The virtual exhibition "Eternal Call of MorI" employees of the user service department of the Scientific Library at the Mechanical Engineering Educational and Scientific Institute of the Admiral Makarov National Technical University prepared for the International Sailor's Day. This relatively young holiday appeared in 2010 year as a result of the signing of the corresponding resolution by the member countries of the International Maritime Organization, which is part of the UN.

The goal is to thank seafarers for their contribution to the global economy, for risks and personal expenses. It is known, that over 80% global trade activity depends on the well-established work of merchant and cargo fleet sailors.

Around the world, more than one and a half million people have connected their profession with the marine element, among them are graduates and students of NUK. The legendary profession of a sailor is romantic, but difficult and dangerous - every exit from the port can become a real battle for their lives for sailors.

literature, which the exhibition introduces, will help to acquire the necessary technical skills, improve professional knowledge, familiarize yourself with the legal aspects of the activity. It is located in the NB user service department at the MNNI NUK at the address: street. Kuznetsk, 5, aud. 56 (The old building of NUS)

Interesting viewing and seven feet under the keel!

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