живе мова – житиме і народ.
Приємного та пізнавального перегляду!
26 is completed in October 80 years Vasyl Stepanovych Nalyvaik - candidate of technical sciences, Professor of Internal Combustion Engines, installation and maintenance, a well-known scientist in the field of engine construction, the inventor, the teacher, publicist. До цієї славетної дати співробітники відділу обслуговування користувачів Наукової бібліотеки у Машинобудівному навчально-науковому інституті НУК підготували віртуальну виставку – привітання «Василь Степанович Наливайко – науковець, teacher, publicist. To the 80th anniversary of the birthday".
Василь Степанович Наливайко є автором більш ніж 150 scientific articles, teaching aids, підручників та методичних вказівок, including 9 винаходів та патентів. Professor B. FROM. Nalyvayko successfully combines pedagogical, scientific and journalistic activity, відомий своїми біографічними дослідженнями та матеріалами з історії МКІ-НУК. Багаторічна співпраця професора Наливайка з Науковою бібліотекою знаходить своє відображення у щорічних спільних заходах, а також у поповненні бібліотечного фонду новими виданнями.
Наукова бібліотека від щирого серця вітає шановного ювіляра і бажає йому здоров’я, стійкості, цікавих ідей і творчих успіхів та висловлює вдячність за багаторічні дружні стосунки та плідну співпрацю .
Віртуальну виставку «Палаючий Кінбурн» . Від варварської війни, яку сьогодні ведуть росіяни в Україні, страждають не тільки люди, а й природа.
Півострів Кінбурнська коса на Миколаївщині з його дикою природою вважався одним з наймальовничіших місць України. Та у лютому 2022 року на цю землю прийшла війна. І все змінилося…Внаслідок обстрілів заповідна територія перетворилася на суцільну пожежу, в якій гине унікальна природа.
Та ми віримо, що ці території повернуться і через деякий час природа таки відновиться, особливо, якщо люди їй допоможуть. А приголомшливі краєвиди Кінбурнської коси, still, будуть притягувати до себе численних поціновувачів цієї дикої природи.
Запрошуємо переглянути і згадати, якою була Кінбурнська коса в мирні часи та як вплинули масштабні бойові дії на природні комплекси півострова.
Напередодні свята Наукова бібліотека презентує віртуальну подорож «Чарівний світ бібліотек». Запрошуємо Вас познайомитися з найнезвичайнішими та найцікавішими бібліотеками світу.
Приємного та пізнавального перегляду!
Всесвітній день моря запровадила Міжнародна морська організація in 1978 year.
Це свято нагадує нам про велику відповідальність, яку несе людина за використання морських ресурсів. Бережімо водойми, піклуймося про їх чистоту, адже майбутнє океанів, морів та річок (а головне – мільйонів їх жителів) – у наших руках.
We bring to your attention відеопрезентацію «Захоплюючий світ морів».
Запрошуємо до цікавого інформативного перегляду!
Всесвітній день туризму – щорічне свято, засноване Генеральною асамблеєюВсесвітньої туристичної організації in1979 year. Мета свята – пропаганда туризму, його соціального, культурного, політичного і економічного значення. Запрошуємо Вас на віртуальну подорож таємничими куточками України «Музика, що застигла в камені».
Віртуальну виставку «Deutsch ohne probleme». Books, presented at the exhibition, допоможуть Вам покращити вивчення іноземної мови. Адже володіння іноземними мовами в сучасному світі – одна з найважливіших складових успішної людини.
Удосконалюйте свої знання разом з бібліотекою!
INіртуальнin виставкin “Мій рідний край – моя земля”. Books, presented to your attention, tell about the history of the hero city, its magical corners, prominent figures, reveal achievements and outline the present. And their authors are famous Mykolaiv local historians and historians.
Enjoy watching and have fun!
Традиційно у другу суботу вересня відзначається свято всіх прихильників здорового способу життя, фізкультурників, спортсменів, ветеранів спорту – День фізичної культури і спорту.
Для здобувачів освіти спеціальності «Фізична культура та спорт», teachers, тренерів і всіх, для кого фізична культура та спорт – невід’ємна частина життя та важливий чинник зміцнення здоров’я, співробітники НБ НУК підготували віртуальну виставку «Світ спорту у світі книг».
And again, our suggestion is to read in the summer, then your vacation will be meaningful and colorful! And you can do it thanks to books, які представлені на нашій третій віртуальній виставці з циклу ” Яскраве літо – відпочинок з книгою ! “
Відомий французький письменник Андре Моруа сказав, що є тільки один спосіб стати культурною людиною – читання.
Read! Адже у чарівний світ розкритої книги всім доступний вхід!
Friends! We continue to introduce you to new books for summer reading. Віртуальна виставка з циклу “Яскраве літо – відпочинок з книгою” – this is an opportunity to plunge into the magical world of poetic works, historical novel, witness a love relationship. Read with pleasure and benefit! To be continued.
Each season is remarkable in its own way and has its own amazing image.
Sun, the days are long and warm, and the nights are short - this is the image of summer. And it's also time for rest - weekends in the fresh air and vacations. And what is a vacation without a book, to plunge headlong into the world of the incredible, interesting, зробити його корисним та збагатитись духовно!
Friends! Запрошуємо вас у бібліотечне літо – книги-новинки для читання на будь-який смак ви зможете знайти, viewing a virtual exhibition «У літо з книгою! Запрошуємо до бібліотеки!» із циклу віртуальних виставок «Яскраве літо – відпочинок з книгою». Хай запропоновані нами книги зроблять ваше дозвілля не тільки приємним, але й змістовним! Бібліотека пропонує – ви обираєте! Далі буде – слідкуйте за новинами.
Do you dream of polishing your communication skills to perfection or being an educated participant in any media process, or are you pursuing a higher education in the specialty "Journalism"? You are lucky, пропонуємо віртуальну виставку «Журналіст – не просто професія…», which introduces literature, which will help to achieve the desired goal!
Dear friends! А чи знаєте Ви що українська вишиванка – не просто святковий одяг, вона займає особливе місце в культурі України та є її символом.
Presentation “Чарівний світ вишиванки” – знайомить Вас з деякими фактами про український етнічний оберіг та її значення в житті людини. We invite you to watch! Приємних вражень!
Dear friends!
A virtual exhibition of book novelties is offered to your attention “It is interesting to learn, interesting to learn!”, which came to the library fund! These publications will be useful to scientists, teachers and students. Improve your knowledge with the help of this literature and success awaits you!
До славетного ювілею шановного пана професора співробітники відділу обслуговування користувачів Наукової бібліотеки у Машинобудівному навчально-науковому інституті НУК підготували віртуальну виставку «Наукові та навчальні видання професора Сергія Івановича Сербіна». Materials, які представлені, вийшли з друку після 1991 year. Ці та інші видання професора С. AND. Сербіна можна отримати у Науковій бібліотеці за адресою вул. Kuznetsk, 5. We invite you to watch.
Dear friends! We offer virtual exhibitions to your attention, dedicated to World Book and Copyright Day: «Чарівний світ книги» – це пізнавальна розповідь про унікальну сходинку мудрості – книгу та деякі факти з її історії та «Пам’ятники її величності Книзі», which introduces unusual sculptural compositions, dedicated to the book.
Pleasant, цікавого та пізнавального перегляду!
Every year 23 квітня відзначається Всесвітній день книги та авторського права. Це свято авторів, publishing houses, librarians, читачів і всіх, хто дотичний до книги. Головна ідея цього дня – промоція книги та читання, адже саме вони розширюють світогляд, формують світосприйняття, забезпечують словниковий запас
Авторське право – один із засобів охорони інтелектуальної власності людини.
Щиро вітаємо із Всесвітнім днем книги і авторського права всіх шанувальників книги, all, хто цінує і розвиває друковане слово!
Шануймо, читаймо, бережімо книги, бо в них – мудрість, розум, знання, які створювались впродовж тисячоліть! Відсвяткуйте цей день, завітавши до своєї бібліотеки або замінивши перегляд телепередач на читання!
Dear friends!
Virtual exhibition Психологія: concept, see, практика представляє книги , які дадуть змогу студентам, що навчаються за спеціальністю «Психологія» розширити уявлення про психологію особистості, викладачам – дізнатись про сучасний стан розвитку психологічної науки, а всім, хто прагне проникнути у таємниці людського буття – пізнати себе, розкрити свої можливості, реалізувати себе за умови глибокого самопізнання. Enjoy!
165 years ago, 18 March 1858 year, German mechanical engineer Rudolf Christian Karl Diesel was born (1858 – 1913 рр.). His name is known to the whole world thanks to the invention, who changed the fate of mankind. It is the internal combustion engine that powers many things, without which it is impossible to imagine the existence of human civilization: locomotives, trucks, liners, cars, agricultural machinery, military equipment, unmanned aerial vehicles… The importance of this cannot be overstated…
In the life of Rudolph Diesel there were triumphs and sufferings, ovation and persecution. And his mysterious disappearance in old age 55 years and still confuses the opinions of researchers and connoisseurs of the talent of the German genius.
What was the life of an outstanding person really like, which is named after the engine and type of fuel, we suggest you look further at presentation "Rudolph Diesel. Step into Eternity", prepared by the staff of the user service department of the Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences at the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute.
6 December - Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova sincerely welcomes everyone, who protects our country and defends its borders. Бажаємо захисникам злагоди, family comfort, courage, dignity, wisdom and indomitable willpower.
Presented to your attention virtual sketch "Happy Armed Forces Day of Ukraine!».
you can use the following electronic information resources! Glory to the brave warriors!
Scientific library for the 300th anniversary of the birth of H. Frying pans
3 is fulfilled in December 300 years since the birthday of Hryhoriy Savich Skovoroda - an outstanding Ukrainian philosopher-mystic, of theology, the poet, teacher, traveler. Virtual exhibition "Ukrainian philosopher-traveler", presented to your attention, will allow you to get acquainted with interesting facts of his life and creative path.
Use the opportunity to replenish your intellectual inbox!
The environment became another innocent victim of the Russian-Ukrainian war. Active hostilities have a negative impact on the unique natural complexes of the Black and Azov Seas and can cause man-made disasters. Virtual essay "War and the sea: the impact of hostilities on the ecosystems of the Black and Azov Seas", which was prepared by employees of the Service Department of the Scientific Library at the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute, demonstrates, how our marine and coastal ecosystems suffer from war.
10 November is World Science Day for Peace and Development
This day should remind the international community of the need to use scientific and technical achievements in the interests of peace and development for the benefit of human civilization. A virtual exhibition is dedicated to outstanding Ukrainian scientists "Explore and discover".
This significant date falls on an Orthodox holiday - the Day of Venerable Nestor the chronicler - a follower of the creators of Slavic writing Cyril and Methodius. It is in conversation that a person reveals his belonging to a certain culture, nation. You can learn about interesting things in the Ukrainian language from the virtual exhibition "Amazing Ukrainian language" .
31 October - International Black Sea Day.
The sea... It attracts, attracts. And not only poets and artists, but also ordinary people. Sea “treats” sorrow, gives joy and inspiration. And who “treats” the sea itself, does it have any problems at all? So, has! It is dedicated to these problems virtual essay “Environmental problems of the Black Sea”, which was prepared by the employees of the service department of the Scientific Library of the National University named after. adm. Makarova.
More interesting information about the Black Sea can be found at the links:
- Such as us! History of the inhabitants of the Black Sea http://surl.li/dmesv
- Interesting facts about the Black Sea http://surl.li/dmeta
- Black Sea / Emblas project http://surl.li/dmetb
The scientific library presents
Dear friends!
We bring to your attention a presentation "Time has no control over heroism...". , dedicated to the Day of Defenders of Ukraine. Respect for the strength and courage of our defenders is engraved in every line of the Poetry of the Free, hatred of the enemy and faith in Victory! The presentation was prepared by the staff of the user service department of the Scientific Library at the Mechanical Engineering Educational and Scientific Institute.
Dear users!
We invite you to turn the pages of the unique encyclopedia "Britannica", viewing a virtual exhibition "Wisdom of the Ages".
The exhibition was prepared by employees of the scientific department, foreign literature and periodicals of the NUS National Library.
The library profession is very old, it has existed for more than four and a half thousand years. In past years, the librarian's job was taken on by writers, philosophers, knowledgeable people. The virtual exhibition will introduce you to extraordinary people in the library profession «Великі імена в бібліотечній професії».
Dear users!
We invite you to view the virtual exhibition:“We are improving our English: professional publications in English”
Sailing, rowing sport, swimming are successfully developing at our university. NUS them. adm. Makarova is proud of her athletes - students, teachers, graduates, among which there are participants, prize-winners and winners of Ukrainian championships, Europe and the World.
Dear students, who study in the specialties "Physical Culture and Sports", "Olympic and professional sports", as well as all, who is interested in water sports! Customer Service Department of the Educational and Scientific Humanitarian Institute and the Faculty of Maritime Law of the Scientific Library of NUS. adm. Makarova offers yours in mind the virtual exhibition "Water Sports".
Books are presented at the exhibition, dedicated to the history of the Olympic Games, as well as training, popular science publications on swimming, sailing and rowing, aquanautics, etc.. We invite you to watch!
21 December is the birthday of the crossword puzzle
Today, 21 December, an interesting and useful entertainment - crossword puzzle - celebrates its birthday. Solving crossword puzzles trains memory, develops intelligence, helps to test your knowledge, broaden your horizons.
Water sports
Why this day is the birthday of this most common game, who was the creator of the first crossword puzzle, you will learn what its varieties are, viewing the virtual exhibition "Magic Squares", created by the subscription staff of the Shipbuilding Training and Research Institute and the Faculty of Marine Economics. So we invite you to viewing and we want to spend our leisure time meaningfully. And to find the necessary information and gain more knowledge you will be helped by the Scientific Library of NUS. adm. Makarova.
Dear users!
If you are looking for a new book in your specialty on the eve of tests and exams, we suggest you check it out virtual exhibition "News from the bookshelf", which will acquaint you with new educational publications in various fields of knowledge and provide comprehensive information about them.
The presented books can be obtained in the reading room of the Scientific Library in the Main Building (aud. 645). New books - new knowledge!
Dear users!
We bring to your attention Ch. 2 "Modern problems of engine building" of the virtual exhibition, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Department of Internal Combustion Engines, installations and technical operation of the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute of NUS named after. adm. Makarova.
The presented editions can be obtained in the customer service department of the Scientific Library at the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute of NUS named after. adm. Makarov at the address: street. Kuznetsk, 5 subject to the use of anti-epidemic means of personal protection.
To find other publications on this topic, we recommend using the electronic catalog of the library at: http://ufd.nuos.edu.ua/DocSearchForm, or the LibClient UFD / Library mobile app for Android mobile devices (instructions - follow the link: https://cutt.ly/gWKOPmK).
We invite you to watch!
Dear users!
We bring to your attention virtual exhibition, dedicated to the glorious anniversary: 90-thing since the establishment of the Department of Internal Combustion Engines, installations and technical operation of the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute of NUS named after. adm. Makarova, which provided teaching of all disciplines of mechanical engineering and heat engineering profiles. The exhibition was prepared by the staff of the customer service department of the Scientific Library at the MNNI. adm. Makarova. The exhibition consists of two parts (Part 1 "Formation and development of engine building" and Part. 2 "Modern problems of engine building"), will acquaint you with monographs, textbooks, which were published by scientists of the department.
The presented editions can be obtained in the customer service department of the Scientific Library at the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute of NUS named after. adm. Makarov at the address: street. Kuznetsk, 5 subject to the use of anti-epidemic means of personal protection.
To find other publications on this topic, we recommend using the electronic catalog of the library at: http://ufd.nuos.edu.ua/DocSearchForm, or the LibClient UFD / Library mobile app for Android mobile devices (instructions - follow the link: https://cutt.ly/gWKOPmK). We invite you to view Part 1 "Formation and development of engine building".
Virtual exhibition "Ecology and organization of environmental activities" will acquaint you with textbooks, textbooks, monographs, which cover topics, concerning the laws of coexistence of man and nature, problems of nature management and environmental management in the context of globalization, as well as environmental protection. We invite you to watch!
To the attention of those, who studies at the Faculty of Marine Economics, - our virtual exhibition prepared just for you.
26 November in many countries around the world, including in Ukraine, World Information Day is celebrated (World Information Day), which is held annually with 1994 year.
Information has always played an extremely important role in human life. Libraries have been and remain one of the main centers of information, which are designed to collect and store all possible media and provide access to this information to users, especially scientists, students, specialists.
On the occasion of World Information Day, we suggest you review virtual exhibition "Artificial Neural Networks".
Dear users!
We bring to your attention virtual exhibition, dedicated to the famous Ukrainian writer, the poet, to the director, actor, screenwriter, laureate of the National Prize of Ukraine named after. T. Shevchenko, which 7 November 2021 year would be fulfilled 85 years.
Dear users!
To the attention of applicants for higher education in the specialty "Systems Analysis" we offer cvirtual exhibition "SYSTEM ANALYSIS - YOUR STEP TO A SUCCESSFUL FUTURE". We hope so, that the presented editions will be useful for you to improve your knowledge.
After the quarantine restrictions, we are waiting for you in the Scientific Library - in the auditorium. 549 The main building. Enjoy!
For you, students, who study in the specialties "Metrology and information-measuring technology", "Automation and computer-integrated technologies", "River and sea transport", as well as for everyone, who is interested in navigation and traffic management.
Customer Service Department of the Scientific Library at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Automation and Electrical Engineering of NUS. adm. Makarova presents virtual exhibition "Navigation systems and devices", on which the books are presented, devoted to the theory and principles of operation of ship navigation devices and systems, with which maritime navigation becomes accurate and safe. We invite you to watch!
All editions, offered to your attention, You will be able to get in the customer service department of the Scientific Library at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Automation and Electrical Engineering. We will be grateful for the observance of sanitary and anti-epidemic measures. We are waiting for you in aud. 109 (etc. Central, 3).
(dedicated to the 220th anniversary of the birth of K.. NS. Knorre,
the first director of the Nikolaev observatory)»
Definitely, each of us has ever looked at the starry sky and thought about the stars.
Carl Knorre (1801–1883) - astronomer, director of the Nikolaev astronomical observatory, the first astronomer of the Black Sea Fleet, Corresponding Member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, Vice Admiral - was a man, who devoted her entire life to the study of the stars, his fate was closely connected with Mykolayiv. It is about his contribution to the history of world astronomical science and the history of formation and development of the city of Nikolaev ours virtual exhibition.
Dear friends! Finally waited - summer has come!
Summer… There is something wonderful in this, and it's wonderful - rest. Each of us is in a hurry to fully enjoy the flight. Summer days are great for traveling, and not necessarily foreign. Visiting one of the seven wonders of Mykolayiv region can leave a legacy of wonderful memories. The library will help to study them virtually thanks to the material exhibitions “Native land eternal beauty”.
Join the viewing and travel in real life!
For you, specialty students “Electricity, electrical engineering and electromechanics”, as well as for everyone, who is interested in electricity and electrical engineering!
Customer Service Department of the Scientific Library at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Automation and Electrical Engineering of NUS. Admiral Makarov presents virtual exhibition “Electrical systems and networks”, in which the edition is presented, devoted to such issues, as computer design of electrical systems and networks, electrical equipment of machines, studying the issues of creating modern renewable energy sources, application of energy efficient technologies.
All editions, offered to your attention, you can get in the customer service department of the Scientific Library at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Automation and Electrical Engineering. We will be grateful for the observance of sanitary and anti-epidemic measures. We are waiting for you in the aud. 109 (etc. Central, 3).
How much do we know about Ukraine?? Only beginning to travel through its spaces do you understand, that there are many interesting and unknown things in Ukraine. Castles and fortresses tell about the glorious and heroic times of its history. There used to be more of them 5 thousands, but today, Unfortunately, there is no trace of most of them.
On the occasion of the International Day of Monuments and Sights, as well as the Day of Monuments of History and Culture employees of the subscription of the Shipbuilding Educational and Scientific Institute and the Faculty of Marine Economics of the Scientific Library of NUS.. adm. Makarov prepared for you virtual journey "Memory through the centuries: castles and fortresses of Ukraine », which will acquaint you with the most interesting architectural monuments of Ukraine. So., we travel to Ukraine, for travel is always a revelation!
Dear users!
On the occasion of the Day of Environmental Knowledge, within the framework of the ecological project “The green light of our lives”, we offer you a virtual exhibition “Ecology. Human Being. Society.” (monographs on ecology in English) https://olgabondar0.wixsite.com/ecologymonographs, created by the staff of the scientific department, of foreign literature and periodicals of the Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova. We invite you to watch.
22 March - World Water Day
Water makes up most of the human body and is needed to meet its physiological, sanitary and hygienic and economic needs. Unfortunately, 2,2 billions of people on the planet do not have constant access to clean drinking water.
22 March at the initiative of the UN annually, starting with 1993 year, World Water Day is celebrated.
The world's oceans are a continuous body of water, covering 71% the Earth's surface. Preventing its pollution is of great importance for human life.
The virtual exhibition "World Ocean and Ship Energy" introduces literature, in which attention is paid to methods and techniques for preventing pollution of the oceans.
Dear users!
Customer Service Department of the Scientific Library at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Automation and Electrical Engineering of NUS. adm. Makarova presents virtual exhibition "Electrical Measurements".
The presented editions contain up-to-date information on measuring transducers and sensors of different types, as well as data on microsensors, unified converters and actuators, which are used to build measuring information systems for various purposes. This literature can be used by students of electrical engineering in the educational process, to prepare for laboratory classes and self-education, and will be useful for engineering and research professionals.
All editions, presented to your attention, you can get provided the use of personal protective equipment in the customer service department of the Scientific Library in NN IAE NUK them. adm. Makarova. We are waiting for you in the aud. 109 (etc. Central, 3)!
20 February marks the Day of Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred in Ukraine. Honoring the memory of the Heroes of Ukraine, employees of the customer service department of the Educational and Scientific Humanitarian Institute and the Faculty of Maritime Law of the Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarov prepared a virtual exhibition “Winter, that changed us…”.
We invite you to watch!
14 February the most wonderful holiday of love came to our hearts, romance and tenderness - Valentine's Day. So happy holidays to all!!!
And what is love?! Apparently, there are many answers to this question.
Virtual exhibition "Love Stories of Famous People" opens the world of volcanic feelings and makes it clear, that every love story is unique.
Dear friends!
On the occasion of the International Book Donation Day, the staff of the Customer Service Department of the Scientific Library at the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute of NUS named after. adm. Makarov prepared a virtual exhibition, which will acquaint you with the publications, which are a real highlight of the fund, because their pages are adorned with good wishes to the library and its readers, memories of graduates or simple words “Scientific Library from…” We invite you to watch!
Man's eternal dream is to live in harmony with nature. But how to achieve this, when there are many environmental problems due to man? Is there a way out?! The virtual exhibition "Environment and Modernity" tells about the steps to achieve harmony. We invite you to watch.
Epidemics, Unfortunately, is an integral part of human history. Mankind has not experienced any epidemics : plague, Hispanic, smallpox, all sorts of unknown viruses … The spread of coronavirus in many countries has caused a surge of interest in works of art about epidemics. How did writers see global epidemics and what poses a greater threat to humanity: deadly virus or man himself? We invite you watch a video presentation of the books on this topic from the fund of the service department of the Scientific Library of NUS. adm. Makarov at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Automation and Electrical Engineering. Spend free time with a book and stay healthy!
Emil Yanvarev… He was called a man for all time. He created his unique poetic world, was a wise counselor and mentor to many, who decided to dedicate his life to the WORD. Let's remember the great artist on the eve of his 90th birthday.
Until this date, the staff of the Reading Room of the Customer Service Department of the Scientific Library in the Main Building of NUS named after. adm. Makarov prepared a virtual exhibition "Poetry eternal height", dedicated to the poet. We invite you to watch
Dear students, teachers, scientists, employees!
We invite you to view the virtual exhibition "And embraced the shores of one eternal people"
Dear students, teachers, scientists, employees!
If you want to deepen and systematize your knowledge of the history of Ukrainian literature, modern Ukrainian language, master the art of eloquence, then this news is just for you! Customer Service Department of the Educational and Scientific Humanitarian Institute and the Faculty of Maritime Law of the Scientific Library of NUS. adm. Makarova presents virtual exhibition "Ukrainian literature and language: history, theory, practice".
We invite you to watch!
The magical world of physics… No wonder it is called a fundamental science. One of the most interesting and, at the same time, complex subjects. Discover its versatility with a virtual exhibition "An interesting world of physics".
Dear students, teachers, scientists! Service Department of the Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarov at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Automation and Electrical Engineering (NN IAE) presents a virtual exhibition "Training manuals for diploma design". We invite you to watch.
Dear students, teachers, scientists! The virtual exhibition “Shipbuilding and Ship Repair”, created by the staff of the reading room of the customer service department of the Main Building of the Scientific Library of NUS. adm.Makarov. We invite you to watch!
Dear students, teachers, scientists! It is offered to your attention virtual exhibition“Turn your ideas into words”(explanatory dictionaries in English), created by the staff of the scientific department, foreign literature and periodicals of the Scientific Library of NUK named after Adm. Makarov. We invite you to watch!
Dear students, teachers, scientists! It is offered to your attention virtual exhibition "Innovative technologies of ship design and ocean engineering", created by the subscription staff of the Shipbuilding Educational and Scientific Institute and the Faculty of Marine Economics of the Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova. We invite you to watch.
The Customer Service Department of the Scientific Library at the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute presents a virtual exhibition "Formation and Development of Ship Energy.. 2 (according to the publications of scientists of the Department of Operation of Ship Power Plants and Heat Power Engineering of the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute of NUS named after. adm. Makarova), dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the department and the 100th anniversary of NUS. adm. Makarova. We invite you to watch!.
Dear users! Service Department of the Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarov at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Automation and Electrical Engineering (NN IAE) presents a virtual exhibition of publications of teachers of NN IAE, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Makarov NUS.
We invite you to watch.
The Customer Service Department of the Scientific Library at the Mechanical Engineering Educational and Scientific Institute presents a virtual exhibition "Current state and prospects for the development of ship energy (according to the publications of scientists of the Department of Operation of Ship Power Plants and Heat Power Engineering of the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute of NUS named after. adm. Makarova), dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the department and the 100th anniversary of NUS. adm. Makarova. We invite you to watch!.
Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova presents a virtual exhibition "Mikhail Alexandrov: scientist, rector, artist". The exposition was prepared by the staff of the Electronic Reading Room of the Scientific Library and is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of MKI-UDMTU-NUS, which is noted in 2020 year.
We invite you to watch: https://tetyanakorolova.wixsite.com/aleksandrov
Reading room of the customer service department of the Main Building of the Scientific Library of NUS named after. Adm. Makarova presents a virtual exhibition "A meeting with a new book is scheduled". We invite you to watch!
"National University of Shipbuilding. History. People. Facts »
Dear scientists, teachers and students of NUS named after Adm. Makarova!
The staff of the Electronic Reading Room has added information about new books and bibliographic indexes, received in the funds of the NB NUK them adm. Makarov for 2019-2020 рр., to the virtual exhibition "National University of Shipbuilding. History. People. Facts », which was prepared for the 100th anniversary of MKI-UDMTU-NUS and presented on the library website.
We invite you to watch.
Dear users!
If you want to get new impressions and have a good time - then this news is just for you! The Customer Service Department of the Educational and Scientific Humanities Institute and the Faculty of Maritime Law presents a virtual exhibition "Modern Ukrainian prose".Get acquainted with the information and hurry to get the book!
The virtual exhibition is prepared by the staff of the subscription of junior courses of the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute, Educational and Scientific Institute of Computer Science and Project Management, Faculty of Environmental and Technogenic Safety.
We invite you to watch.
The virtual exhibition "Deutsch" was prepared by the staff of the scientific department, foreign literature and periodicals of the National Library of the Makarov National Academy of Sciences. We invite you to watch.
Information and bibliographic department of the National Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova presents a virtual exhibition "Periodicals of the Scientific Library of NUS. adm. Makarov ". We invite you to watch.
Subscription to the Shipbuilding Training and Research Institute and the Faculty of Marine Economics of the National Library of Ukraine. adm. Makarova presents a virtual exhibition "Welding and soldering in modern shipbuilding". We invite you to watch.
The Customer Service Department of the Scientific Library at the Educational and Scientific Humanities Institute presents to your attention a virtual exhibition “Life, reproduced by paints“
Virtual exhibition "Composite materials" prepared by employees of the customer service department of the National Library of NUS. adm. Makarov in NNIAE. We invite you to watch.
Scientific Library of NUS named after. Adm. Makarov presents a virtual exhibition "Stepan Yosypovich Makarov - Admiral, scientist, naval commander ". The exposition was prepared by the staff of the Electronic Reading Room of the Scientific Library and dedicated to the 170th anniversary (for a new style) from the birthday of S. AND. Makarov and the 115th anniversary of his death in the waters of the Sea of Japan.
We invite you to watch: https://tetyanakorolova.wixsite.com/makarov-s-o .
The virtual exhibition “World book” was prepared by the staff of the scientific department, foreign literature and periodicals of the National Library of the Makarov National Academy of Sciences. We invite you to watch
Virtual exhibition "Magic of Finance" prepared by the staff of the reading room of the customer service department of the Main Building of the National Library of NUS named after Adm. Makarov. We invite you to watch!
To the 85th anniversary of B.. IN. Matskevich, Head of the Standardization and Metrology Sector of the Administrative and Management Personnel of the Research Unit of the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, marine writer, Employees of the Electronic Reading Room of the National Library of NUS prepared a virtual exhibition "Heart is a sailor, soul - romantic ".
We invite you to watch.
For the 100th anniversary of MKI-UDMTU-NUS the staff of the Electronic Reading Room of the National Library of NUS prepared a virtual exhibition "National University of Shipbuilding. History. People. Facts ».
We invite you to watch. https://svetlanaborschevsk1.wixsite.com/nus-makarov
Subscription to the Shipbuilding Training and Research Institute and the Faculty of Marine Economics.
Admiral Makarov National University of Ukraine presents the exhibition "Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics". We invite you to watch.
Virtual exhibition "ATO: unshakable will to win "is dedicated to the Day of the Defender of Ukraine. The exhibition was prepared by the staff of the customer service department of the National Library of NUS NNGI and the Faculty of Maritime Law. We invite you to watch!
Employees of the Electronic Reading Room of the National Library of NUS prepared a virtual exhibition of scientific achievements of the famous scientist in the field of computer science and project management of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Konstantin Viktorovich Koshkin (1953–2017) to the 65th anniversary of the birth of "Life as a constant of success".
"Life as a constant of success"
Customer Service Department of the Scientific Library in Educational- Admiral Makarov National Research Institute of Automation and Electrical Engineering presents the exhibition "Underwater Moving Objects 2013". We invite you to watch.
The NUS Scientific Library presents
The information and bibliographic department has prepared a virtual exhibition “Learn German”, dedicated to the Year of the German language in Ukraine. We invite you to watch
The NUS Scientific Library presents a virtual exhibition "Artists and the Navy. Works of marine painters at the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding ". The exposition was prepared by the staff of the Electronic Reading Hall of the National Library of NUS and is dedicated to the works of marine artists.. IN. Hansen, IN. IN. Ignatius.
We invite you to watch.
The wisdom of the ages – Britannica
Virtual exhibition "On" Icarus "- around the world" prepared by the staff of the Electronic Reading Room of the National Library of NUS and dedicated to the first event in the history of our domestic yachting - the circumnavigation of the yacht "Icarus". We invite you to watch.
On "Icarus" - around the world
Virtual exhibition "Good deeds from the heart" is prepared to express sincere gratitude to scientists, teachers, employees, students of the university for selfless contribution to the replenishment of the book collection. We thank everyone, who joined in this noble cause. We invite you to watch.
Virtual exhibition "Conquering the peaks of environmental knowledge" prepared by the information and bibliographic department of the Scientific Library and presents materials on the topic: "Ecology". Annually, on the third Saturday of April the Day of the Environment is celebrated - a national ecological professional holiday on environmental protection. We invite you to watch.
Virtual exhibition "Documentation and information activities" prepared by employees of the information and bibliographic department of the National Library of NUS. We invite you to watch.
Virtual exhibition "Electric machines for electromechanics" prepared by the service department of the National Library at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Automation and Electrical Engineering. We invite you to watch.
Virtual exhibition "Project Management: theory, experience, practice "prepared by the staff of the subscription of the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute, Educational and Scientific Institute of Computer and Engineering and Technological Sciences of the National Library of the National Academy of Sciences named after Admiral Makarov. We invite you to watch.
5 November 2016 year is fulfilled 70 years from the date of birth of the known Nikolaev poetess Ekaterina Golubkova.
As part of the celebration of the Year of anniversaries of writers-regions in Mykolayiv region, employees of the library marketing department, of innovative and methodical work of the National Library of NUS prepared a virtual exhibition-personal "On the right of great talent", dedicated to the work of the poetess. We sincerely congratulate Kateryna Oleksandrivna on her glorious anniversary! We wish you good health, muse and creative inspiration to write her unique poetry! We invite you to watch.
The virtual portrait exhibition is dedicated to the candidate of technical sciences, to the professor, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine, Academician of the Academy of Shipbuilding Sciences and the Academy of Technological Sciences of Ukraine, full member of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology of Great Britain, Head of the Department of Forensic and Stationary Installations of the National University of Shipbuilding. Admiral Makarov to Viktor Mikhailovich Gorbov. Prepared by the information and bibliographic department of the NUS National Library.
Virtual exhibition "What philosophers argue?», prepared by the reading room of the service department of the Scientific Library of NUS. We invite you to watch. (to enlarge the slide, you need to click on it twice)
To the 70th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Mikhailovich Ryabenky, doctor of technical sciences, professor, Head of the Department of Theoretical Electrical Engineering and Electronic Systems, the Service Department of the National Library at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Automation and Electrical Engineering has prepared a virtual exhibition “With electronics on “you”. We invite you to watch.
Virtual exhibition “Publication of scientists of the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute of Admiral Makarov NUS in the concept of academic education” prepared by the customer service department in MNNI NB NUK. We invite you to watch.
Virtual exhibition “History of mankind – history of culture” prepared by the customer service department at the Educational and Scientific Humanitarian Institute of the National Library of NUS. We invite you to watch.
History of world culture
History of Ukrainian Culture
Virtual exhibition “The world of modern bibliography” prepared by the staff of the information and bibliographic department of the National Library of NUS. We invite you to watch.
Watch the exhibition
To the 240th anniversary of Fr.. FROM. Greig Electronic reading room of the National Library of NUS prepared a virtual exhibition of books "Alexei Samuilovich Greig: admiral, naval commander, shipbuilder". We invite you to watch.
On the occasion of the Lawyer's Day, the Customer Service Department of the Faculty of Humanities has prepared a virtual exhibition "Forensics: thing, task, system". We invite you to watch.
Virtual exhibition "Masters of Psychology", prepared by the reading room of the service department of the Scientific Library of NUS.
Virtual exhibition "Scientists of NUS - philosophers, prose writers, poets, historians… »prepared by the information and bibliographic department of the National Library of NUS.
The virtual exhibition "English grammar" was prepared without mistakes by the scientific department, foreign literature and periodicals of the NUS National Library.
Virtual exhibition "Welding in shipbuilding" prepared by the subscription of the Shipbuilding Institute, Institute of Computer and Engineering Sciences, Faculty of Marine Economics
The virtual exhibition "Hero of His Time" is prepared for the 100th anniversary of the birth of A.. B. Ганькевича (15.01.1912 p. – 11.09.86 p.) - statesman, director of the shipyard named after 61 Communard and the Black Sea Shipyard, Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the USSR State Prize.
"All life is at work" (section from the book Bugaenko, B. AND. Nikolaev shipbuilding. The fate of the outstanding graduates and scientists of NKI-UGMTU / B. AND. Bugaenko, AND. F. Gal. - Nikolaev : UGMTU, 2002. – 204 from.)
Virtual exhibition "History in Persons and Events" prepared by the Service Department of the Scientific Library at the Institute of Automation and Electrical Engineering of NUS.
“Money needs to be managed, rather than serve them”
Lucius Anne Seneca
Virtual exhibition “Monetary system of Ukraine” prepared for the II International Money Festival, which 08.09.2011 p. conducted the Faculty of Engineering and Economics of NUS. Admiral Makarov within the limits of celebration of the 222nd anniversary of the city of Nikolaev.
A list of references was compiled for the exhibition, available in the fund of the Scientific Library of NUS.
We offer a complete search of publications from the funds of the Scientific Library of NUS in the electronic catalog by keywords: “money”, “monetary system”, “currency”, “currency”, “finances”, as well as in the library's traditional reading catalogs. You can also use the database “Economy. Finances” to search for information on this topic.
Theoretical principles of money are revealed, their functions, monetary system, financial policy, credit and their role in building a market economy in Ukraine.
According to the program of discipline problems of the organization and a technique of the account of the basic economic operations on performance of the estimate of incomes and expenses of budgetary institutions are considered., the characteristic of the new chart of accounts is given, forms of accounting registers and balance, the procedure for closing accounts and determining the results of the budget. Designed for students majoring in “Accounting and Auditing”, can be useful for accountants of budgetary institutions and organizations.
The main purpose of the manual is to provide information, which can be used when self-mastering the material. Presentation of material in the form of questions and answers, included in tickets, allows you to prepare for an exam or test in an extremely short time.
The manual provides a system of general theoretical and applied knowledge of monetary and monetary relations, mechanism of their functioning, impact on the development of macroeconomic processes, content and essence of money, credit and monetary policy. For students of economic faculties, universities and institutes in the whole range of economic specialties, including. finance, money circulation and credit, banking.
The textbook covers the essence, functions and role of money, patterns of their circulation and the mechanism of use in market conditions. The essence and functions of the loan are revealed, structure of the banking system, basics of international credit and settlement relations.
The textbook fully corresponds to the typical curriculum of the discipline “Money and credit”. The basics of the functioning of money and credit in a market economy are covered. Considerable attention is paid to the analysis of the practice of money circulation and operations of credit system institutions. For students, students of centers of master's training and retraining, teachers, scientific and practical workers.
The textbook highlights the theoretical aspects of the functioning of such economic categories in a market economy, like money, credit, money and currency markets, methodological bases of formation are defined on this basis, development and operation of banks, banking, monetary and currency systems. For students of economic specialties of higher educational institutions of III and IV levels of accreditation, graduate students, teachers, scientific and practical workers.
The paper for the first time in the domestic scientific literature analyzes the basic principles of formation and development of monetary policy of Ukraine as an independent state. Peculiarities of the use of Keynesian and monetarist methods of monetary regulation in Ukraine are revealed. Designed for employees of banking and credit and financial institutions, scientists, economists, graduate students, students of economic specialties, all, who are interested in the problems of monetary policy of Ukraine.
The textbook discusses the basic concepts, concept, categories and principles of building a system of national accounts (SNR) - international standard in the field of modern economic statistics. Exercises are added for more thorough mastering of theoretical material, tasks and tasks for testing, as well as a glossary.
For students, who study by specialties: statistics, macroeconomics, International Economic Relations, management, marketing, accounting, finances.
Petrovska I. ABOUT. Finances (with elements of financial statistics) : textbook. manual / AND. ABOUT. Petrovska, D. IN. Wedge. - 2nd type., reworked. and add. - K. : CUL, 2002. – 300 from.
The textbook covers key aspects of the formation and development of the financial and credit system and its features in the Ukrainian practice of functioning. The publication is focused on the preparation of educational material by teachers, as well as for independent work of students.
Marshall, John F. Financial engineering: a complete guide to financial innovation : lane. from english. / John F. Marshall, Vipul K. Bansal. - М. : Infra-M, 1998. – 784 from.
This Book Sequentially Outlines New Financial Engineering. The book is addressed to those readers, who would like to study a reasonably advanced course in financial engineering.