Scientific and practical seminar
"Libraries of higher education institutions in today's realities:
new requirements, new opportunities, new challenges"

Date of the event: 15 November 2024 year
Base of carrying out:Scientific Library of the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding
Organizer: Scientific Library of the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding

Scientific Library of the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, within the measures of the system of increasing the professional competence of library specialists, 15 In November, she organized and held a scientific and practical seminar "Libraries of higher education institutions in today's realities: new requirements, new opportunities, new challenges".

They took part in the seminar 35 participants, these are heads and leading experts of libraries of institutions of higher education of Nikolaev, in particular the Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova, Scientific Library of MNU. IN. Sukhomlinsky, library of Mykolaiv National Agrarian University, бібліотеки Чорноморського національного університету ім. Petra Mogili, бібліотеки Миколаївського інституту права НУ “ОЮА”. До обговорення нагальних питань бібліотечної практики долучились і колеги з Центральної міської бібліотеки ім. М.Л. Kropyvnytskyi.

Відкрила семінар Т.М. Skeleton, Director of the Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova, Candidate of Sciences in Social Communications. Вона привітала учасників зібрання та акцентувала увагу на питаннях роботи бібліотек ЗВО в сучасних умовах.

У доповіді «Принципи управління дослідницькими даними в сучасних академічних бібліотеках» Т.М. Костирко окреслила основні напрямки роботи академічних бібліотек з управління дослідними даними, що сприяють досягненню цілей відкритої науки, представила національні безкоштовні онлайн-інструменти планування управління даними.

У виступі заступника директора з автоматизації Наукової бібліотеки НУК ім. adm. Макарова С.В. Ларенкової «Аналітичний моніторинг за допомогою Google Analitics як інстумент аналізу діяльності бібліотек» були розглянуті принципи роботи Google Analitics, цілі та завдання застосування отриманих даних Google Analitics для покращення обслуговування користувачів.

Доповідь директора бібліотеки Миколаївського національного аграрного університету О.О. Цокало «Комплектування бібліотеки університету: баланс між традиційними та електронними ресурсами» була присвячена роботі з інформаційно-документними ресурсами бібліотеки, аналізу причин зниження обсягів комплектування та сучасним підходам до комплектування бібліотечних фондів.

Заступник директора з основної діяльності Центральної міської бібліотеки ім. М.Л. Кропивницького Л.М. Варюхіна презентувала доповідь «Миколаїв. Публічна бібліотека. Сучасний контекст діяльності: з досвіду роботи Центральної міської бібліотеки ім. М.Л. Кропивницького». Доповідачка розповіла про трансформацію діяльності бібліотеки під час війни, нові акценти в роботі, започатковані бібліотечні проєкти, навчальні курси та гуртки, які успішно функціонують у бібліотеці.

У виступі «Перспективи застосування штучного інтелекту в науковій бібліотеці» вчений секретар Наукової бібліотеки НУК ім. adm. Makarova IV. Бондар акцентувала увагу на особливостях використання штучного інтелекту в бібліотеках, новітні платформи для презентацій, познайомила з безкоштовними продуктами, які можна використовувати у бібліотечній роботі.

Бібліотекар І категорії Наукової бібліотеки НУК ім. adm. Макарова К.С. Білоножко поділилася результатами дослідження «Аналіз використання бібліотечних ресурсів аспірантами ЗВО». Доповідачка розглянула основні інформаційні потреби здобувачів освітнього ступеня «доктор філософії» у використанні бібліотечних послуг та ознайомила з рівнем цифрової підготовки аспірантів для роботи з інформаційними ресурсами.

Завідуюча відділом бібліотечного маркетингу, інноваційної та методичної роботи Наукової бібліотеки НУК ім. adm. Макарова О.Л. Могильна у доповіді «Підвищення професійної компетентності бібліотечного фахівця як запорука успішної діяльності бібліотеки» обгрунтувала необхідність нових професійних знань, формування цифрових компетентностей бібліотечних фахівців та представила результати тестування співробітників «Цифрограм для бібліотекарів».

У виступі «Викладач – бібліотека: співпраця, перевірена роками. До 100-річчя Машинобудівного навчально-наукового інституту НУК» завідуюча відділом обслуговування Наукової бібліотеки НУК ім. adm. Макарова Н. IS. Сімоненко поділилася досвідом співробітництва між бібліотекою та науковцями в напрямках формування та популяризації фондів, проведення спільних соціокультурних заходів.

Виступ К.С. Диндеренко «Інституційний репозитарій НУК як інструмент підтримки відкритої науки» був присвячений важливим аспектам функціонування Електронного інституційного репозитарію НУК ім адм. Makarova, його ролі у формуванні цифрового архіву досягнень вчених, поширення і передачі наукових знань.

The presented speeches of the seminar participants were interesting, information-rich and relevant for the activities of libraries in modern conditions. Exchange of views, професійне спілкування колег збагатили учасників семінару практичним досвідом, new ideas. Семінар пройшов насичено та плідно, а приємна та дружня атмосфера стала підтвердженням того, що завжди корисно зустрічатись та працювати разом в єдиному ритмі – ритмі розвитку та позитивних змін.

Information sheet:
The program:

Workshop materials

Принципи управління дослідними даними
Kostyrko Tamara Mykolayivna, Director of the Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova, Candidate of Sciences in Social Communications

Аналітичний моніторинг за допомогою Google Analytics як інструмент аналізу діяльності бібліотеки
Larenkova Svetlana Vladimirovna, заступник директора з автоматизації Наукової бібліотеки НУК ім. adm. Makarova

Комплектування бібліотеки університету: баланс між традиційними та електронними ресурсами
Цокало Олена Олександрівна, директор бібліотеки Миколаївського національного аграрного університету

Публічна бібліотека. Сучасний контекст діяльності: з досвіду роботи Центральної міської бібліотеки ім. М.Л. Kropyvnytskyi
Варюхіна Любов Миколаївна, заступник директора з основної діяльності Центральної міської бібліотеки ім. М.Л. Kropyvnytskyi

Перспективи застосування штучного інтелекту в науковій бібліотеці
Bondar Iryna Vasylivna, вчений секретар Наукової бібліотеки НУК ім. adm. Makarova

Аналіз використання бібліотечних ресурсів аспірантами ЗВО: за матеріалами дослідження
Білоножко Катерина Сергіївна, бібліотекар І категорії Наукової бібліотеки
NUS them. adm. Makarova

Підвищення професійної компетентності бібліотечного фахівця як запорука успішної діяльності бібліотеки
Grave Oksana Leonidovna, head of the library marketing department, інноваційної та методичної роботи Наукової бібліотеки НУК ім. adm. Makarova

Викладач – бібліотека: співпраця, перевірена роками. До 100-річчя Машинобудівного навчально-наукового інституту НУК
Simonenko Natalia Yevgenivna, завідуюча відділом обслуговування Наукової бібліотеки НУК ім. adm. Makarova

Інституційний репозитарій НУК як інструмент підтримки відкритої науки
Диндеренко Катерина Сергіївна, провідний бібліограф Наукової бібліотеки
NUS them. adm. Makarova

Photo report:

Scientific and practical seminar "Transformation of activities of libraries of higher educational institutions in the period of global challenges"

Date of the event: 23 November 2023 year
Base of carrying out:Scientific Library of the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding
Organizer: Scientific Library of the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding
In the Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova, regional methodical center of libraries of ZVO in. Of Nikolaev, 23 November, as part of the activities of the system for improving the professional competence of library specialists, a scientific and practical seminar "Transformation of the activity of libraries of higher education institutions in the period of global challenges" was organized and held.. For the first time during the period of the pandemic and martial law, the seminar was held offline.
They took part in the seminar 30 participants, these are heads and leading experts of libraries of institutions of higher education of Nikolaev, in particular the Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova, Scientific Library of MNU. IN. Sukhomlinsky, Scientific Library of the Black Sea National University. Petra Mogili, library of Mykolaiv National Agrarian University, libraries of the Mykolaiv Educational and Scientific Institute of Law of the National University "Odesa Law Academy", library of the Separate Subdivision "Mykolaiv Branch of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts".
Reports and performances were presented to the attention of the seminar participants, which covered practical work experience and theoretical aspects of current issues of library functioning, namely:, vision of the future of Ukrainian libraries; analysis of the activity of libraries of higher education institutions of the city. Nikolaev for 2020-2022 рр.; the role of libraries in the digital scientific and educational space of the university; information and bibliographic support of the scientific and educational process in the conditions of modern challenges; the role of higher education libraries in the formation and affirmation of Ukrainian national identity; meme as a factor in the promotion of reading and libraries, etc.
The information of the director of the NB ChNU named after. Petra Mohyly about her impressions of participation in the International Summer School "University Library and Digital Transformation", which took place in. Poznań.
The presented speeches of the seminar participants were interesting, information-rich and relevant for the activities of libraries in modern conditions.
Also, within the framework of the seminar, methodical consulting was carried out "Library of ZVO m. Of Nikolaev: adaptation to new realities", where urgent issues of library work were discussed and relevant consultations were provided.
Exchange of views, the professional communication of colleagues enriched the seminar participants with experience and new ideas.
seminar program
Workshop materials:
Бібліотеки України. Візія майбутнього.
Kostyrko Tamara Mykolayivna, Director of the Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova, Candidate of Sciences in Social Communications

Mykolaiv libraries of higher education institutions in the period of global challenges (аналіз діяльності 2020-2022 рр.)
Beloded Olena Volodymyrivna, заступник директора Наукової бібліотеки
NUS them. adm. Макарова з наукової роботи

Інформаційно-бібліографічне забезпечення науково-освітнього процесу в умовах сучасних викликів
Козловська Світлана Володимирівна
директор Наукової бібліотеки Чорноморського національного університету ім. Petra Mogili

Роль бібліотеки ЗВО у формуванні та утвердженні української національної ідентичності
Терзова Ірина Володимирівна, завідуюча відділом обслуговування Наукової бібліотеки Миколаївського національного університету ім. IN. ABOUT. Sukhomlinsky

Мем як чинник промоції читання та бібліотеки: теоретичний аспект та пропозиції до застосування
Migunova Tetyana Semenivna, leading methodologist of the library marketing department, інноваційної та методичної роботи Наукової бібліотеки НУК ім. adm. Makarova

Photo report:

All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference "Modern trends in the development of the library of higher education institutions of the digital era in the structure of information support of the educational process, of scientific and research activity of ZVO »

Date of the event: 11 November 2021 year
Base of carrying out:Scientific Library of the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding
Organizer: Scientific Library of the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding

“Modern trends in the development of the ZVO library of the digital age in the structure of information support of the educational process, scientific and research activities of the Free Economic Zone” - The All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference was devoted to this topic, which took place 11 November on the basis of the Scientific Library of the National University of Shipbuilding. adm. Makarova. The event was held online on the Zoom platform.

More than one took part in the professional forum 60 participants, these are the heads and leading specialists of book collections of higher education institutions of Ukraine, m. Of Nikolaev, public libraries, research and teaching staff and director of the publishing house "Oldie +".

T opened the conference. M. Skeleton, Director of the Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova, Candidate of Sciences in Social Communications.

I addressed the participants of the event with a welcoming speech. About Irtyshchev, Vice-Rector for Research and Teaching and Innovation of the National University of Shipbuilding. adm. Makarova, Doctor of Economics, professor, Professor of Management. She emphasized that, that the library of free economic science at the present stage of development and modernization of higher education in Ukraine should promote, within its competence, implementation of European norms and standards of education, raising the scientific rating of the university, flexibly and promptly respond to changing needs and expectations of its users, and wished the library specialists fruitful work, interesting professional communication, aimed at further innovative development.

Many reports and speeches were presented, devoted to urgent issues of functioning of free economic libraries, in which participants presented the results of practical experience and research, namely: modern strategies for the development of university libraries; access to information resources of free economic libraries; research activities of free economic libraries; book heritage of libraries: study and conservation; library environment as an effective space for socio-cultural development. Much attention in the reports of the conference participants was paid to the issues of library education in the context of digitalization, problems of formation of digital competencies and digital library services, reading in the digital age. A separate thematic block in the conference program was devoted to the experience of libraries in the formation of a culture of academic integrity. All reports were presented in the form of meaningful scientific presentations, therefore, the event was held in an atmosphere of heightened interest in each performance.

Within the framework of the conference, the director of the publishing house "Oldie +" made a presentation of the electronic library system. P. Head. The participants had the opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the new publishing platform.

The All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference was held at a high professional level. The atmosphere of the conference was creative, interested and constructive communication. At the end of the conference there was an exchange of views between the participants of the conference, gratitude was expressed for informative reports and interesting practical experience. Fruitful work and professional communication of colleagues enriched the participants with new ideas.
conference program

Conference materials

Scientific and practical seminar
“The evolution of the modern library: from classic to digital ”
in online format

Date of the event: 11 December 2020 year
Organizer: Scientific Library of the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding

Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova, regional methodical center of libraries of ZVO of. Of Nikolaev, 11 December in the framework of the system of improving the professional competence of librarians was organized and held a scientific seminar "Evolution of the modern library: from classic to digital ”in online format. The event was held on the Zoom platform.
They took part in the seminar 35 participants, these are heads and leading experts of libraries of institutions of higher education of Nikolaev, in particular the Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova, Scientific Library of MNU. IN. Sukhomlinsky, Scientific Library of the Black Sea National University. Petra Mogili, Scientific Library of the Nikolaev Institute of Law of NU "OYUA". Colleagues from the Regional Universal Scientific Library also joined the discussion of urgent issues of library practice, Scientific and pedagogical library of. Of Nikolaev, teachers of the Separate subdivision of the "Nikolaev branch of the Kiev national university of culture and arts".

Reports and speeches were presented to the attention of library specialists, covering practical experience on topical issues of library operation: transformation of forms and methods of work in the conditions of quarantine restrictions; formation of a culture of academic integrity; information support of science and education in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic; conducting scientometric research as a promising area of ​​activity of free economic libraries, etc..

There was an exchange of views on understanding the future of libraries and the needs of users in reading.

Also, the participants of the seminar were presented with interesting experience of the Mykolayiv Regional Universal Scientific Library in creating an electronic resource web-library "Arkasiv Heritage" and information mediation of the library in the development of the principles of academic integrity..

The presented speeches of the seminar participants were interesting, information-rich and relevant for the activities of libraries in modern conditions. Exchange of views, professional communication of colleagues in the online format enriched the participants of the seminar with experience, new ideas.

Conference program:

“Library of the XXI century: calls, new opportunities, perspectives”
(All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference)

Date of the event: 7 – 8 November 2019 year
Base of carrying out: Scientific Library of the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding
Organizer: Scientific Library of the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding

7- November 8 at the Scientific Library of the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, regional methodical center of libraries ZVO m. Of Nikolaev, The VI All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference “Library of the XXI century: calls, new opportunities, perspectives ”.

The professional forum was attended by leaders and leading specialists of book collections of the Free Economic Zone of Ukraine, namely: Scientific Library of Odessa National University. AND. AND. Mechnikov - zonal methodical center of libraries ZVO III and IV levels of accreditation of the South of Ukraine; Scientific and Technical Library. D. AND. Denisenko National Technical University. Igor Sikorsky; Scientific Library of Khmelnytsky National University; Scientific Library of Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics; Scientific Library of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University. Librarians also took part in the conference: GV Shemaeva, doctor of sciences in social communications, Professor of the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture; Yu.O. Shevtsova, Candidate of Sciences in Social Communications, teacher of Kharkiv State Academy of Culture; GA Ermolaeva, candidate of pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor of Information, Library and Archival Affairs of the Separate Subdivision of the Mykolayiv Branch of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts (SE "MF KNUKiM"); TM Borko, candidate of pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor by order of the Department of Information, of library and archival affairs of SE “MF KNUKiM”; AISidorenko, candidate of pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor of Information, of library and archival affairs of SE “MF KNUKiM”; TV Sidorenko, Candidate of Sciences in Social Communications, head of the information department. of library and archival affairs of SE “MF KNUKiM”. They also took part in the scientific-practical conference: managers and leading specialists of the libraries of the Free Economic Zone of. Of Nikolaev, which are part of the Methodical Association; colleagues from the Regional Universal Scientific Library, Central Library CBS for adults. ML Kropyvnytsky, libraries-branches for youth CBS for adults m. Of Nikolaev; Scientific and pedagogical library; representatives of Oldi-Plus publishing houses (m. Kherson), Ilion (m. Mykolayiv), publisher Vasyl Torubara.

The participants of the event were welcomed: SO Slobodyan - Vice-Rector for Research and Teaching, candidate of technical sciences, Professor of NUS named after. adm. Makarova and OV Bondarenko - director of the Shipbuilding Educational and Scientific Institute, candidate of technical sciences, docent. They noted the special role of the university library for the development of educational and scientific processes and stressed the importance of this meeting., wished librarians interesting professional communication, aimed at further innovative development.

Reports and speeches on urgent issues of functioning of free economic libraries were presented to the attention of library specialists., namely: philosophy of open access in the library environment; formation of professional competencies of a librarian and user; library experience in forming a culture of academic integrity; trends and prospects of information and analytical activities of the library; project activities of free economic libraries; library environment as an effective space for socio-cultural development, etc.. The conference participants were also presented with a review-presentation of works by contemporary Ukrainian writers "Ukrainian Literary Toloka". .
in addition, An exhibition of rare editions from the collection of the Scientific Library of NUS was presented at the conference. adm. Makarova; exposition of publications, donated to the library, with the authors' autographs and an original exhibition of photographs, which reflected the moments of rich and diverse life of the Scientific Library of NUS. adm. Makarova.

As part of the conference, its participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with new books by Ilion publishing houses (m. Mykolayiv), Oldie Plus (m. Kherson), publisher B. Torubari.

The conference was held at a high professional level, the presented reports and speeches of the participants of the professional forum were interesting, information-rich and relevant for the activities of libraries. The fruitful work of the conference and professional communication of colleagues enriched the participants with experience, new ideas.

Conference program:

Professional forum in the Scientific Library
National University of Shipbuilding

Date of the event: 1-2 November 2018 year
Base of carrying out: Scientific Library of the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding
Organizer: Scientific Library of the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding

On the basis of the Scientific Library of the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, regional methodical center of libraries of higher education institutions (ZVO), 1On November 2, a professional forum of librarians took place - V All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference on the topic "Scientific and communication space of the library: requirements of time and reality ".
The geography of the libraries participating in the conference was diverse: m. Odessa (Scientific Library of Odessa National University named after I. AND. Мечникова), m. Dnipro (Scientific and Technical Library of Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V.. Lazaryan), m. Khmelnytskyi (Scientific Library of Khmelnytsky National University), m. Severodonetsk (Scientific Library of East Ukrainian National University named after. IN. Dahl).
The conference was also attended by representatives of libraries. Of Nikolaev: managers and leading specialists of free economic libraries, Regional Universal Scientific Library, scientific and pedagogical library, Branch libraries for youth CBS for adults.
Well-known scientists-librarians of the Free Economic Zone of Ukraine were invited to participate in the discussion of issues related to the development of libraries and the formation of competencies of a modern library specialist.: Kharkiv State Academy of Culture, Kharkiv National University of Agriculture, SE "Nikolaev branch of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts"). It should be noted, that the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference was held in the framework of measures to improve the professional competence of librarians and aimed at exchanging practical and theoretical developments.
The Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work of Admiral Makarov National University of Ukraine addressed the participants of the scientific-practical conference with a welcoming speech., candidate of technical sciences, Professor S. ABOUT. Slobodyan, who emphasized that, that the library of free economic science at the present stage of development and modernization of higher education in Ukraine should promote, within its competence, implementation of European norms and standards of education, raising the scientific rating of the university, flexibly and promptly respond to changing needs and expectations of its users.
Sergey Olegovich also handed over diplomas of Department of education and science of the Nikolaev regional state administration to employees of NB NUK - S. IN. Larenkova, scientific secretary, and T. D. The Queen, head of the electronic reading room.
The participants of the conference were also greeted by the Dean of the Faculty of Marine Economics, Doctor of Engineering, Professor B. N. Piglet; IN. IN. Matskevich, Senior Research Fellow, head of the museum of Admiral S.. AND. Makarov and I.. ABOUT. Good, director of the known Nikolaev publishing house. IN. N. Parsyak presented copies of two of his publications to the representatives of the city libraries with a wish of prosperity and further development. He also remarked, that information technology has changed a lot in human life, but nothing can replace this miracle - to turn the pages of books and admire their rustle. IN. IN. Matskevich presented to the director of the Scientific Library T.. M. Kostyrko and the head of the electronic reading room T. D. Queen badges, made in honor of the 30th anniversary of the first trip around the world on the legendary yacht "Icarus", and donated a book to the Scientific Library. Publisher I. ABOUT. Hudym wished all those present fruitful work, noted the relevance and timeliness of the conference and expressed hope for further cooperation with the city libraries.
The following issues were discussed during the scientific-practical conference, as: the university library is a multifunctional center of the Free Economic Zone, current trends and prospects for the development of university libraries, research activities of libraries to increase the publishing activity of scientists, information and analytical work in the conditions of innovative changes, problems of introduction of academic integrity in the activities of free economic zones. The experience of libraries in. Nikolaev in the field of use of cloud technologies, formation of user values. The story of the librarians of MNU named after V. was interesting. ABOUT. Sukhomlinsky about his impressions of attending book collections in Ireland.
The All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference of librarians was held at a high professional level. The presented reports and speeches were relevant and significant for the development of free economic libraries, modernization of library and information business. The atmosphere of the conference was creative, interested and constructive communication. Relevance of the issue, which was discussed at the conference, aroused lively interest among all present.
Exchange of experience, thoughts, analysis of processes and problems, characteristic of the current state of functioning and prospects for the development of free economic libraries, provided an opportunity for participants of the V All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference to develop and approve recommendations.
The participants of the professional forum had a great opportunity to get acquainted with the new books of the publishing house I. Good, publisher B. Torubara and the book "Dieselists" by V.. FROM. Nalyvayka and O. AND. Гогоренка. Book-illustrative exposition on the theme of the V All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference, organized as part of its holding, gave an opportunity to get acquainted with the innovative experience and prospects for the development of libraries of various systems and departments of Ukraine, as well as the state of affairs in libraries near and far abroad.
in addition, all conference participants visited the S Museum. AND. Makarov and got acquainted with his updated exhibition.
The Conference Program is available on the website of the NUS National Library, in the "Conferences" section.

Photo report

"Vision of the university library in the context of the development of modern socio-communication concepts"
(All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference)

Date of the event: 27 April 2017 year
Base of carrying out: Scientific Library of the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding
Organizer: Scientific Library of the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding

Conference program:

Photo report

"Library and book in the context of time"
(scientific and practical seminar)

Date of the event: 9 June 2016 year
Base of carrying out: Library of the Separate Subdivision "Mykolayiv Branch of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts"
Organizers: Library of the Separate Subdivision "Mykolayiv Branch of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts"

Workshop program:

9 June on the basis of the library of the Separate subdivision "Nikolaev branch of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts" (SE "MF KNUKiM") scientific-practical seminar "Library and book in the context of time" took place, dedicated to the 45th anniversary of the foundation of the library of SE "MF KNUKiM".

The seminar was attended by heads and leading specialists of university libraries. Of Nikolaev, which are part of the Methodical Association; colleagues from the Nikolaev regional library for children; specialists of libraries of vocational schools of. Of Nikolaev; teachers of the Department of Documentation and Information Systems of SE "MF KNUKiM".

S.O. addressed the participants of the seminar with a welcoming speech. Shulyak, Dean of the Faculty of Management and Business of SE "MF KNUKiM", candidate of pedagogical sciences, docent. She noted the special mission of libraries, which is not just about accumulation, storage of information and documents, but also in bringing information to consumers, providing access to documents of all types and on any media. The reorientation of libraries to the user will help maintain a positive image of libraries. Also, she wished librarians interesting professional communication, creativity, creative, new ideas.

The speech of TM was presented to the attention of the seminar participants. Borko, candidate of pedagogical sciences, Head of the Department of Documentation and Information Systems, in which the issues of formation of professional competence were covered - an urgent task of training future librarians.

Also, As part of the seminar, participants learned more about the activities of the library of SE "MF KNUKiM", which recently celebrated its 45th anniversary, in particular: with the history of the library of VP "MF KNUKiM", new guidelines in the work, on-line services, used to create electronic resources.

During the seminar the staff of the library of SE "MF KNUKiM" for the introduction of innovative technologies in practice, creativity, high level of library and information service and on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of its foundation was awarded a diploma and a memorable gift.

in addition, the participants of the seminar were presented with speeches: M. FROM. Zhigalkina, Head of the Information and Bibliographic Department of the National Library of the National Academy of Sciences named after Admiral Makarov - "Modern idea of ​​electronic bibliography"; AND. IN. Golenko, Head of the Department of Information Technologies and Electronic Resources of the Mykolayiv Regional Library for Children - "Implementation and use of new information technologies in the work of children's libraries of Ukraine"; D. IN. Tkachenko, Head of the Department of Information Technologies of the MNAU Library - "Problematic aspects of the formation of the information environment of the MNAU library in the context of modern needs of scientists". Also, AND. IN. Violinist, head of the service department of the National Library of MNU. IN. ABOUT. Sukhomlinsky, acquainted the participants of the professional meeting with the results of the sociological research "Portrait of a modern reader of fiction", conducted on the basis of MNU. IN. ABOUT. Sukhomlinsky and others.

The seminar was held in an atmosphere of professional communication, which facilitated the exchange of work experience, strengthening friendships, further cooperation.

Photo report

"Library - University: faces of interaction »

Date of the event: 29 February 2016 year
Base of carrying out: Library of the Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University
Organizers: Library of the Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University,
Scientific Library of Admiral Makarov National University

Workshop program:

As part of the measures of the system of continuous library education of specialists of the Methodical Association of Libraries of Universities of. Of Nikolaev 29 February 2016 year on the basis of the library of BSCU. Petro Mohyla hosted an interuniversity workshop "Library - University: faces of interaction ».

The seminar was attended by heads and leading specialists of university libraries. Of Nikolaev. During the seminar, participants got acquainted with the activities of the library of BSCU. Petra Mogili, which recently celebrated its 20th anniversary. In particular, speeches on issues were heard and discussed: the role and place of the library in the scientific and educational environment of the university, monitoring the book supply of the educational process in universities, etc.. Also, participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the collection of old prints from the library of BSCU. Petra Mogili.

Professional exchange of experience in the work of university libraries in. Nikolaev was continued during meeting of a round table on a theme «Bibliographic production of libraries of high school and electronic bibliography: requirements, development and opportunities ". It is no coincidence that an important aspect of information and bibliographic work was chosen for discussion, which reveals one of the leading areas of scientific activity of university libraries. After all, the creation of bibliographic products is a responsible job and requires specialists of book collections of various competencies: communication skills, professional perseverance, knowledge of terminology and standards, as well as language proficiency. The round table discussed issues of compiling varieties of bibliographic indexes in libraries and considered innovative developments of bibliographic products using web technologies.

In particular, The experience of Admiral Makarov NSC in creating bibliographic indexes was highlighted by the head of the information and bibliographic department of Admiral Makarov National Library.. Zhigalkin. Speech by the head of the Electronic Reading Room of the National Library named after Admiral Makarov TD. The Queen was dedicated to the creation of bibliographic publications as an innovative format for presenting reference bibliography in the web environment. The head of the scientific information sector of the information and bibliographic department of V.D. Sukhomlynsky presented the bibliographic products of the National Library of the VO Sukhomlinsky National University of Ukraine.. Vilkul. NS presented her bibliographic publications to the head of the library of VP KNUKiM. Blacksmith. The event featured an exhibition of bibliographic products of libraries participating in the round table. The participants were especially interested in the presented personal samples, research and support, recommended bibliographic publications in traditional and electronic form.

The seminar was held in an atmosphere of professional discussion, lively communication with colleagues, which facilitates the exchange of work experience, strengthening friendships, provides an impetus for further interaction and cooperation.

Photo report

"The library is the foundation of education, guardian of knowledge, cultural center "
(Scientific and Practical Conference)

Date of the event: 19 November 2015 year
Base of carrying out: Scientific Library of the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding
Organizer: Scientific Library of the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding

Conference program:

Conference materials

Photo report

“Functions of the university library in the conditions of development of scientific and communication sphere” (scientific and practical seminar)

Date of the event:19 November 2014 year
Base of carrying out: Scientific Library of the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding
Organizer: Scientific Library of the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding

Conference program:

Workshop materials

Methods of bibliometric analysis of scientific publications as a tool for analysis and research management – Kostyrko Tamara Mykolayivna, Candidate of Sciences in Social Communications, Director of the Scientific Library

The role of the university library in promoting the university in the international ranking of Webometrics – Bondar Irina Vasilievna, zam. Director of the Scientific Library of NUK

Information needs of researchers of higher education institutions for electronic resources, provided by the NB NB, and analysis of the activity of their use.- Bєlodєd O.V., head of the library marketing department, innovative and methodical work of the Scientific Library of NUS

Open Access. Library aspect- Korolyova TD, Head of the ECU NB NUS

The place of the MNAU library in the system of scientific communications – Zocalo O. ABOUT., Deputy Director of the MNAU Library, Tkachenko D.. IN., Head of the Department of Information Technology and Computer Support of the MNAU Library

BSTU Library named after. Petro Mohyla is a modern stage of development – Petrochenko GM, director of the library of BSCU. Petra Mogili

Photo report