Law of Ukraine "On Basic Principles (strategy) of state ecological policy of Ukraine for the period before 2030 year » (accepted 28.02.2019, put into operation with 1 January 2020 p.)
It is considered in the Law: existing problems and the current state of the environment in Ukraine; goal, ambush, principles and instruments of state environmental policy; strategic goals and objectives of the state environmental policy; stages of implementation of state environmental policy.
On the concept of environmental education in Ukraine
Decision of the Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine N 13/6-19 from 20.12.2001 "On the concept of environmental education in Ukraine".
Ecological Sciences for Sustainable Development (Environmental sciences for sustainable development - UNESCO)
Education, communication and public awareness are key elements in improving the living standards of all people and their environment, overcoming poverty, reducing inequality and promoting sustainable development.
Environmental education is extremely important for respect for nature and the implementation of international programs, including “Millennium Development Goals” (The Millennium Development Goals), “Convention on Biological Diversity” (The Convention on Biological Diversity), “UN Convention to Combat Desertification in Countries, suffering from severe drought and / or desertification” (The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification), “Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005-2014” (The Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005-2014) .