- library site - http://lib.nuos.edu.ua/
- electronic catalog - http://ufd.nuos.edu.ua/DocSearchForm
- you can access full-text documents, entered in the electronic catalog, using the user's password and PIN code (to get the code and PIN code, you must send a letter requesting an email address: tetyana.korolova@nuos.edu.ua);
- or through the LibClient mobile application (for users, which have mobile devices with software “Android”): opening it, You will immediately go to the EC page (instructions for installing and using the LibClient mobile application are posted on the library's website in the "Electronic Resources" section).
- institutional repository eIR NUOS http://eir.nuos.edu.ua/
Dear students, teachers, employees of NUS named after. adm. Makarova!
In connection with the introduction of increased anti-epidemic restrictions, the Scientific Library of NUS. adm. Makarova provides services remotely.
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