Dear scientists and students of NUS named after. adm. Makarova!
We remind, that during March-May 2021 year due to participation in the association "Information Consortium" National University of Shipbuilding named after Admiral Makarov opened test access to:
• full-text database EBSCO Central & Eastern European Academic Source
EBSCO Central database & Eastern European Academic Source includes about 2000 magazines, most of which are reviewed. In terms of subject matter, it is a multidisciplinary thematic collection (full texts in 60 languages of European countries), including business, economy, history, STEM (science, machinery, medicine) and right.
Access is provided to the IP addresses of the university in. Nikolaev, Kherson and Pervomaisk.
You can use for remote access:
Login: malarovini
пароль: demo21@Mykolaiv
• full-text resources HeinOnline International Core
HeinOnline covers over 1800 legal periodicals. In addition to its large collection of legal journals, HeinOnline also contains the complete "Congressional Record" collection, full collection of "United States Reports" (starting with 1754 year), world-famous lawsuits (since the XVII century.), legal classics of the XVI-XX centuries, a meeting of the United Nations and the League of Nations agreements, all US agreements, Federal Register (since the creation of 1936 year), Report of federal regulations (starting with 1938 year) and more.
Access is provided to the IP addresses of the university in. Nikolaev, Kherson and Pervomaisk.
For remote access:
login: nuos
пароль: n2gdt7y
Additional information on the website of the National Library of NUS. adm. Makarovaтестові доступи/