The information and bibliographic department of the National Library of NUS provides consultations on the encryption of printed material by UDC for your research papers. Texts without an index are not accepted by any publishing house, so, to send text for printing, it is necessary to assign it a classification code. UDC meets the most essential requirements, presented for classification : internationality, universality, the ability to reflect new advances in science and technology without any major changes in its structure. Researchers, NUS teachers and students can get the UDC code and the author's mark for separate editions and articles in scientific collections in the information and bibliographic department of the NUS Scientific Library (aud. 651). For high-quality performance of the service it is necessary to provide:
  1. The text of the article in printed form
  2. Extended abstract of the article
  3. Keywords to the article
It is also possible to apply by e-mail, where to specify:
  • name, name and patronymic;
  • full topic title and keywords;
  • annotation;
  • full name of the department and position, which you hug;
  • add the first page of a scientific paper.
Or determine the UDC Or determine the UDC. Or determine the UDC, Or determine the UDC.