Every year 28 October marks the Liberation Day of Ukraine from fascist invaders.
The date was not chosen by chance - this very day, during the Second World War, the troops of the fascists and their allies were finally expelled from the borders of the modern territory of Ukraine.
The war continued on Ukrainian lands 1225 days and nights, Monday - Friday: 22 June 1941 year after 28 October 1944 year, it took tens of millions of lives.
The holiday is established in accordance with the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated 20 October 2009 year "in order to celebrate the national liberation of Ukraine from the fascist invaders, commemoration of the heroic feat and sacrifice of the Ukrainian people in World War II..."
The struggle for Ukraine's independence continues today. The modern generation once again stood up for the defense of the independence and territorial integrity of our state
We congratulate everyone on the holiday and wish peace, harmony and good health to every Ukrainian!
Eternal glory to all defenders! Remember, we remember, we pay respect! you can use the following electronic information resources! Glory to heroes!