On the initiative of UNESCO from 24 by 31 October 2024 year is noted Global Media and Information Literacy Week.

Topic of the Week  there are"New digital frontiers of information: media and information literacy for information, which is of public interest". This annual event provides an opportunity to focus attention on improving media education, able to use information in the modern digital age and develop critical thinking in times of war.

The Admiral Makarov Scientific Library supports and joins the Global Media and Information Literacy Week and offers the university community:

  • 25 October Fr. 12.20 attend an info session "What does it mean to be media literate", where you can discuss current issues of the modern media environment;
  • get acquainted with the book and illustration exhibition "Information resources on media literacy".

We are waiting for you in the reading room of the library in the New Building (Central Avenue,3, aud. 109).

We remind, that specialists of the Scientific Library conduct:

  • lectures  "Basics of information culture" and  "Academic integrity: course for students ".

coordinator of the Group for the Promotion of Academic Integrity at Admiral Makarov National University, librarian of the 1st category, Kateryna Bilonozhko (kateryna.bilonozhko@nuos.edu.ua)

  • advising the responsible persons of the university divisions regarding the verification of scientific works of the students of education for detection signs of academic plagiarism;

director of the Scientific Library - Tamara Kostyrko (tamara.kostyrko@nuos.edu.ua).

We recommend using the resources the repository of Admiral Makarov National Technical University https://eir.nuos.edu.ua/home, in which the scientific works of the teaching staff are placed, employees and students of the university in this subject.

And, we offer to take part in the events:

23 October 2024 year Fr. 15:00 join in to the webinar "Modern approaches to the formation of critical thinking", which conducts
AcademyI Ukrainian press in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine within the framework of the award #GlobalMILWeek2024.

The main questions of the webinar: methods of formation of critical thinking skills in students of education; age characteristics and practical exercises, which will help in this; modern trends in teaching infomedia literacy. Ukrainian educators are invited to the training, participation is subject to subscription to the Academy's YouTube channel via the link:https://www.youtube.com/@aup-foundation.

We suggest you use it selectioncarving resources on media information literacy ANDacademy of the Ukrainian press. Link to resources: http://surl.li/dzkezj

Join the activities, prepared National media literacy project of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine "Filter":

  • 7 November 11.00 see All-Ukrainian lesson on media literacy, which will be broadcast on the TV channel "Social Culture" and on the "First" YouTube channel. The subject of the lesson covers the most relevant issues of the modern information environment: how to recognize fakes, artificial intelligence and its challenges, countering hate on the Internet and understanding historical events. Each task of the lesson will take place in the format of edutainment — learning through a game. Don't miss it!
  • It will help to develop new media educational competencies free video courses "Media literacy for educators", "Media literacy: practical skills", "Media literacy in times of pandemic", prepared together with Prometheus online education platform, and posted on the website "Filter" ;
  • 17 October on the platform «Typeform» held the annual national media literacy test. For those, who did not have time to test their resistance to manipulation and misinformation, the test will be available on the website after this date.

On the website "Filter" in section "To teachers and students" you can familiarize yourself with media literacy guides, methodical materials of the Very Verified online course from IREX, educational materials from IREX, methodical materials for the game "Destroyers of fakes. Fake Busters», posters and stands.

So., improve your media literacy, learn to critically analyze information, to separate reality from its virtual simulation.

Be media literate!

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