З нагоди дня народження видатного українського письменника, playwright, public figure, автора творів, які стали надбанням української літератури та культури, співробітники Наукової бібліотеки підготували віртуальний нарис «Панас Мирний. Історія життя та цікаві факти про письменника». We invite you to watch!
12 May is Mother's Day
Scientific Library of NUS named after. adm. Makarova congratulates all mothers on this touching and warm holiday. We sincerely wish for peace, happiness, inspiration, patience, health and love. On the occasion of the holiday, an exhibition of embroidered paintings by Iryna Volodymyrivna Zakirova is shown in the Scientific Library, head of the Main and New Buildings of the National Academy of Sciences. We are waiting for you in the reading room […]
The scientific library invites!
Dear scientists, teachers and students! We invite you to visit the exhibition "Science for the Development of Ukraine", which the employees of the user service department of the Scientific Library at the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute of the Ukrainian National University named after. adm. Makarov was prepared for the professional holiday of science workers of Ukraine - Science Day, which in 2024 year will be celebrated 18 May. The exhibition reveals some areas of research […]
9 May - Europe Day
According to the Decree of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi No. 266/2023 "On Europe Day", annually 9 Europe Day is celebrated in Ukraine together with the countries of the European Union on May. This has an important historical significance in the awareness of the European identity of the Ukrainian people, strengthening the unity of the peoples of Europe, ensuring peace, security and stability on the continent. Ukraine at an exorbitantly high price […]
8 May is the Day of Remembrance and Victory over Nazism in the Second World War (1939-1945 рр.)
IN 2023 President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky signed the law “About the Day of Remembrance and Victory over Nazism in the Second World War of 1939–1945”, which is established, what 8 May is the only date, when Ukraine celebrates the victory over Nazism and honors the memory of those who died in the Second World War. The Second World War lasted six years […]