The Scientific Library of the Admiral Makarov National Technical University expresses its sincere thanks to the authors of the book "One Hundred Years of the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute: the way to success": to the director of MNNI NUK, Dr. Tech. Science, Professor S.I. Serbia, to the deputy director of MNNI NUK, Cand. tech. Science, Associate Professor O.A.. Gogorenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Internal Combustion Engines, installations and technical operation, Cand. tech. Science […]
The scientific library welcomes MNNI NUK!
The staff of the Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences congratulates the teachers from the bottom of their hearts, employees, students and graduates of the Mechanical Engineering Educational and Scientific Institute of Admiral Makarov National Shipbuilding University with a significant event! 5 December 2024 year of MNNI NUK was completed 100 years! For 100 years of its existence, the institute has prepared more 30 thousands of specialists of the highest level of training, a […]
6 December - Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Свято справжньої мужності, героїзму і відваги – День Збройних Сил України – 6 грудня відзначає український народ. У такий знаменний день колектив Наукової бібліотеки вітає всіх, who is involved in the high and honorable rank of military serviceman, хто обрав для себе важку, але гідну професію – захищати суверенітет, незалежність, національну ідентичність України. Ваша […]
6 December - Saint Nicholas Day
For the second year in a row, Ukrainians celebrate one of the brightest Christian holidays - St. Nicholas Day 6 December. The scientific library of the National Academy of Sciences named after Admiral Makarov sincerely congratulates you on the holiday! We wish you, dear friends, the world, good, health, welfare, family comfort. May Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker always protect you from all troubles and give you gifts […]
The scientific library presents!
Dear friends! The virtual exhibition "Golden Pages of Olympic Sports" is brought to your attention, which introduces the history and development of Olympic sports, Olympic sports, also with the achievements of athletes of Ukraine and the world in the Olympic Games. We invite applicants for the "Olympic and Professional Sports" specialty to view, "Physical culture and sports", professional athletes and all, […]