Scientific library - in honor of the memory of the scientist

Commemorative events in honor of the scientist continued at the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute of the Admiral Makarov National Technical University, teacher, the long-term head of the institute - Viktor Mykhailovych Gorbov, in which the Scientific Library took an active part. 28 In May, a ceremonial opening of the memorial plaque took place, which was attended by the management of the university, family, colleagues, students and good friends of this one […]

To the attention of the scientific community of Adm. Makarov National Technical University and all interested parties!

Webinar "Digital AI Tools for Scientists". 31 In May, the webinar "Trinka, Sider, Perplexity" from the AI ​​Digital Tools for Scientists series. It is designed to inform representatives of the academic community about the possibilities of effective work with scientific literature, finding new topics for research, ways to keep up with the latest library trends. The organizer is the Academy […]

We care about mental health: educational series from Diya. Education 🙏

Friends! The scientific library of Admiral Makarov National Technical University - the hub of digital education "Diya.Osvita" - invites you to familiarize yourself with new educational series and guides, dedicated to human mental health in modern realities. You can learn about psychological and legal assistance during martial law, how to work with children during wartime and provide […]

27 May - 95 years since the birthday of Roman Ivanovich Ivanichuk

On the occasion of the birthday and commemoration of Roman Ivanychuk, Ukrainian writer, political and public figure Scientific library presents the virtual exhibition "Created with the heart, mind, soul", which illuminates the pages of the creative biography of the individual and unique, an artist devoted to historical themes. Roman Ivanychuk is one of the organizers of the Ukrainian Language Society named after. T. Shevchenko, People's Movement […]

Scientific and pedagogical legacy of Professor Viktor Mykhailovych Gorbov

Virtual exhibition "Scientific and Pedagogical Heritage of Professor V.M. Gorbova. Selected", which was prepared by the staff of the user service department of the Scientific Library at the Machine-Building Educational and Scientific Institute of Admiral Makarov National Technical University, introduces only a small part of the scientific and pedagogical heritage of the famous scientist, candidate of technical sciences, professor, Viktor Mykhailovych Gorbov, Head of the Department of Operation of Ship Power Plants and Thermal Power Engineering, […]