To the attention of scientists, teachers, students of Admiral Makarov National Technical University!
We offer to your attention a selection of free inspection services on the uniqueness of texts and plagiarism. The presented services are characterized by convenience and intuitiveness in use.
Plag is an international multilingual platform, designed for students and teachers to help detect plagiarism in scientific papers. To use the tool, you need to register with an email address. Supports DOC file formats, DOCX, ODT, PAGES, RTF (am to 75 MB).
Limit: for teacher profile to 20 free documents per month; no word limit.
EduBirdie - simplicity and convenience of the interface, possibility to check plagiarism online for free without registration. Access from PC and smartphone. To use it, you need to go to, put text in the field or download a file and check it. The tool checks all available online sources, texts and compares them with work. It takes a few minutes to get a corresponding report on the prevalence of plagiarism in the text and a list of sources on the Internet, which contain the same words, phrase or sentence. Non-unique elements will be highlighted.
Limit: restrictions to 10000 words.
Grammica is a free tool to use and gives fast results.
Limit: no word limit.
PlagiarismCheck is a free plagiarism checker.
Limit: free 1 page (registration is required).
Plagiarism Detector is an online resource aimed at determining the degree of uniqueness of texts, and also allows you to check grammar and syntax. The program is easy to interact with - just copy and paste text into the scan window. Alternative options are to specify a URL or download a file. The algorithm performs a deep search: analyzes vocabulary, frequency of use of phrases, while ignoring common phrases, found in the texts. The number of free checks is unlimited.
Limit: restrictions to 1000 words.
Dupli Checker – This resource is great for checking work for free, written in English.
Limit: restrictions to 1000 words.
Plagiarisma is a text checking program for borrowing, is free.
Limit: restrictions to 2000 words.
Candy Content is a Ukrainian service for checking uniqueness and anti-plagiarism control with the option of choosing a Ukrainian- or English-language interface. Uses the shingle verification method, like the absolute majority of similar tools. You need to register to check the text, specifying e-mail, or using Google authorization. Free, there is a weekly balance update for free checks.
Limit: free 10 checks / am to 50 000 symbols per week.
Quetext offers several subscription options, which are suitable for different user needs. The free plan includes registration and basic features, such as plagiarism checking, ColorGrade™ feedback, contextual analysis, fuzzy matching and conditional evaluation. Additionally, a new AI-based tool is available for free testing.
Limit: free am to 500 words (1 page); AI Detector – free am to 250 words.