Scientific library - to the 145th anniversary of the birth of Albert Einstein
On the occasion of the anniversary of the outstanding scientist of the 20th century in the Scientific Library of the NUK named after. adm. Makarov held an interesting event - historical retrospective "Genius, that changed the world", organized for groups seeking higher education 2341, 2381 and 1387-st. by employees of the user service department of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Automation and Electrical Engineering.
During the event, students got acquainted not only with the scientific achievements of the Nobel laureate in the field of physics, the author of the theory of relativity, philosopher, public figure, and also with interesting stories, cases and even anecdotes from the life of Albert Einstein.
The presentation "Genius, who changed the world", as well as the films “Albert Einstein. History and facts" and "Little known facts about Einstein", which successfully supplemented the information palette of the event.