“Scientific, technical and innovative activity of Professor Serhiy Ivanovich Serbin” - this is the name of the exhibition, prepared by employees of the Service Department of the Scientific Library at the Mechanical Engineering Educational and Scientific Institute of the National Academy of Sciences, to the anniversary of the director of MNNI NUK named after. adm. Makarova, doctor of technical sciences, Professor Sergei Ivanovich Serbin.
Works C. AND. Serbian, a well-known scientist in the field of power engineering, recognized not only in Ukraine, but also abroad, which is confirmed by international publications and participation in joint research, the results of which are made public at international symposia and conferences in Ukraine, USA, Spain, Italy, Greece, Poland, China.
Monographs are presented to the attention of visitors, textbooks, textbooks, reports at international scientific and technical conferences, collections of scientific works of MKI-NUS; publications of the scientist in specialized domestic and foreign publications; photo materials. Monographs and textbooks in English should be singled out separately, written in co-authorship with Chinese scientists.
Of course, materials, that are presented at the exhibition are only a part of Serhiy Ivanovich's possessions and achievements, but even this part demonstrates the significant scientific and pedagogical potential of the respected professor.
The exhibition is on display in the reading room of the NB user service department at the National Academy of Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences (street. Kuznetsk, 5, aud. 56). welcome!