Elsevier: Academic support of Ukraine.

Support of Ukrainian scientists, researchers and students, Elsevier provides free access to its academic support tools, datasets and educational platforms to support scientists, researchers and students throughout Ukraine during this difficult time. Below you will find a brief overview of each product, access instructions and support information.Free accessWe offer free access to […]

28 March - the day of the liberation of Mykolaiv from the fascist invaders

28 March is a significant date in the history of Mykolaiv. It is on this day, 79 years ago, the city was liberated from the fascist invaders. Celebrating the anniversary, we honor all those, whose struggle, dedicated work and heroism made it possible to liberate Mykolaiv from the Nazis, we remember everyone, who defended and liberated Ukrainian lands, approaching Victory Day. Heroic […]


To the attention of the scientific community of NUS named after. adm. Makarov and all interested! We bring to your attention the CLARIVATE webinar "INTRODUCTION TO SCIENCE METRIC" When: 30 March 2023 p. These: Goals and tasks of scientometrics, data and sources, used for analysis, criteria of their quality. How are they calculated and why? (not)it is worth using basic indicators: […]

Educational and methodological seminar "Updating and preservation of library funds: today's challenges"

Specialists of the Scientific Library of the National University named after. adm. Makarova, within the framework of the continuous library education system, constantly pay attention to increasing the level of their professional competence, participating in online conferences, webinars and online courses. That's it 24 In March, the library employees participated in the educational and methodical seminar: "Updating and preservation of library funds: today's challenges", organized by the State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine […]

20 March is World Earth Day

Planet Earth is our native home, in which there are exceptional, rare conditions for people's existence and life, animals, plants. These conditions open up many opportunities for us and sufficient space for their implementation. Not every planet is endowed with such unique potential and located in such exceptional conditions, which contributed to the founding and flourishing […]