Dear friends! WITH 20 March in the reading room of the user service department of the Scientific Library at the Mechanical Engineering Educational and Scientific Institute of the National University of. adm. Makarov's literature exhibition is on display "Professional specialized publications".
Monographs, textbooks, reference literature on theoretical and practical issues of engine construction, alternative energy, метрології та стандартизації і багатьох інших допоможуть вам у навчальній та науковій діяльності. The purpose of the exhibition is to acquaint users with the research of scientists of leading educational and scientific institutions of Ukraine.
The first visitors to the exhibition were the associate professor of the department of technical thermal physics and ship steam generating units, candidate of technical sciences P.A. Patsurkovskyi with first-year students.
In the reading room, you can also familiarize yourself with the exhibitions "Scientific and educational publications of scientists of the MNNI NUK named after. adm. Makarov ", "Improving English", "Professional periodicals in English" and others.
Students and teachers, ми чекаємо на вас у читальному залі Старого корпусу НУК ім. adm. Makarova, at the address of st. Kuznetsk, 5