To the attention of the scientific community of NUS named after. adm. Makarova!

Research4Life продовжує безоплатно надавати доступ до повнотекстових електронних наукових ресурсів на порталі «Research4Life» в Україні, як країні Групи А (вільний доступ). Безкоштовний доступ триватиме до кінця 2025 year!

Через портал «Research4Life» надається доступ до електронних колекцій книг і журналів провідних міжнародних видавництв, in particular:

Springer Nature
The Research4Life platform provides access for specialists of higher education and research institutions of Ukraine to more than & The Research4Life platform provides access for specialists of higher education and research institutions of Ukraine to more than
Taylor & The Research4Life platform provides access for specialists of higher education and research institutions of Ukraine to more than
The Research4Life platform provides access for specialists of higher education and research institutions of Ukraine to more than
The Research4Life platform provides access for specialists of higher education and research institutions of Ukraine to more than
IOP Publishing та інші

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine вдячне ресурсу Research4Life за надані можливості, які посилюють спроможності українських вчених!

Доступ буде відбуватися через State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine – ДНТБ України.

you need to go to a single portal Research4Life or special portals AGORA or ARDI, you need to go to a single portal Research4Life or special portals AGORA or ARDI. adm. you need to go to a single portal Research4Life or special portals AGORA or ARDI, you need to go to a single portal Research4Life or special portals AGORA or ARDI, please contact the e-mail address of Svitlana Larenkov .

you need to go to a single portal Research4Life or special portals AGORA or ARDI: .

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