Generous gifts from St. Nicholas

20 December to the Scientific Library of NUS. adm. St. Nicholas visited Makarov with a gift - computer equipment: laptop, headphones and speakers. As the official hub of digital education, our library has been actively participating in the project of the Ministry of Digital Transformation “Action. Digital Education ». Digital education hubs help people, who do not have their own gadgets, understand, how to use them, as well as mastering skills, necessary for security in the digital world and the digital society.

Thank you so much for your charitable assistance to sponsors - we now have even more opportunities to learn digital literacy!

Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova invites everyone interested:
- pump up your digital skills with the help of educational series, presented on an online digital literacy platform;
- compose digits (national digital literacy test);
- develop your digital skills and master the set of knowledge for working on a computer, turning to the Electronic Reading Room (The main building, aud. 547).

Information hour
“Department of Internal Combustion Engines, installations and technical operation: history of development and modernity”

Information hour “Department of Internal Combustion Engines, installations and technical operation: history of development and modernity”, prepared by the staff of the customer service department of the Scientific Library at the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute of NUS named after. adm. Makarova, was dedicated to the glorious anniversary: 90-thing since the establishment of the Department of Internal Combustion Engines, installations and technical operation. Outstanding graduates, scientific research, rich pedagogical heritage - the importance of the department for mechanical engineering education is difficult to overestimate.

During the information hour students of the group 3211, employees of the department and the Scientific Library learned from the story of Fr.. t. n., Professor B. FROM. Nalyvayka about the history of the Mechanical Engineering Institute and the department in facts and personalities, and also got acquainted with photo materials and biographies of outstanding scientists of the department.

A review of the literature demonstrated the scale of scientific and pedagogical heritage of scientists of the department for all the years of its existence: from one of the earliest editions “Proceedings of the Nikolaev Shipbuilding Institute” (1934 p.) to the most modern monographs and textbooks on electronic media.

Literature review, prepared by the staff of the department, acquainted the guests of the event with new scientific and educational publications of scientists of the department, special attention was paid to the new textbook Yu. L. Moshentseva and O.. AND. Гогоренка “Calculation of the degree of centrifugal supercharging compressor”, which has recently been donated to the Scientific Library.

The audience also viewed a virtual exhibition, created before the anniversary date, consisting of two parts:
• part 1 “Formation and development of engine building”;
• part 2 “Modern problems of engine building”.
Viewing of the virtual exhibition is available on the NB website at the link:віртуальні

We are waiting for everyone, who is interested in the history and modernity of the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute, to review the literature, which will operate in the reading room of the customer service department of the Scientific Library in MNNI to 17 December.

Simonenko N.. IS.,
head of the customer service department of the National Bank
in MNNI NUK them. adm. Makarova

Historical retrospective "What the stars are talking about"

7 December staff of the scientific department, of foreign literature and periodicals of the Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarov was organized for students 2 course (city. 2511, specialty "Jurisprudence") interesting information event, dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Nikolaev Astronomical Observatory, - historical retrospective "What the stars are talking about".

During the event, students learned about the history of the founding and construction of the observatory, made a virtual tour of its halls, got acquainted with some facts of its directors and the Knorre dynasty of astronomers.

in addition, during the presentation of the virtual exhibition "He conquered the Nikolaev sky", dedicated to the 220th anniversary of the birth of the first director of the Nikolaev observatory Karl Knorre, those present learned about his life, scientific activity and contribution to the development of the city of Mykolayiv.

The guests of the event were also presented with a slide presentation about the modern research work of the observatory..

At the end of the event, students watched with interest the popular science film "New Secrets of Space". Music clips "Starry Sky" successfully complemented the information palette of the event, "Constellations of the Universe".

Ishchuk K.. FROM.,
manager. scientific department, foreign literature
and periodicals
NB NUK them. adm. Makarova


6 December in the Electronic Reading Room of the Scientific Library of NUS. adm. Makarov held a basic seminar "ACADEMIC INTEGRITY. FORMATION OF ACADEMIC WRITING SKILLS "for students 4 course of specialty "Management" (Bachelor level) Faculty of Marine Economics.

Today, the ability to navigate the flow of information is very important, competently formulate their information requests, to carry out independent search and analysis of the necessary information. Therefore, the following issues were considered during the seminar, as: concept, principles and main types of violations of academic integrity; citation rules and references to sources of information; basics of searching for reliable scientific information.

To effectively prepare for the defense of graduation theses, students considered in detail the "Regulations on the final qualification work at the National University of Shipbuilding named after Admiral Makarov". And in order to prevent cases of plagiarism in the final works of students were acquainted with the "Procedure for measures to check the work for text matches / identity / similarity with the use of software and hardware".

The participants of the seminar received practical recommendations on the use of information sources during the written training, drawing up a list of references, compliance with citation rules. exept this, those present learned about it, that in 2021 p. Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova has introduced two new software modules for remote work with the library's electronic catalog, which provides an opportunity to quickly and efficiently search for literature on various parameters. The first module is a separate software module "Web", which is located on the library website. The second module - a separate software module "Android", which provides access to the electronic catalog from mobile devices on Android.

Information competence involves the ability to feel confident in a dynamic and ever-changing world of information and to have such skills, as information retrieval and processing, work with the latest information and communication technologies. Therefore, students were introduced to the key characteristics and features of information retrieval in electronic collections and databases of the world's leading publishers, use of which is carried out in NUS them. adm. Makarov thanks to the national subscription. It, first of all, scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science, a full-text collection of books by the well-known publisher SpringerNature (2017 p.), more 35 thousand. Elsevier ScienceDirect database books, as well as quality peer-reviewed scientific publications, which form the basis of the EBSCO database.

We remind, on consultations or seminars and trainings on academic integrity and academic writing, of electronic collections of scientific periodicals and databases of the world's leading publishing houses, we advise you to contact the Electronic Reading Room (aud. 547 The main building) and Information and Bibliographic Department of the National Library of NUS. adm. Makarova (aud. 651 The main building).

Корольова Т. D.,
head of the ECC NB NUS. adm. Makarova

Webinar for digital education hub network libraries
"Review of popular messengers for collective communication"

30 November 2021 p. within Month of Digital Literacy #DigitalMonth #DigitalMonthLib employees of the Electronic Reading Room of the National Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarov took part in a webinar for libraries of the network of digital education hubs "Review of popular messengers for collective communication". The webinar was organized by the Ukrainian Library Association and the company SUPPORT.UA.

Today, more and more often social networks are no longer a place for communication and are increasingly becoming a place for self-affirmation and advertising. Therefore, every year the popularity of messengers increases, they become an integral attribute of modern life, the number of regular users is growing, especially young people. Webinar speaker Halyna Korchevska, internal coach, told in great detail about it, what are messengers, reviewed Viber features, Telegram, Slack, compared these messengers and emphasized the benefits of each. Particular attention was paid to setting up group video calls, as well as saving messages - for that, to avoid data loss.

We are very grateful to the Ukrainian Library Association and SUPPORT.UA. for an interesting and meaningful specialized webinar for libraries - digital education hubs.

Корольова Т. D.,
head of the ECC NB NUS. adm. Makarova

30 November #GenerousTuesday is World Good Deeds Day

Donation of books to the library fund is a noble movement of the soul, selfless generosity and good will of the giver.

The staff of the Scientific Library expresses its sincere gratitude to our users, who joined the All-Ukrainian action of donating books, which took place 30 November on the initiative of the Ukrainian Library Association in the framework of the World Charitable Movement #GenerousTuesday, for active participation and personal contribution to the increase of publicly available book treasures, namely:

• students groups 1561, studying for specialty "Journalism",
and group curators Ginkevich K. IN. - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Social Sciences and Humanities;
Dybach I. L. - Doctor of Economics, Head of the Department of Intellectual and Digital Economics.
The Scientific Library also sincerely thanks those users, who donated books recently:
Blintsov V. FROM. - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Electrical Engineering of Ship and Robotic Complexes;
Bilyuk I. FROM. - Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor, Head of the Department of Automation;
Горбову В. M. - Candidate of Technical Sciences, to the professor, Head of the Department of Operation of Ship Power Plants and Heat Power Engineering;
Dimo B. IN. - Candidate of Technical Sciences, to the professor, Head of the Department of Technical Thermophysics and Ship Steam Installations, Deputy Director of the Institute;
Novogretsky S. M. - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Ship Power Systems;
Novoshitsky A.. IN. - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Engineering Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering Technology;
Patlaichuk V. M. - Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor, head of the turbine department;
Turti M. IN. - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Computer Technology and Information Security;
Shostak V. P. - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Operation of Ship Power Plants and Heat Power Engineering.

The staff of the Scientific Library is convinced, that donated books will find their readers and become useful to them, will promote education, cultural growth, will be appreciated by the general readership.

New modules for remote work with the electronic catalog of the Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova

Digital literacy is an integral skill of humanity in the 21st century. This is especially true in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has forced many people in the world to switch to distance work or study. The main purpose of digital education activities is the development of digital skills of teachers, students and staff of the university, dissemination of practices of application of innovative technologies in educational, teaching, research work and in everyday life.

IN 2021 p. Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova has introduced two new modules for remote work with the electronic catalog of the library, which provides an opportunity to quickly and efficiently search for literature on various parameters, such as the author, document name, year of publication, language, type of document, and other classifiers.

The first module is a separate software module "Web", which is posted on the library website. To authorize, you must enter the user's password and PIN (to get them, you must send a letter requesting an email address: or contact the Electronic reading room of the library in the aud. 547).

The second module - a separate software module "Android", which provides access to the electronic catalog from mobile devices on Android. It can be downloaded from the website and installed on your mobile device. The instructions can be found on the website of the Scientific Library in the section "Electronic resources" at the link .

With these modules you can not only search for information in the electronic catalog, but also access full-text documents, made to it, and this will be very relevant during distance work and study.

We acquire new knowledge together with the library!

#DigitalMonth #DigitalMonthLib

Month of Digital Literacy from the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine

WITH 1 by 30 November is the Month of Digital Literacy in Ukraine.
This initiative is implemented within the project of the Ministry of Digital Transformation "Action. Digital Education ». Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova joined a large-scale information campaign, to inspire library staff and users to acquire digital skills.

Since the launch of the educational online platform "Action. Digital Education "in 2020 p., the library staff trained themselves, received electronic certificates and became digital literacy ambassadors.

As the official hub of the online platform "Action. Digital Education ”we regularly hold seminars, workshops, individual consultations on digital and media literacy. So, within # AllDigitalWeek2021, which took place in March this year, a seminar "Digital skills in information retrieval" was held for fourth-year students 122 "Computer Science" (Bachelor level) Educational and Scientific Institute of Computer Science and Project Management.

During the autumn semester for first-year students were media tours-presentations "Opening the library: digital environment of the Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarov ". The main purpose of the tours is to acquaint freshmen with the modern digital environment of the library: branched website content, search capabilities of the electronic catalog and database, filling the institutional repository, electronic library collections, various bibliographic and bibliographic indexes, modern virtual exhibitions and other electronic information resources. More about these events - in the section "LIBRARY-REPORTER" website of the Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova.

As part of the "Month of Digital Literacy" individual training on professional development of digital skills for staff and teachers of the university. The library staff told, how to register on the portal "Action. Public services », get an electronic signature, generate and print COVID certificates.
To increase the level of media and information literacy of users on the library's website in the section "Internet resources" created a page "Digital literacy", which presents digital projects, educational courses, digital competence framework and much more, which contributes to the development of digitalization of education.

We invite everyone interested in the "Digital Literacy Month":
– pump up your digital skills with educational series, presented on an online digital literacy platform;
– compose digits (national digital literacy test);
– develop your digital skills and master the set of knowledge and skills of working on a computer, turning to the Electronic Reading Room of the Scientific Library of NUS. adm. Makarova (aud. 547).

We acquire new knowledge together with the library!

#DigitalMonth #DigitalMonthLib

All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference
“Current trends in the development of the library of digital free time
in the structure of information support of the educational process,
scientific and research activities of the Free Economic Zone”

“Modern trends in the development of the ZVO library of the digital age in the structure of information support of the educational process, scientific and research activities of the Free Economic Zone” - The All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference was devoted to this topic, which took place 11 November on the basis of the Scientific Library of the National University of Shipbuilding. adm. Makarova. The event was held online on the Zoom platform.

More than one took part in the professional forum 60 participants, these are the heads and leading specialists of book collections of higher education institutions of Ukraine, m. Of Nikolaev, public libraries, research and teaching staff and director of the publishing house "Oldie +".

T opened the conference. M. Skeleton, Director of the Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova, Candidate of Sciences in Social Communications.

I addressed the participants of the event with a welcoming speech. About Irtyshchev, Vice-Rector for Research and Teaching and Innovation of the National University of Shipbuilding. adm. Makarova, Doctor of Economics, professor, Professor of Management. She emphasized that, that the library of free economic science at the present stage of development and modernization of higher education in Ukraine should promote, within its competence, implementation of European norms and standards of education, raising the scientific rating of the university, flexibly and promptly respond to changing needs and expectations of its users, and wished the library specialists fruitful work, interesting professional communication, aimed at further innovative development.

Many reports and speeches were presented, devoted to urgent issues of functioning of free economic libraries, in which participants presented the results of practical experience and research, namely: modern strategies for the development of university libraries; access to information resources of free economic libraries; research activities of free economic libraries; book heritage of libraries: study and conservation; library environment as an effective space for socio-cultural development. Much attention in the reports of the conference participants was paid to the issues of library education in the context of digitalization, problems of formation of digital competencies and digital library services, reading in the digital age. A separate thematic block in the conference program was devoted to the experience of libraries in the formation of a culture of academic integrity. All reports were presented in the form of meaningful scientific presentations, therefore, the event was held in an atmosphere of heightened interest in each performance.

Within the framework of the conference, the director of the publishing house "Oldie +" made a presentation of the electronic library system. P. Head. The participants had the opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the new publishing platform.

The All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference was held at a high professional level. The atmosphere of the conference was creative, interested and constructive communication. At the end of the conference there was an exchange of views between the participants of the conference, gratitude was expressed for informative reports and interesting practical experience. Fruitful work and professional communication of colleagues enriched the participants with new ideas.

Grave Fr.. L.,
head of the library marketing department,
innovative and methodical work of the National Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova

Quarantine is not an obstacle to improving professional competence

Professional growth, acquisition of professional competencies is a continuous process, and even quarantine restrictions do not stop it. Proof of this - the participation of representatives of the Scientific Library of NUS. adm. Makarov in the IV Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "LIBRARIES AND SOCIETY: MOVEMENT IN TIME AND SPACE ". Initiator of the conference, which this year took place remotely - in online format, became the Scientific Library of Kharkiv National Medical University.

Experience of the Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarov in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic was covered by the leading methodologist of the book collection T. FROM. Migunov. It should be noted, that representatives of scientific libraries of the leading institutions of higher education of Kharkiv took part in the work of the professional forum, Of Kyiv, Lviv, Poltava, Uzhhorod.


27 October, a basic seminar "Academic Integrity and Electronic Resources for Science and Education" was held for students 4 course OP 126 "Information systems and technologies" (Bachelor level) Educational and Scientific Institute of Computer Science and Project Management. In connection with the transition of NUS. adm. Makarov for distance learning event was held with the help of software product Google Meet.

The purpose of the event is to form the information culture of higher education seekers, as well as a culture of academic integrity and academic writing skills.

The following issues were considered during the seminar:
– academic integrity as a factor in the quality of education;
– principles of academic integrity;
– main types of violations of academic integrity;
– citation rules and references to sources of information;
– basics of information retrieval.

In order to determine the organizational and methodological principles of preparation and defense of graduation theses, students considered in detail the Regulations "On the final qualification work at the National University of Shipbuilding named after Admiral Makarov". And to prevent cases of plagiarism in the final works, students were acquainted in detail with the "Procedure for checking the work for text matches / identity / similarity with the use of software and hardware" and warned about the need for special care in processing research materials and software for establishing integrity in their own qualifications.

One of the main skills of quality academic writing is search, selection and determination of source quality. Effective search for relevant scientific information - the key to successful work and the student, and a scientist. In this Scientific Library of NUS. adm. Makarova is ready to provide users with comprehensive information support. Therefore, students were introduced to the key characteristics and features of information retrieval in electronic collections and databases of the world's leading publishers, use of which is carried out in NUS them. adm. Makarov thanks to the national subscription. It, first of all, scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science, full-text collection of books (2017 p.) famous publisher Springer Nature, full-text database ScienceDirect from Elsevier, as well as the EBSCO database, based on quality peer-reviewed scientific journals and books from reputable global providers of scientific information.

Today, the effective search for scientific information is impossible without using the potential of open science and open access to information. Every year in the last week of October, the International Open Access Week is held. IN 2021 p. it passes from 25 by 31 October on the topic: "It's important how we discover knowledge: fair participation » («It Matters How We Open Knowledge: Building Structural Equity»). Head of the Electronic Reading Room of the Scientific Library T. D. The Queen told the audience about the open access movement, its history and current state, and also presented a new issue of the web navigator "Open Access Resources", which is a powerful search engine, that accumulates web addresses and helps users navigate modern open scientific resources.

The participants of the seminar received practical recommendations and answers to questions, concerning academic integrity, basics of academic writing and information retrieval.

We remind, what about consultations or seminars and trainings on the academic integrity of students, of electronic collections of scientific periodicals and databases of the world's leading publishers, please contact the Electronic Reading Room (aud. 547), e-mail: and the Information and Bibliographic Department of the National Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova (aud. 651), e-mail:

Корольова Т. D.,
head of the ECC NB NUS. adm. Makarova

Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova
about academic integrity for students

At the Educational and Scientific Institute of Automation and Electrical Engineering of NUS. adm. Makarov for freshmen specialties 151 "Automation and computer-integrated technologies", 141 «Electric power, electrical engineering and electromechanics », 125 Cybersecurity, 123 "Computer Engineering" and "Metrology and Information and Measurement Technology" gave a lecture-presentation "Academic Integrity: course for students ". The event aims to spread academic integrity among students and prevent plagiarism.

Students interested in the topic of the lecture learned, what rules should be followed by participants in the educational process and how to apply the principles of academic integrity in teaching. After the lecture, students of the course "Academic Integrity" performed special test tasks, based on the results of which they will receive a certificate of successful completion of the course.

Bilonozhko KS,
category I librarian
information and bibliographic department
NB NUK them. adm. Makarova

Information digest "There is such a profession - a student"

22 October on a season ticket to the Shipbuilding Training and Research Institute and the Faculty of Marine Economics (aud. 545) an information digest "There is such a profession - a student" was held. The event was attended by first-year students of the groups 1111 and 1112.

The event was opened by the leading librarian N.. ABOUT. Mahmutova, which provided students with the most important information about the work of the department, acquainted them with the fund of the department - educational literature, methodical manuals, reference publications, with thematic virtual exhibitions, which are created by library staff to help the learning process, and also told about the site of the Scientific Library.

The story of N. was interesting. ABOUT. Mahmutova on the history of the International Students' Day, which is celebrated in November. Attendees watched the videos "Life of students in the Middle Ages" and "Student on the exam". Then the librarian of the first cat. L. M. Denisyuk presented an informative presentation "Interesting facts from the life of students in the world's leading universities". At the end of the event, students watched a fun parody of the song "I am a student", which caused smiles.

The meeting took place in a friendly manner, positive atmosphere. The season ticket staff assured the freshmen, that are always ready to help their readers navigate the information space of the library.

Mahmutova NO,
Leading Librarian of the National Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova

The library is a space for meaningful and interesting leisure

The library is not just a place, where they study, but also a place, where they rest. And rest interestingly and usefully.

Students of the group recently visited the reading room of the Main Building 3441 together with his teacher, Candidate of Economic Sciences V. D. Horny. Our guests became interested in the intellectual game "Nikolaev tycoon", created by the Nikolaev regional museum of local lore and acquired library in September of this year. With the help of an interactive game, students were able to learn more about Mykolayiv and, we think, enjoyed the time, held in the library.

So we invite everyone to have fun and test their knowledge of the history of the city to the reading room of the Main Building (aud. 645). The library is always glad to guests and waits for new players - try yourself in the role of the Nikolaev businessman tycoon of the last century!

We remind: the rules of the game are similar to the classic "Monopoly", but the plot is filled with local lore details and is processed on "the old Nikolaev mode". Two to four players can take part in the game at the same time. Game events take place in 1917 year. Players can buy, sell, to lease the enterprise and real estate of old Nikolaev. If desired, you can choose the mode of educational quest, which provides exact answers of players to questions from history of Nikolaev.

Matvienko O.. B.,
head of the customer service department of the National Bank
in the Main Building of NUS named after. Admiral Makarov

200 years in the orbit of science

Nikolaev Astronomical Observatory (NAO) is the oldest observatory in southeastern Europe, as well as an architectural monument of national importance in Ukraine. This year the observatory celebrates its 200th anniversary. 7 October, on the occasion of the anniversary of this scientific institution, the customer service department of the Scientific Library at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Automation and Electrical Engineering of NUS. Admiral Makarov conducted an oral journal “200 years in the orbit of science” for first-year students of NNIAE (gr.1361, 1371). The event was attended by the staff of the Research Institute “Nikolaev Astronomical Observatory” (NDI “MAO”).

In the introductory word the librarian of the I category H. IN. Albrecht emphasized the historical significance of the observatory in our city, after all, it is one of the few surviving cultural and architectural monuments of national importance.; in 2007 the Nikolaev astronomical observatory was included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites from Ukraine within the program, aimed at finding and saving objects, related to astronomy, having historical and cultural value.

Employee of the Research Institute “MAO”, software engineer D. IN. Bodryagin presented a review lecture with a slide show on the topic: “History and present of the Nikolaev astronomical observatory”. He told about the stages of development and the main activities of the scientific institution and presented new developments. His story aroused great interest among students, although some of them have already been on excursions to the observatory.

Head of the Scientific and Technical Library of the Observatory L.. M. Yanishevskaya prepared a bibliographic review “Star path of the Nikolaev observatory” and acquainted the participants with unique publications from the MAO Library, among which - rarities of the XVII-XIX centuries. Some books were made by hand, and on one even there was an autograph of the founder of the Nikolaev observatory and its first director - the outstanding astronomer Karl Knorre. Students looked at ancient publications with interest and caution.

The event aroused great interest among students, they learned many interesting facts from the history of this scientific institution and the city of Mykolayiv.

Oleinichenko V. M.,
head of the service department at NNIAE
NB NUK them. Admiral Makarov

Historical hour “His memory is eternal” (M. Hrushevsky)

7 October for student economists groups 2411 and 2421 on the subscription of junior courses of the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute, Educational and Scientific Institute of Computer Science and Project Management, The Faculty of Environmental and Man-Made Safety was held historical hour, timed to the 155th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Hrushevsky - a prominent historian, statesman and public and political figure, literary critic, writer, publicist, organizer of Ukrainian science, Academician of the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the first president of Ukraine.

About that, which was Mykhailo Hrushevsky as a cultural, educational and public figure, and who he is to us today, accompanied by the presentation, the head of the service sector G.. IN. Kostyuk. The students learned, that during his life he was not only an outstanding historian and writer, but also one of the founders of the Ukrainian People's Republic, persistent socio-political figure, with which the ideas of revival of Ukrainian culture and science are connected. He became a symbol of the struggle for national independence, he is quoted, researched and republished. Mikhail Sergeevich wrote, that the Ukrainian is the one, who wants to go with his people, work for his good, to fight for his freedom and better destiny.

During the event, a video film about the life of Mykhailo Hrushevsky and his activity as an outstanding historian was also shown., about his contribution to the development of Ukrainian politics, on the difficulties and the first steps of Ukraine towards state sovereignty.

Mykhailo Hrushevsky is a world-class scientist, whose creative heritage impresses with its thematic range, encyclopedic, universality. He wrote about two thousand works on history, sociology, literature, ethnography, folklore. His journalism is still incompletely studied, epistolary legacy. But first of all, he entered the history of the country as its great chronicler, author of the fundamental ten-volume “History of Ukraine-Russia”, rightly called the metrics of our people.

At the end of the event a quiz was held to test knowledge of the biography and creative and historical heritage of M.. Hrushevsky. The most active participants received gifts. Students demonstrated a high level of knowledge of the history of Ukraine.

It was also offered to the attention of those present exhibition of scientific works and monographs historian called “M. Hrushevsky is an outstanding Ukrainian”. It can be viewed by anyone on the subscription of junior courses (aud. 549 The main building) subject to quarantine anti-epidemic measures.

Kostyuk G. IN.,
head of the customer service department
NB NUK them. Admiral Makarov

New arrivals - for science, study and leisure

Literature review “New arrivals 2020-2021 - for science, study and leisure”, which opened in the reading room of the customer service department of the Scientific Library at the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute of NUS named after. adm. Makarova, aroused great interest of visitors.

Employees of the department decided to remind users about the most important and interesting publications, which the department received during 2020 year and the first half of 2021, as well as about that, that the NB user service department in MNNI can offer not only professional publications (books, periodicals, electronic publications), but also fiction, history books, local lore, a variety of reference books.

Some of the presented publications were purchased at the expense of the university, part was donated by teachers, staff and students, as, example, books “Marine Power Plant” and “Alternative Fuels in Ship Power Plant” (authors - Serhiy Serbin, Viktor Gorbov, Vira Mitienkova and others.), which came out in 2021 p. at Springer Publishing House and were kindly handed over to the library by Professor Viktor Mikhailovich Gorbov.

Some of the visitors were impressed by the new editions of computer graphics, for some it was a surprise to have in the fund of the department in addition to technical literature also modern Ukrainian and foreign prose, and others were interested in local lore literature on the history and architecture of Mykolayiv region.

Of course, these are not all documents, received by the department for the specified period, but the literature is presented, certainly, will be useful for research, study and leisure.

The exhibition is still ongoing, it can be viewed in the reading room of the customer service department of the National Bank in MNNI under the condition of using anti-epidemic personal protective equipment. We will be glad to see everyone!

Simonenko N.. IS.,
head of the customer service department of the National Bank
in MNNI NUK them. adm. Makarova

Thanks to the participants of the charity event “Give a book to the library!”

The Scientific Library expresses its sincere gratitude to all, who joined the charity event "Give a book to the library!», held in the library on the eve of the All-Ukrainian Day of Libraries.

Scientists, teachers, university staff donated their books to the library. The noble deed of these people evokes a feeling of deep respect, after all, they have an excellent quality - to give and give.

We thank everyone, who joined in this noble cause:

Babkin G.. IN. - Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor;
Blintsov V. FROM. - Doctor of Technical Sciences, to the professor;
Volyanska Ya. B. - Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor;
Galyu A. F. - Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor, Professor of NUS, Honored Inventor of Ukraine;
Koreneva Yu. P. - Candidate of Psychological Sciences;
Ляшко А. IN. - to the teacher;
Matskevich V.. IN. - Captain of the II rank, chief metrologist;
Mukhiniy L.. M. - Candidate of Psychological Sciences;
Parsyaku B. N. - Dean of the Faculty of Marine Economics, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Doctor of Economics, to the professor;
Ryabenkom V. M. - Doctor of Technical Sciences, to the professor, Head of the Department of Theoretical Electrical Engineering and Electronic Systems;
Ushkarenko O. ABOUT. - Doctor of Technical Sciences, associate professor.

We are sincerely and infinitely grateful for the donated books. These publications will become an important part of the fund of our library, are sure to find their reader, will help ensure the educational process.

So do we we invite dear users to the reading room of the Main building of the university (aud.645 ) to get acquainted with the book exhibition "In good memory to readers…", on which the presented editions are presented, including scientific monographs, textbooks, books of memories, poetry collections and other works. Are waiting for you!

Meeting with freshmen

28 September 2021 year in the reading room of the customer service department of the Scientific Library at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Automation and Electrical Engineering (ННІАЕ) NUS them. Admiral Makarov held a meeting of the management of the institute with first-year students (groups 1341, 1341 Art., 1381).

Acting Director of NN IAE B. AND. Skorokhodov congratulated the students on the beginning of the school year and wished them success in their studies.

Deputy Director for Youth Policy I. IN. Tymchenko told students about it, what rights and responsibilities they have while studying at university. Given that, freshmen will also have to write and defend their dissertations in the future, AND. IN. Tymchenko acquainted them with the "Code of Academic Integrity and Corporate Culture" of NUS. Admiral Makarov. She also drew attention to some issues of ethics among young people.

Head of Department B. M. Oleynichenko told freshmen about the service department of the Scientific Library at NNIAE: about the library, its resources and rules for using the library.

The library staff organized a book exhibition "Library - freshman". in addition, students watched with interest the informative videos "Reader above all" - about the department of customer service of the National Library in NNIAE NUK them. adm. Makarova and “Professionalism, reliability, quality "- about the Institute of Automation and Electrical Engineering.

Albrecht N. IN.,
category I librarian
NB NUK them. adm. Makarova

Virtual local lore trip «Nikolaev shipbuilding:
history and modernity (1789–2021)»

27 and 28 September in the Electronic Reading Room of the Scientific Library of NUS. adm. Makarov took place a virtual local history trip "Nikolaev shipbuilding: history and modernity (1789–2021)». This event is dedicated to the 232nd anniversary of the founding of the city. Of Nikolaev, It is traditionally held for third and fourth year students of the Faculty of Marine Economics NUS. adm. Makarova.

For comprehensive acquaintance with history of native land the considerable part of local lore trip was devoted to disclosure of activity of the leading Nikolaev shipbuilding enterprises., starting with the first shipyard "Nikolaev Admiralty", laid at the mouth of the river Ingul in 1788 year. Also students learned about history of creation of such Nikolaev shipbuilding enterprises and companies, as "Naval", Russud, "Shipyard. 61 Communards », Black Sea Shipyard, "Ocean", Nibulon.

Students were especially interested in the activities of modern design bureaus (PKB) and research centers of Nikolaev: SE "Shipbuilding Research and Design Center", ПКБ «Marine Design Engineering Mykolayiv», PKB "Asaba Design Center", C-Job (the largest independent PCB in Europe), who develop and implement projects of all types of commercial vessels, modern warships, river vessels, service vessels (port fleet).

An interesting addition to the trip were the videos "Frigate “Saint Nicholas”», "Admiral Greig's Arbor" by Eugene Umanov; "Shipyard. 61 Communards »; Black Sea Shipyard; "Plant" Ocean ""; SE "Shipbuilding Research and Design Center".

in addition, students participating in the virtual tour had the opportunity to get acquainted with the local lore resources of our library, which were presented in the exhibition of books "Historical journey through the hometown".

Korolyova TD,
head of the ECC NB NUS. adm. Makarova

Thank you for replenishing the local history collection!

The real treasure of every library is its funds. That's why it's especially nice, when library users - university employees - join the formation of the book collection, students and those, who was once associated with the university, or just library fans. And although the main part of the funds of the university library is literature, related to scientific and educational processes, a collection of local lore literature always arouses the interest of users, especially those, who are not indifferent to the history of their native land, its identity and development.

Therefore, on the eve of the All-Ukrainian Day of Libraries Scientific Library of NUS. Admiral Makarov wishes express my sincere gratitude to our friends, who have recently replenished our collection of local lore literature with their priceless gifts, namely:

Eugene Grigoryevich Gorburov, candidate of historical sciences, member of the National Union of Local Historians of Ukraine, deputy of the Nikolaev regional council, Chairman of the Standing Committee on Science and Education, innovation, young people, family and sports, culture and spirituality, who passed to the library the results of his regular historical explorations: “Stories from the past, Essays” (own authorship) and “Nikolaev in the history of the creation of the Voluntary Fleet (1878G.): Archival documents confirm” (authored by Yevhen Hryhorovych and Kyryl Yevhenovych Horburov). The first is this 28 essays on the history of Nikolaev, and the second concerns participation of inhabitants of Nikolaev in donation of means for acquisition and the armament of ocean cruisers, which became the basis for the creation of the Volunteer Fleet of the Russian Empire. The materials are confirmed by documents, accompanied by illustrations, archival photos, and, as always, capture from the first pages.

Vyacheslav Grigoryevich Matveev, to the professor, who gave his whole life to the Nikolaev Shipbuilding Institute and University, worked as the head of the department, dean, and is now on a well-deserved rest. Book “The river is wide in my life, deep ... (From the notes to the table)” is a continuation of the first book of the autobiographical genre of the esteemed professor, in which the author shares with readers his experience in overcoming difficulties, which occurred in his life.

Vladislav Vitoldovich Matskevich, retired captain of the 2nd rank, to the marine writer, a university employee, a regular reader and a longtime friend of the library. Not one book anymore, donated by Vladislav Vitoldovich, found its place on the bookshelves of the Scientific Library. This time he accompanied the gift inscription and handed the book to the library “From the height of the waves (eyewitness notes)” Alexander Kuznetsov, assistant captain of the famous yacht “Icarus”, which, Unfortunately, left us in April 2020 year. The author with great lyricism describes his journey around the world, and household details help the reader feel like a participant.

As well as a former student and university lecturer, Associate Professor Volodymyr Mykolayovych Khristenko, meeting with which recently took place in the reading room of the library. In the course of friendly communication the author presented and presented to the library several of his new art and literary publications on local lore.:
– “Nikolaev chronograph” - the calendar of the most important events in the history of Nikolaev. This project was created by the author from 2010 p. within the framework of a literary and artistic online magazine “Nikolaev literary” and came out as a separate edition in 2021 year.

– “Admiral N.. AND. Arcas”, “Admiral G. AND. Butakov”, “Admiral A. FROM. Greig” - books from the series “Nikolaev Admirals”, dedicated to prominent admirals of the past, whose life and activity were connected with Mykolayiv and left a bright mark in the history of our glorious city.

Thank you very much again, our good friends! We wish you success and good health and look forward to further cooperation!

The staff of the Scientific Library of NUS named after. Admiral Makarov

The library is an open world of ideas

23 September in the reading room of the Main Building (aud. 645) An hour of information on the topic was held “The library is an open world of ideas”. The event was attended by students of gr.1411 of the Faculty of Marine Economics.

The event was opened by the head of the department O.. B. Matvienko, who congratulated the students and on the eve of the All-Ukrainian Day of Libraries wished them a pleasant and fruitful cooperation with a reliable assistant and friend - the library.

About that, that the book is one of the greatest inventions of mankind, everyone knows. And here about that, how mankind has immortalized and honored the book on holidays, monuments, sculptures, The librarian of the 1st category told the audience about the movies and songs. L. M. Denisyuk. Her speech complemented the viewing of the video “The most interesting libraries in the world”. Librarian of the 1st cat. AND. M. Zakharenko told the students about interesting facts from library history and about famous people, who devoted years of their lives to librarianship.

We sincerely hope so, that in the future we will have a lot of new interesting meetings with our users in such a friendly and warm atmosphere, like this day!

Zakharenko A.. M.,
librarian I cat.
NB NUK them. adm. Makarova

Book time

Gifts are different. There are big and small, expected and unexpected, stunning, useful… But, whatever the gifts, they are always a pleasure to receive, especially on the eve of the holiday. Usually we are, librarians of NUS named after. adm. Makarova, we prepare events for our readers, but vice versa. On the occasion of the All-Ukrainian Day of Libraries, students of groups gave us a present 2411 and 2421 and a lecturer at the Department of Intellectual Digital Economics, Faculty of Marine Economics, NUS. adm. Makarova, Candidate of Economic Sciences Vyacheslav Rogov.

Our readers have prepared an event for us “Book time”, on which they presented their favorite books. Students talked about books, which they liked, remembered, changed their worldview, in particular: “Pride and prejudice” Jane Austen, “Twelve chairs” Elijah Ilf and Eugene Petrov, “See you” Jojo Moyes, “Union of Dead Poets” Nancy Horowitz-Kleinbaum, “Thatcher. Outstanding personalities in history” Andriy Halushka, “The Master and Margarita” Mikhail Bulgakov. The stories were accompanied by interesting presentations. The whole event was cozy, friendly and warm atmosphere.

Thank you to our readers for interesting, an unusual and valuable gift for us!

Matvienko O.. B.,
head of the customer service department of the National Bank
in the Main Building of NUS named after. adm. Makarova

Librarian "Your profession begins today"

21 and 22 September staff of the Scientific Library of NUS. adm. Makarov was hospitably welcomed in the walls of the Educational and Scientific Humanitarian Institute of freshmen. At the initiative of the group's curators 1571 (specialty "National Security") professor, Doctor of Political Sciences N.. ABOUT. Nikolaenko and groups 1541 (specialty "Olympic professional sport") Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical Foundations of Olympic and Professional Sports S. IN. Biryuk held a library advisor "Your profession begins today".

Head of Department I. IN. Kuznetsova told the students about the historical past and present of the library, handed them reader's tickets and wished, that the new school year will bring new achievements and become successful for them in all spheres of life.

Employee of the information and bibliographic department of the National Library K. FROM. Bilonozhko presented to the audience a course for higher education "Academic Integrity", from which students learned about the basic principles of academic integrity and a new remote service for library users - access to the electronic catalog of the National Library of NUS. adm. Makarov from mobile devices on Android using the mobile application LibClient.

The survey of students on media literacy and their safety in the media space was interesting, conducted by librarian S. YU. Pride.

At the end of the event, the library staff assured, that will always help their users navigate the information space of the university library. The meeting took place in a warm place, friendly atmosphere.

Kuznetsova I. IN.,
head of the customer service department of NNGI and FMP
NB NUK them. adm. Makarova

Information Day of the Department of Technical Thermophysics
and ship steam plants

The day of information in the library is a great opportunity to get acquainted with the staff of the departments, as well as students of relevant fields of study with new industry literature, periodicals and services, offered by the library.

The Information Day of the Department of Technical Thermophysics and Ship Steam Generation Plants was no exception, prepared by the staff of the customer service department of the Scientific Library at the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute of NUS named after. adm. Makarova. Students groups 3211, 3231, 3241, 3251 and 2211st had the opportunity to get acquainted with printed and electronic publications, presented at exhibitions “Research of scientists of the department of TT and SPU” and “Energy efficiency and energy saving today”. A bibliographic review of the topic was also offered to their attention “Energy news”.

Browsing the exhibition “New periodicals in the field of energy saving”, Head of the Department Professor B. IN. Dimo drew the attention of those present to the importance of the library's subscription to professional periodicals “Thermophysics and thermal power engineering”, “Integrated technologies and energy saving”, “Energy technologies and resource saving”, retrospective which gives an idea of ​​the development and current state of energy and energy conservation.

The event was attended by teachers of the department: Professor B. IN. Dimo, Associate Professor P. AND. Patsurkovsky, teacher A. IN. Yazlovetsky. They presented a textbook of their own authorship “Fundamentals of thermal measurements” 2021 year of publication in the section “Book premiere”.

Head of the customer service department at MNNI N. IS. Simonenko acquainted the participants of the event with the exhibition of new acquisitions in the library and informed them about the functioning of the library website, access to electronic catalogs, full-text databases, issues of academic integrity, etc..

Literature, which interested them, those interested could immediately get a season ticket.

Simonenko NE,
head of the customer service department of the National Bank
in MNNI NUK them. adm. Makarova

Media tour-presentation “We are opening a library: digital environment
Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarov "for students of the Mechanical Engineering Institute

15 and 16 September, as part of the "Freshman Activation Week" campaign, employees of the Electronic Reading Room held a media tour-presentation "Opening the library: digital environment of the Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarov "for students of the first year of study of the bachelor's degree of the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute.

The main purpose of the tour is to acquaint freshmen with the modern digital environment of the Scientific Library of NUS.. adm. Makarova: branched website content, search capabilities of the electronic catalog and database, filling the institutional repository, electronic library collections, various bibliographic and bibliographic indexes, modern virtual exhibitions and other electronic information resources.

The participants of the event were especially interested in the materials, presented during the review of educational electronic resources on disciplines, which are studied in the first year.

We hope so, that the opportunity to get acquainted with the digital environment of the Scientific Library will contribute to further fruitful educational and research work of students both during the full-time format of study, and during the remote.

Korolyova TD,
head of the ECC NB NUS. adm. Makarova

Virtual tour for linguists "Language and Linguistics"

15 September first-year students majoring in "Applied Linguistics" (гр.1521) had the opportunity to make a virtual journey into the world of learning, reference and art publications in foreign languages.

Head of the scientific department, of foreign literature and periodicals of the National Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarov I. L. Domasheva presented to the students of linguistics the literature of profile content for their specialty. These are educational publications, theoretical materials on translation, reference publications, including the world-famous encyclopedia Popular Science, Britannica, World Book, as well as scientific and educational literature, art publications in foreign languages.

While viewing the virtual exhibition "Ecology. Human Being. Society ”future translators got acquainted with a selection of scientific literature on ecology in English, which is of considerable professional interest to them.

The participants of the event also had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the fascinating world of foreign fiction, learn about the life and work of American writer Jack London, after watching the documentary, created on the occasion of the 145th anniversary of his birth.

in addition, The film "Sign Language" and a humorous music video about student life were offered to the audience.. The viewing of the English-language philosophical-humorous cartoon "One Minute Fly" caused stormy emotions in the students.. They also had the opportunity to train their abilities as future linguists, taking part in the interactive game "Word Game".

This useful and informative meeting was a great start for further effective interaction of the library with students..

Domasheva I. L.,
head of the scientific department, foreign literature and periodicals
NB NUK them. adm. Makarova

Book exhibition "Rights and laws in your life"

10 September at the National University of Shipbuilding. adm. Makarov opened the International Scientific Conference "Black Sea Public Legal Readings", organized by the Department of Maritime and Commercial Law and the Department of Administrative and Constitutional Law.
The conference was opened by the rector of NUS. adm. Makarov is. AND. Trushlyakov, who greeted all participants of the conference and stressed the importance of this event for our university.
For this event, employees of the customer service department of the Educational and Scientific Humanitarian Institute and the Faculty of Maritime Law of the Scientific Library of NUS have prepared a book exhibition "Rights and Laws in Your Life". Textbooks and manuals on the theory and history of state and law were presented at the exhibition; constitutional, municipal and administrative law; international and maritime law; criminal law and criminology, as well as textbooks and guidelines for teachers of the Faculty of Maritime Law.
The participants of the conference got acquainted with the presented literature with interest.

Kuznetsova IV,
head of the department of the National Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova

Media tour-presentation
"We are opening a library: digital environment of the Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarov "

9 September, the staff of the Electronic Reading Room as part of the campaign "Week of activation of freshmen" held a media tour-presentation "Opening the library: digital environment NB NUK them. adm. Makarov "for students of the group 2411 Faculty of Marine Economics NUS. adm. Makarova.

During the virtual tour, students got acquainted in detail with the modern digital environment of the National Library: website, electronic catalog and database, institutional repository, electronic library, bibliographic and vebliographic indexes, virtual exhibitions and other electronic information resources.

Those present were informed, that for remote work with the electronic catalog of the library there is a possibility to use the mobile application LibClient “UFD / Library” (separate Android software module) for mobile devices on Android. To do this, you need to download it from the site and install on your mobile device. The instructions can be found on the website of the Scientific Library

The participants of the event were provided with basic information about the basics of academic integrity of students, which includes acquaintance with the basic documents, accepted in NUS them. adm. Makarov on issues of academic integrity and "Procedure for checking the work for text matches / identity / similarity with the use of software and hardware".

The event was held in a friendly atmosphere, participants were interested in the conversation and received all the answers to the questions.

We hope so, that the acquired knowledge will contribute to further fruitful teaching and research work of students of our university.

Korolyova TD,
head of the ECC NB NUS. adm. Makarova

You are a freshman, and this day is for you

Traditionally, in the first days of the school year, the Scientific Library of NUS. adm. Makarov holds a freshman's day. So, this year, September 8-9, employees of the customer service department of the Educational and Scientific Humanitarian Institute and the Faculty of Maritime Law (NNGI and FMP) have already met their first visitors-freshmen - students majoring in "Law", "Psychology", "Journalism" - and held an open day for them "You are a freshman, and this day is for you ".

The event began with a review of a promo video about the present of the university. The story of the head of department I was interesting and informative. IN. Kuznetsova on the history of the NNGI, historical past and present of the library, as well as socio-cultural activities, namely: themed evenings, days of poetry, patriotic hours, holiday concerts and more…

NUS Scientific Library is constantly improving customer service. From the story of the employee of the information and bibliographic department of the library K.. FROM. Bilonozhko students learned about a new remote service for library users - access to the electronic catalog of the National Library of NUS. adm. Makarov from mobile devices on Android using the mobile application LibClient.

In a solemn atmosphere, students received reader's tickets and sets of literature.

The concluding speech was made by a leading specialist of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law N.. ABOUT. Tribushenko, teacher, Candidate of Psychological Sciences IE. Чугуєва, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities OV. Ginkevich, telling about the role of the library in the life of the university and students in particular.

We are sure, that the impressions from the excursion to the library and from the Day of the freshman in general will remain a good memory on the way to adult life of students of our university.

Gordinets S. YU.,
librarian I cat.
NB NUK them. adm. Makarova

Practical seminar "Scientific and academic integrity"
for applicants for the third level of higher education

7 and 8 September in the Electronic Reading Room (ЕЧЗ) Scientific Library of the National University of Shipbuilding. adm. Makarova, as part of activities to promote academic integrity, practical seminars on the topic took place: "Scientific and academic integrity". Postgraduate students were invited to participate in the seminars 1 and 2 training courses. The moderator of the event is the head of ECHZ TD. The Queen.
The purpose of the measures is to form the motivation for strict observance of academic integrity to ensure the effectiveness of educational and research activities of third-level higher education applicants..
Today, academic integrity is recognized as a fundamental value, on which relations in the academic environment should be based. Therefore, the priority tasks of NUS. adm. Makarov is: raising the level of research culture and academic integrity; promotion of publishing activity of scientific and pedagogical workers; publication of scientific articles in publications, included in the scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science; raising the status of scientific professional publications of the university. These issues have become the subject of discussion.
Head of ECC TD. The queen spoke about the principles and rules, which should guide all participants in the educational process to ensure confidence in learning outcomes, and the prepared presentation informed in detail about the basic principles of academic integrity and plagiarism testing by the Unicheck software product. The topic of increasing publishing activity and access to scientometric databases Web of Science and Scopus and scientific full-text databases ScienceDirect and Springer Nature became important and relevant for all applicants..
The interest of graduate students aroused questions, which concerned the configuration of remote access to the database; the admissibility of the percentage of similarity when checking for signs of plagiarism; increase their scientometric indicators; selection of the journal for publication; what is the Impact factor, CiteScore, SNIP and others.
The seminars were held in a lively constructive atmosphere, and the main message of the event - scientific and academic integrity is the key to the quality of higher education and the reliability of scientific research.

Korolyova TD,
head of the ECC NB NUS. adm. Makarova

Game ”The Nikolaev tycoon” in the Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova!

Dear friends!
If you want to have a good time and remember the history of the city of Nikolaev, then we invite you to the reading room of the Main Building of the Scientific Library of NUS. adm. Makarova (aud. 645)!

We have an interesting surprise for you: economic board game “The Nikolaev tycoon”, which was created in the Nikolaev regional museum of local lore, in the supplemented and updated edition 2021 year, prepared for the 30th anniversary of Ukraine's Independence.

The rules of the game resemble the classic “Monopoly”, but its plot is filled with local lore details and reworked on “old Nikolaev system”. Game events take place in 1917 year. Players can buy, sell, to lease the enterprise and real estate of old Nikolaev. Two to four players can take part in the game at the same time. If desired, you can choose the mode of educational quest, which provides exact answers of players to questions from history of Nikolaev. Therefore, this game can be called a kind of interactive tool for studying the history of the city, from the day of its foundation to 1917 year.

For you, dear users, the library purchased a copy of this game, which is located in the reading room of the Main Building of NUS. adm. Makarova (aud.645). So come with friends and try your business skills as a tycoon of old Nikolaev - who of you will be able to win?

Scientific, technical and innovative activity of professor M. Р. Weaver
(book-illustrative exhibition dedicated to the 65th anniversary of his birth)

On the occasion of the anniversary of the head of the Department of Engineering Mechanics and Technology of Mechanical Engineering of the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute (MNNI) NUS them. adm. Makarova d. t. n., Professor Mykhailo Romanovych Tkach, the staff of the Service Department of the Scientific Library at MNNI prepared a book-illustrative exhibition entitled “Scientific, technical and innovative activity of Professor Mykhailo Romanovych Tkach”.

Mykhailo Romanovych is an outstanding scientist in the field of mechanical engineering. Scientific and technical results of his research were reported at international scientific and technical conferences in Ukraine, Germany, USA, PRC. The exhibition presents monographs, conference materials, articles by a scientist in “Collections of scientific works MKI - NUS”, authoritative domestic and foreign publications.

The official edition is also presented at the exhibition “Rules for classification and construction of seagoing vessels of the Register of Shipping of Ukraine”, in the composition of the author's team which is Professor M. Р. Weaver.

The exhibition can be viewed in the reading room of the customer service department of the Scientific Library in MNNI, subject to sanitary and anti-epidemic measures.

Simonenko NE,
head of the customer service department of the National Bank
in MNNI NUK them. adm. Makarova

Collective consultation for graduate students

14 June in the Electronic Reading Room of the National Library of NUS. adm. Makarov held a collective consultation for graduate students in the second year of study.
The main purpose of the consultation is to provide information to the young scientists present on the access and use of Scopus scientometric platforms., Web of Science, scientific full-text databases ScienceDirect and Springer. exept this, was emphasized, that according to the order of NUS № 233 from 23.10.2019 p. "On increasing the publishing activity of NUS" all NP and NPP of the university must create unique identifiers of scientists ORCID and ResearcherID / Publons, and the scientist's scientometric profile at Google Scholar.
We remind, that on consultations and trainings on access and use of resources of scientometric databases Scopus, Web of Science, full-text databases ScienceDirect and Springer in remote access mode, creation and updating of scientometric profiles of the scientist, we invite you to contact the Electronic Reading Room of the National Library of NUS. adm. Makarova (aud. 547).
Consultations on checking works for text matches / identity / similarity with the use of software and hardware - Marina Zhigalkina (Information and bibliographic department, aud. 651).

Day of the Department of Engineering Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering Technology

Day of the Department of Engineering Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering Technology, which took place 31 May in the reading room of the customer service department of the Scientific Library at the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute of NUS named after. adm. Makarova, aimed to maximally reflect as the main areas of scientific activity of the department, and educational and methodical achievements of employees of the department in recent years.

The event was attended by the head of the department, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor M. Р. Weaver, candidates of technical sciences, associate professors B. AND. Polishchuk, AND. IN. Novoshitsky and Fr.. L. Nikolaev, senior teacher C. Ž. Bodu, who shared practical experience and scientific achievements with the students of the group 3261.

The library staff prepared a review on the topic “The main directions of scientific activity of the department of engineering mechanics and technology of mechanical engineering”, where they were presented, in addition to scientific and educational publications, materials of international conferences, articles from professional publications and electronic resources. Leading librarian G. D. Glushko reviewed the topic “New publications in the field of mechanical engineering technology”.

The exhibition of New Arrivals also aroused the interest of the participants of the event, which is constantly displayed in the reading room.

Friendly atmosphere of communication between teachers, students and staff of the library not only left a pleasant impression after the event, but also contributed to the successful exchange of information and further fruitful cooperation between the department and the Scientific Library.

Simonenko NE,
head of customer service
NB in ​​MNNI NUK them. adm. Makarova

Information and cognitive hour “Professor I. FROM. Nekrasov - the founder of technical education in Nikolaev”

26 May is over 150 years since the birth of the teacher, public figure, Professor Ivan Stepanovich Nekrasov. Employees of the Customer Service Department of the Scientific Library at the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute have prepared for this significant date for students of groups 2211 and 5251m information and cognitive hour “Professor I. FROM. Nekrasov - the founder of technical education in Nikolaev”.

The event was attended by associate professors of the department "Internal combustion engines, installations and technical operation "- k. t. n. Oleksiy Anatoliyovych Gohorenko and k. t. n., Professor of NUS named after. adm. Makarova Vasil Stepanovich Nalivayko.

ABOUT. AND. Gogorenko told the students about the outstanding fate of Ivan Stepanovich Nekrasov, which together with other enthusiasts in the early twentieth century. substantiated necessity of opening in the city of Nikolaev of average mechanical and technical school, which in the future became the basis for the formation of MKI. Thanks to B. FROM. The audience learned how to pour it, as in 2011 year on the occasion of the 140th anniversary of I.. FROM. Nekrasov diesel students managed to find and restore the grave of the professor and his wife.

Head of the library department N. IS. Simonenko acquainted the guests of the event with exhibition of literature “AND. FROM. Nekrasov is a teacher, public figure, professor”, especially focusing on the unique edition 1940 year - “Proceedings of the Nikolaev Shipbuilding Institute”, timed to the 20th anniversary of MKI, where a lifetime article by Ivan Stepanovich Nekrasov was published “A brief historical sketch of the Nikolaev evening workers' technical school”. You can watch a video review of the exhibition here.

During the casual communication, the participants of the event were unanimous, that extraordinary figure I. FROM. Nekrasova definitely deserves respect and memory.

Simonenko N.. IS.,
head of service department
users of the National Library in MNNI NUK them. adm. Makarova

Seminar-training "Electronic resources for science and education: electronic collections of scientific periodicals and databases of the world's leading publishers
in NUS them. adm. Makarov "

18 and 21 May in the Electronic Reading Room (ЕЧЗ) a seminar-training "Electronic resources for science and education: electronic collections of scientific periodicals and databases of the world's leading publishing houses in NUS. adm. Makarov ". The seminar was held as part of the system of improving the professional competence of specialists of the Scientific Library of NUS. adm. Makarova. The moderator of the event is the head of the ECC T. D. The Queen.

The main purpose of the seminar is to acquaint the library staff with the basics of work in electronic collections of scientific information., which are available to users of NUS named after. adm. Makarov on a national subscription, - this, first of all, scientometric platforms Scopus and Web of Science, as well as the full-text platform ScienceDirect from the leading international publishing house Elsevier, which contains 25% world scientific publications in all fields of knowledge from over 47 thousand. influential authors, and a full-text collection of books (for 2017 p.) Springer Link portal of Springer publishing house.

Tatiana Dionisievna Korolyova told in detail about the key characteristics and features of information retrieval in all these resources, based on high-quality peer-reviewed scientific journals and books from reputable global providers of scientific information.

In order to consolidate the obtained theoretical knowledge, the participants successfully completed individual practical tasks.

We draw your attention to that, that access to the Scopus and Web of Science databases is open to 31 May 2021 year with a possible further extension of this period.

Regarding consultations and trainings on electronic collections of scientific periodicals and databases of the world's leading publishing houses, we invite you to contact the Electronic Reading Room of the National Library of Ukraine.. adm. Makarova (aud. 547).

Корольова Т. D.,
head of the ECC NB NUS. adm. Makarova

Media tour-presentation “We are opening a library: digital environment of the Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarov "

19 May employees of the Electronic Reading Room (ЕЧЗ) as part of the campaign "Week of activation of freshmen" held a media tour-presentation "Opening the library: digital environment of the Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarov "for first-year students majoring in" Physical Culture and Sports "of the Educational and Scientific Humanitarian Institute of NUS. adm. Makarova.

The event was opened by the head of ECC T. D. The Queen will tell about the events on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the university and the library, conducted in 2020 p. Particular attention was paid to the book "University Library: from traditional to digital ", which became a significant event of the anniversary holiday.

During the virtual tour students were acquainted in detail with the electronic information resources of the Scientific Library: website, electronic catalog and database, institutional repository, electronic library, bibliographic and vebliographic indexes, virtual exhibitions, etc..

The participants of the event were interested in basic information about the basics of academic integrity of students. The participants were acquainted with the main documents, accepted in NUS them. adm. Makarov on issues of academic integrity. Particular attention was paid to the "Procedure for measures to verify the work for text matches / identity / similarity using software and hardware".

The event was warm, friendly atmosphere. We hope so, that the acquired knowledge will contribute to further fruitful teaching and research work of students of our university.

Корольова Т. D.,
head of the ECC NB NUS. adm. Makarova

Solemn closing of the exposition
"Ukrainian embroidered shirt in Mykolayiv region - history and modernity"

Ukrainian embroidered shirt, along with the Ukrainian pysanka, is one of the brightest symbols of Ukrainian culture. Besides, wearing an embroidered shirt, you demonstrate not only its beauty and uniqueness, but you also testify to your belonging to the eternal Ukrainian cultural tradition.

20 May, at the solemn closed exhibitions, which was the culmination of a series of events dedicated to World Embroidery Day, conducted by the Scientific Library of NUS. adm. Makarova, connoisseurs of cultural heritage were present, among them - Irtyshcheva Inna Alexandrovna (Vice-Rector for Research and Teaching and Innovation, Doctor of Economics, professor), Bobina Oleg Valerievich (Director of the Educational and Scientific Humanities Institute, candidate of historical sciences, docent), Kostyrko Tamara Mykolayivna (Director of the Scientific Library, Candidate of Sciences in Social Communications), Rogov Vyacheslav Georgievich (senior lecturer at the Department of Intelligent Digital Economics), Grishina Natalia Vladimirovna (PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of Management), Balanenko Elena Georgievna (senior lecturer at the Department of Accounting and Economic Analysis), Medvedeva Victoria Mikhailovna (zav. method. office of the Department of Accounting and Economics. analysis), as well as students.

In a friendly festive atmosphere Igor Bogdanovich Martsinkovsky, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of Theoretical Foundations of Olympic and Professional Sports told the audience about interesting facts about the Ukrainian embroidered shirt of Mykolayiv region.

At the end of the meeting Tamara Nikolaevna Kostyrko recited a touching poem by N.. Krasotkina "Put on your beautiful embroidered shirt".

The Scientific Library sincerely thanks Igor Bogdanovich Martsinkovsky for the initiative and active participation in organizing and conducting the event, as well as for the provided unique exhibits and materials.

Ethno-excursion "Culture and life of the population of Ukraine"

"A plant without roots dries up, a person does not live without the past "- under this slogan 19 May employees of the customer service department of the Educational and Scientific Humanitarian Institute and the Faculty of Maritime Law of the National Library of Ukraine. adm. Makarov for first-year students "Olympic and professional sports" and "Psychology" conducted an ethno-excursion "Culture and life of the population of Ukraine". The event is dedicated to the World Embroidery Day, which is celebrated for the preservation of Ukrainian values ​​and their promotion.

Listening to the story of the head of department I. IN. Kuznetsova, all present immersed themselves in the wonderful world of the Ukrainian past, got acquainted with the main stages of formation of traditional clothing of Ukrainians, features of clothing from different parts of Ukraine.

Everyone had the opportunity to get acquainted with the thematic book exhibition, documents and photos.

Everyone should always remember, where she comes from, good to know the history of his people, his customs.

Kuznetsova I. IN.,
head of customer service
NNGI and FMP NB NUK them. adm. Makarova

Let's wear an embroidered shirt - a symbol of ancestral memory, fidelity and love!

Every year on the third Thursday in May, World Embroidery Day is celebrated.
From ancient times the embroidered shirt for Ukrainians was not only festive clothes, but also one of the traditional talismans, family heirloom. It symbolizes the soul of the Ukrainian people, beauty, is a legacy of spiritual culture.

Embroidered shirts for men, women and children differed in their symbolism, each had its own pattern with a certain sacred meaning. The ornaments consisted of traditional symbols, knowledge of which has been passed down from generation to generation over the centuries. With colors, lines, patterns masters created a unique thing for the good fortune for themselves or their loved ones.

Embroidered shirt for Ukrainians around the world is a symbol of Ukraine - especially for those, who once left their native land in search of a better fate. World Embroidery Day has become a holiday of unity of Ukrainians, intergenerational connection, joy of life and positive mood.

Our photos are proof of that, that the embroidered shirt takes an honorable place in the wardrobe of a librarian.

So., let's join the holiday - let's wear an embroidered shirt!

Exposition presentation
"Ukrainian embroidered shirt in Mykolayiv region - history and modernity"

18 May in the reading room of the customer service department of the Educational and Scientific Humanitarian Institute and the Faculty of Maritime Law of the Scientific Library of NUS. adm. Makarov hosted a presentation of the exhibition "Ukrainian embroidered shirt in Mykolayiv region - history and modernity". The exposition is organized on the initiative of I. B. Martsinkovsky - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of Theoretical Foundations of Olympic and Professional Sports NUS. adm. Makarova.

During the event, the head of the customer service department I. IN. Kuznetsova informed the audience about the action "World Embroidery Day", which in 2006 proposed by a student of the Faculty of History, of Political Science and International Relations of Yuriy Fedkovych National University of Chernivtsi Lesya Voronyuk. And the impetus for the realization of the idea and celebration was Igor Zhytaryuk's embroidered shirt, which he regularly wore in pairs, like many other students. Lesya suggested that her classmates and students choose one day and wear embroidered shirts all together. Initially, several dozen students and several faculty members wore embroidered shirts. But in the following years the holiday grew to the national level, the Ukrainian diaspora around the world began to join it, as well as supporters of Ukraine in other countries.

AND. B. Martsinkovsky spoke about the idea and motives of collecting a collection of documents and photographs of embroideries in southern Ukraine, in particular of the Nikolaev area. He presented the documents in an interesting way, photos, images of famous figures of Ukrainian culture, who wore them publicly; embroidered shirts from personal collection; told about the features of embroidered shirts in different regions of Ukraine, which differ in technique and ornament; acquainted with the history of the holiday, traditions and interesting facts about the embroidered shirt.

The exposition was complemented by a thematic exhibition of literature from the funds of the Scientific Library.

Book-illustrative exhibition
“Anniversaries of Ukrainian and foreign literature”

2021 year is rich in memorable dates and anniversaries of famous Ukrainian and foreign writers, who made a significant contribution to the development of world literature.

During the year in the customer service department of the Scientific Library at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Automation and Electrical Engineering of NUS. adm. Makarov demonstrates a book-illustrative exhibition “Anniversaries of Ukrainian and foreign literature”. The exhibition presents works by Lesya Ukrainka, Ivan Franko, Paul Ticini, Grigor Tyutyunnik, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Mykola Nekrasov, Bernard Shaw, Theodore Dreiser, Heinrich Mann, Walter Scott, Stefan Zweig, Romena Rolana, Herbert Wells and other writers. These are books, going through the ages; books, that have stood the test of time; books, that for decades, have been carrying their wisdom to people for centuries.

Readers of our library have a great opportunity to re-read or get acquainted with the masterpieces of classical Ukrainian and foreign literature. So we are waiting for you, dear users!

We will be grateful for the observance of sanitary and anti-epidemic measures.

Albrecht N. IN.,
category I librarian;
NB customer service department
in NNIAE NUK them. adm. Makarova

Online presentation of the book
Ray Bradbury "451 ° Fahrenheit"

On the occasion of World Book and Copyright Day, that was noted 23 April, employees of the junior season pass of the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute, Educational and Scientific Institute of Computer Science and Project Management, Faculty of Ecological and Technogenic Safety of the Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarov held an online presentation of Ray Bradbury's book "451 ° Fahrenheit" for third-year economists.

Head of Sector G. IN. Kostyuk told students about the writer's famous science fiction novel, which remains relevant and popular to this day. The work depicts the utopian world of the distant future, where books are ruthlessly burned together with the houses of their owners by special fire brigades, and the storage of books is considered a terrible crime and is prosecuted. Interactive television deprives a person of individuality and even the ability to think.

Ray Bradbury's philosophical anti-utopia warns humanity of potential threats, waiting for society in the world, in which the pace of life is faster, information is becoming more and more and there is no time to understand its value and truthfulness, as a result, it is compressed and shortened, forgetting about really important things. With his novel, the writer forces readers to look at the world in a completely new way, to think about what is really important in our lives, and, finally, appreciate this indescribable luxury, which we still have - to enjoy reading books!

It was a very useful and informative online meeting, which was a great start for further interaction of the library with students and, we hope, encouraged them to read.

Kostyuk G. IN.,
head of the customer service department
NB NUK them. Admiral Makarov

New victory of NUS named after. adm. Makarov in the regional competition "The best Nikolaev book"

WITH 19 by 24 April in Nikolaev the outstanding cultural event of the city - the XIX exhibition of local publishing houses "The Nikolaev book-2021" was carried out in an online format. Traditionally, the program of the forum of local publishers was rich and varied. Though, that due to the COVID-19 pandemic the exhibition is held in a virtual format for the second year in a row, The online content of the exhibition was presented by a wide range of video products: excursions, reviews, interviews with publishers and authors, book trailers for books of the Nikolaev authors, video readings of works, etc.. 10 Nikolaev publishing houses and publishing centers, namely the publishers Irina Hudym, Vasil Torubara, Lev Traspov, Pavlo Shamrai, Victor Shvets, Ilion and Yaslav publishing houses, MOIPPO publishing centers, NUS them. Admiral Makarov, CHNU them. P. Mounds presented 113 new books.

National University of Shipbuilding. adm. Every year Makarova is an active participant in the exhibition of local publishers. NUS Publishing House. adm. Makarov has repeatedly been the winner of the contest "The best Nikolaev book" in the nomination "The best educational publication and textbooks". This year the university publishing house, as a permanent partner of the exhibition, presented 19 new publications, in particular a new series of textbooks and manuals on various topics, among them - publications on maritime law, sociology, ecology, stories, logistics, corporate finance, etc.. Books have been required for the last twenty years, published by the publisher, is sent to the funds of the Central Library. M. L. Kropyvnytskyi. Central Library. M. L. Kropyvnytsky expressed gratitude to the leadership of NUS. adm. Makarov and the University Publishing House for friendly support and cooperation.

One of the brightest publications, presented at the exhibition, - the book "University Library: from traditional to digital ", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Scientific Library of the National University of Shipbuilding. Admiral Makarov. This publication is the result of painstaking research work of leading specialists of the Scientific Library of NUS. adm. Makarov, headed by Director T.. M. Skeleton. It tells the story of the formation and development of the book collection during 1920 – 2020 рр., the issues of forming the resource base are considered, development of information technologies, improvement of library and bibliographic service of readers, information support of educational and scientific activities of the university; memories became the highlight of the publication, reviews, wish, photo materials. The book is addressed to librarians, historians, local historians, students and everyone, who is interested in development of education and culture of the Nikolaev region.

23 April, on World Book and Copyright Day, the results of the XV regional competition "The best Nikolaev book" were summed up. This year it is presented for the competition 67 books by local authors, issued during 2020 year in 8 Nikolaev publishing houses. A commission of thirty independent experts determined the best among the presented publications according to the following criteria., as meaningful depth, wealth of literary and artistic means, professional level, the level of editorial and publishing training and the quality of the printing edition in six nominations: "The best historical and local lore publication", "The best educational publication and textbooks", "The best poetry collection", "The best prose edition", "The best edition for children and youth", "Best Literary Debut".

According to the results of expert evaluations, in the nomination "The best textbook and textbooks" the winner is the textbook "Current issues of civil protection", on which the team of authors - teachers and scientists of the department of technogenic and civil safety of NUS named after. adm. Makarova: IN. AND. Oak, Cand. troops. Science, docent; IN. AND. Izotov, teacher; L. M. Markin, Dr. Tech. Science, docent, Head of Department; ABOUT. YU. Savina, Senior Lecturer; P. IN. Stein, Senior Lecturer, as well as B. IN. Lyashenko, Associate Professor of PUA MMIRL Open International University "Ukraine". The textbook was published by NUK. adm. Makarova.

The textbook discusses the general provisions and principles of civil protection, the order of classification of emergencies. The issues of the unified state system of civil protection and its components are covered, forces and powers, providing civil protection, protection of the population and territories from emergencies, as well as emergency prevention. The publication provides references to regulations on these issues. The manual is intended for teachers and students of higher educational institutions, and will also be useful to those, who wants to deepen their knowledge of the basics of life safety. Congratulations to the authors and the publishing house of the university with a well-deserved victory!

The best historical and local lore edition last year became the book «Nikolaev in the East (Crimean) war 1853 – 1856 biennium " (authors - There are. AND. Gorburov, L. L. Levchenko, TO. IN. Belyaeva; publishing house Limited Liability Company "Ilion"). The book includes more 300 documents from funds of the State archive of the Nikolaev area, previously unknown to the public. They give an idea of ​​events, which took place in our city during the Crimean War, geographically close to the peninsula. These are mobilization measures and strengthening the combat capability of military units, imposing significant restrictions on export trade, organization of defense of Nikolaev, providing living conditions for servicemen and their families, evacuated from areas of hostilities, etc.. The publication is illustrated with old photos, photocopies of documents, drawings and reproductions of paintings, modern photos of the Nikolaev constructions, which preserve the memory of the Crimean War. It will be useful to historians, local historians, to readers, who are interested in military history. By the way, readers of the Scientific Library of NUS named after. Admiral Makarov have the opportunity to read this publication in the reading room of the customer service department in the Main Building of the University.

In the nomination "The best prose edition" the novel-trilogy of the patriarch of the Nikolaev prose Anatoly Andreevich Malyarov "Such we confidently won", Lord!» (Ilion Publishing House).

The best poetic edition of the jury of the competition announced the book "Let St. Nicholas keep it…" by Larisa Matveeva, which was published by M. IN. Swede.

In the nomination "The best edition for children and youth" the majority of experts voted for the book And. ABOUT. Garkava "Folk Musical Instruments". The book was published by Vasyl Torubara.

The best literary debut 2020 book of short prose "Arabesques and dreams" by literary critic Oleksandra Filonenko (publisher - Iryna Hudym). You can learn more about the winners of the competition by following the link:,

The Scientific Library once again congratulates the authors and the publishing house of NUS. adm. Makarov with a well-deserved victory!

Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova
expresses its sincere gratitude to the publisher Oleksandr Savchuk

Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova expresses his sincere gratitude to the publisher Oleksandr Savchuk (publishing house @ Publisher Oleksandr Savchuk) for a donated edition: Stefan Taranushenko “Masterpieces of Ukrainian wooden sacred architecture destroyed. Augmented Reality Book ”and a set of postcards depicting temples.

The book was published with the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation within the program "Culture Plus". We draw your attention, that at the end of each section there is a QR-code, scanning which reader can get acquainted with 3D models of destroyed temples. The book contains intelligence by researcher Stefan Taranushenko, dedicated to the five churches lost in the 20th century, which are masterpieces of Ukrainian wooden sacred architecture.

The publication will be useful for everyone, who is interested in the history of sacred architecture of Ukraine. You can get it after the abolition of quarantine and restrictive measures in the customer service department of the Educational and Scientific Humanitarian Institute and the Faculty of Maritime Law of the Scientific Library of NUS.. adm. Makarova.

20-anniversary of Olympic education of Nikolaevshchina

22 March, a festive event took place in the scientific library of NUS, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Olympic education of Mykolayiv region. Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding is the founder of the Olympic Education of Mykolayiv Region. Already 20 For years we have been training specialists in the specialty "Olympic and professional sports". During this time, many champions of Ukraine received higher education, Europe and the world. Among them are the champions of the Olympic Games – Alexander Abramenko, Olga Harlan, Elena Khomrova, Serhiy Biloushchenko. Rector of NUS - Trushlyakov Eugene Ivanovich made a congratulatory speech, who shared plans for the development of sports infrastructure.

With the support of the regional branch of the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine in the Mykolayiv region and the Olympic Academy of Ukraine, an Olympic corner was opened. Kuchmiy Vadym, Executive Director of the NOC of Ukraine, presented a collection of Olympic literature, which was transferred to the scientific library of NUS, for which he is very grateful.

We were visited by a guest of honor – senior coach of the national team of Ukraine in freestyle – Maxim Neskoromny, who in a friendly atmosphere spoke about the problems and prospects for the development of ski acrobatics in Ukraine.

Head of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Alexander Yatsunsky shared the secrets of success in the specialty "Olympic and Professional Sports". Olga Kuvaldina, Head of the Department of Theoretical Foundations of Olympic and Professional Sports, spoke about the prospects for the development of the specialty and invited everyone to take part in the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists "Current issues of sport, physical education, human health ", which will take place 28-29 October 2021 p at the National University of Shipbuilding named after Admiral Makarov.

Also within the limits of action awarding of winners of the XXth all-Ukrainian competition "Olympic Ukraine" took place.

In the nomination "The best cyclic sports TV program of the year" the program "Sports Street" won (TRK NIS-TV, m. Mykolayiv).

In the nomination "For devotion to the Olympic movement" – Anatoliy Bilonozhko.
In the nomination "Best socio-political newspaper of the year" (sports department) - vidannya "Nikolaev News".

Congratulations to the winners of the competition, and we express our gratitude to them for covering the sporting events of our sunny city.

Seminar "Digital skills in information retrieval"

15 March as part of the European Digital Literacy Week (recommended holding 1 March - 16 April 2021 year) passed seminar "Digital skills in information retrieval" for fourth-year students of the specialty 122 "Computer Science" (Bachelor level) Educational and Scientific Institute of Computer Science and Project Management. The moderator of the seminar is the head of the ECB NB NUK. adm. Makarova T. D. The Queen.

Today's realities require us to master and actively use the latest information technologies. Increasing students' digital literacy is not a new trend at all, and a vital educational process, which will continue in the future.

If a few years ago the need for digital skills was even necessary, however, there were alternatives, then now, in terms of distance learning, it is time to actively engage in self-education and digital literacy.

T. D. The Queen spoke in detail about the key characteristics and features of information retrieval in electronic collections and databases of the world's leading publishers, use of which is carried out in NUS them. adm. Makarov thanks to the national subscription. It, first of all, scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science, full-text collection of books (2017 p.) famous publisher Springer Nature, as well as the full-text Elsevier ScienceDirect database, based on quality peer-reviewed scientific journals and books from reputable global providers of scientific information.

In addition to resources for national subscriptions in NUS. adm. Makarov due to participation in the association "Informatio-consortium" during March-April 2021 p. test access to the full-text database EBSCO Central continues & Eastern European Academic Source, which includes about 2000 magazines, most of which are reviewed (by subject it is a multidisciplinary thematic collection (full texts 60 languages ​​of European countries), including business, economy, history, STEM (science, machinery, medicine) and right).

The participants of the seminar also got acquainted with the search for legal full-text resources in HeinOnline International Core. The following databases are available on the HeinOnline platform, як Law Journal Library, World Treaty Library, English Reports Full Reprint (1220 – 1867), Women and the Law, Case Law, Revised Statutes of Canada, World Constitutions Illustrated and others.

In order to determine the organizational and methodological principles of preparation and defense of graduation theses, students considered in detail the Regulations "On final qualification work at the National University of Shipbuilding named after Admiral Makarov". And to prevent cases of plagiarism in graduation papers, students were acquainted in detail with the procedure for checking the qualifications of higher education students with a bachelor's degree for text matches / identity / similarity with the use of licensed software products and warned about special care in processing research materials and using software to establish integrity in their qualifications.

The seminar was very informative and useful. The participants of the seminar received practical recommendations and answers to questions, concerning access and search of information in scientific and scientometric databases, as well as on some issues of academic culture and integrity.

We remind, what about consultations or seminars and trainings on the academic integrity of students, of electronic collections of scientific periodicals and databases of the world's leading publishers, please contact the Electronic Reading Room (aud. 547) and Information and Bibliographic Department of the National Library of NUS. adm. Makarova (aud. 651).

Корольова Т. D.,
head of the ECC NB NUS. adm. Makarova

Hour of history
"The Museum of Shipbuilding and the Navy is a business card
m. Nikolaev »

2 March, exactly 205 years ago, Vice Admiral O.. FROM. Greig was appointed commander in chief of the Black Sea Fleet and military governor of Nikolaev and Sevastopol (in 1816 p.).

Until this date in the reading room of the customer service department of the Scientific Library at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Automation and Electrical Engineering (ННІАЕ) NUS them. adm. Makarov held an hour of history "Museum of Shipbuilding and Fleet - a business card of. Nikolaev ».

The Mykolayiv Museum of Shipbuilding and Fleet is the only museum of this profile in Ukraine.

Researchers of the L. Museum were invited to participate in the event. P. Shinkarenko and A. AND. Tolstopyatova, they prepared a presentation, on which the documents were presented, materials and exhibits from the museum fund. The show was accompanied by a story by a museum employee about the exhibition halls, Interesting Facts, related to the history of the city and shipbuilding.

The museum is located close 4 thousand. exhibits, in funds stored over 14 thousand. museum objects. The exposition of the museum reflects the history of the Black Sea Fleet, closely connected with the history of Mykolayiv, acquaints visitors with the ships of the Nikolaev construction, with biographies of historical figures, who participated in the creation and development of the fleet and the city, with achievements of modern Nikolaev shipbuilders.

The staff of the library organized a book exhibition of literature on the history of shipbuilding and the fleet of our region from the funds of the service department and the museum.

Oleinichenko V. M.,
head of the NB service department
in NNIAE NUK them. adm. Makarova

Book-illustrative exhibition "Lesya Ukrainka: a look from the XXI century "

Dear friends!
We continue to publish for the anniversary of the genius Lesya Ukrainka.
In the reading room of the customer service department at the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute there is a book-illustrative exhibition "Lesya Ukrainka: a look from the XXI century ". We bring to your attention video review presented exhibition

Scientific library dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Lesya Ukrainka's birth

On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Lesya Ukrainka in the reading room of the customer service department of the Scientific Library at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Automation and Electrical Engineering is an exhibition, which acquaints visitors with the pages of the life and work of the famous poetess. Her poetry is presented at the exhibition, dramatic works, prose from the fund of the department. Users have the opportunity to read the biography of the writer, as well as read the statements of famous people about her. We invite you to watch!

Дубовик О. FROM.,
leading librarian of the customer service department
NB NUK them. adm. Makarov in NNIAE

Literary excursion "Souls of human depth"

22 February in the reading room of the Main Building of NUS. adm. Makarov was given a literary excursion “The soul of human depth”, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Ukrainian writer and public figure Lesya Ukrainka. The event was attended by students of the group 1561, who study the specialty "Journalism" and employees of the book collection.

Head of the Customer Service Department of the Educational and Scientific Humanitarian Institute and the Faculty of Maritime Law of the Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova IV. Kuznetsova, told not only about the work of one of the central figures of national culture, which is part of the conditional triad Shevchenko-Franco-Ukrainian, but also about an ordinary woman Larisa Kosach.

Category I librarian S.Yu.. Gordynets acquainted the audience with the works of the writer, which are stored in the fund of the department.

At the end of the event, everyone had the opportunity to recite the poet's favorite poems and test their knowledge., answering the questions of the quiz about the life and work of the writer.

We are convinced, that Lesya Ukrainka is a guardian for us, teacher and good mentor. Therefore, it is very difficult to overestimate the role and significance of her work in Ukrainian literature.

Gordynets S.Yu.,
librarian I cat. NB NUK them. adm. Makarova

Basic seminar
"Academic Integrity and Electronic Resources for Science and Education"
for environmental students

17 February in the Electronic Reading Room was a basic seminar "Academic integrity and electronic resources for science and education" for students 3 and 4 courses in "Ecology" (bachelor's degree) Faculty of Environmental and Technogenic Safety. The moderator of the seminar is the head of the ECB NB NUK. adm. Makarova T. D. The Queen.

The following important issues were raised during the seminar, as: rules of academic integrity in NUS. adm. Makarova, highlighted in the "Regulations on Academic Integrity at the National University of Shipbuilding named after Adm. Makarov " (2019 p.), "Regulations on the prevention and detection of academic plagiarism in the educational and research work of participants in the educational process and scientists of the National University of Shipbuilding named after Admiral Makarov" (2019 p.), as well as in the "Procedure for checking the work for text matches / identity / similarity with the use of software and hardware"; opportunities to check for plagiarism of scientific texts of higher education students.

Academic integrity is the basis of the quality of education, therefore T. D. The Queen told the seminar participants about the importance and relevance of academic integrity, and the Academic Integrity Project in Ukraine (SAIUP), which was established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine with the support of the US Embassy in Ukraine. In order to prevent cases of plagiarism, students were acquainted in detail with the procedure for checking the qualification works of applicants for higher education degree "bachelor" for the presence of text matches / identity / similarity with the use of licensed software products and warned about special care in processing materials, research and application of software to establish integrity in their qualifications.

Attendees saw the work of free platforms on specific examples, on the basis of which it is possible to carry out check of scientific works independently.

Also T. D. The Queen spoke in detail about the key characteristics and features of information retrieval in electronic collections and databases of the world's leading publishers, use of which is carried out in NUS them. adm. Makarov thanks to the national subscription. It, first of all, scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science, full-text collection of books (2017 p.) famous publisher SpringerNature, as well as the full-text Elsevier ScienceDirect database, based on quality peer-reviewed scientific journals and books from reputable global providers of scientific information.

In general, the seminar was very informative and useful. The participants of the seminar received practical recommendations and answers to questions, concerning academic integrity in general and its individual aspects in particular.

We remind, what about consultations or seminars and trainings on the academic integrity of students, of electronic collections of scientific periodicals and databases of the world's leading publishers, please contact the Electronic Reading Room (aud. 547) and Information and Bibliographic Department of the National Library of NUS. adm. Makarova (aud. 651).

Корольова Т. D.,
head of the ECC NB NUS. adm. Makarova

Basic seminar
"Academic Integrity and Electronic Resources for Science and Education"
for student managers

11 February held a basic seminar "Academic integrity and electronic resources for science and education" for students majoring in "Management" (level "Bachelor" and "Junior Bachelor") Faculty of Marine Economics. The moderator of the seminar is the head of the ECB NB NUK. adm. Makarova T. D. The Queen.
With the adoption of 2017 year of the new Law of Ukraine "On Education", "Regulations on academic integrity at the National University of Shipbuilding. adm. Makarov " (2019 p.), "Regulations on the prevention and detection of academic plagiarism in the educational and research work of participants in the educational process and scientists of the National University of Shipbuilding named after Admiral Makarov" (2019 p.), as well as the "Procedure for the implementation of measures to verify the work for text matches / identity / similarity with the use of software and hardware" is extremely important issue of academic integrity as a prerequisite for trust in learning outcomes and scientific achievements. Therefore, it is not surprising, that many students have a number of questions about the legislative and moral and ethical principles in higher education.
The participants of the seminar were provided with basic information about the basics of academic integrity of students, they were acquainted with the main documents and rules of checking the qualification works of applicants for higher education degree "bachelor" for the presence of text matches / identity / similarity using licensed software products, in addition, they had the opportunity to see the work of free platforms on specific examples, on the basis of which it is possible to carry out check of scientific works independently.
Also T. D. The Queen spoke in detail about the key characteristics and features of information retrieval in electronic collections and databases of the world's leading publishers, use of which is carried out in NUS them. adm. Makarov thanks to the national subscription. It, first of all, scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science, full-text collection of books (2017 p.) famous publisher Springer Nature, as well as the full-text Elsevier ScienceDirect database, based on quality peer-reviewed scientific journals and books from reputable global providers of scientific information.
The seminar was meaningful, in a business and active atmosphere, and its participants had the opportunity to expand their knowledge and skills. Given the large amount of information, Library staff encouraged attendees to contact them for clarification and advice.
We remind, that on the issues of consultations and seminars and trainings on the academic integrity of students, electronic collections of scientific periodicals and databases of the world's leading publishers should be consulted in the Electronic Reading Room (aud. 547) and Information and Bibliographic Department of the National Library of NUS. adm. Makarova (aud. 651).

Корольова Т. D.,
head of the ECC NB NUS. adm. Makarova

Basic seminar
"Academic Integrity and Electronic Resources for Science and Education"

8 February held a basic seminar "Academic integrity and electronic resources for science and education" for students 4 course in "Telecommunications and Radio Engineering" of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Automation and Electrical Engineering. The moderator of the seminar is the head of the ECB NB NUK. adm. Makarova T. D. The Queen.
The participants of the seminar were provided with basic information about the basics of academic integrity of students and acquainted with the basic documents and rules of checking the qualifications of higher education students for a bachelor's degree for text matches / identity / similarity using as licensed, and free software products.
Also T. D. The Queen spoke in detail about the key characteristics and features of information retrieval in electronic collections and databases of the world's leading publishers, use of which is carried out in NUS them. adm. Makarov thanks to the national subscription. It, first of all, scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science, full-text collection of books (2017 p.) famous publisher Springer Nature, as well as the full-text Elsevier ScienceDirect database, based on quality peer-reviewed scientific journals and books from reputable global providers of scientific information.
At the end of the seminar the issues discussed were discussed. Very nice, that all present students were not indifferent to the problem of adherence to the principles of academic integrity in education.
On consultations or seminars and trainings on the academic integrity of students, of electronic collections of scientific periodicals and databases of the world's leading publishers are invited to contact the Electronic Reading Room (aud. 547) and Information and Bibliographic Department of the National Library of NUS. adm. Makarova (aud. 651).

Корольова Т. D.,
head of the ECC NB NUS. adm. Makarova