To the attention of the scientific community of the National Technical University named after. adm. Makarov and all interested!
We present to your attention a list of spring webinars for scientists in the Ukrainian language from the Elsevier company (SciVal/Scopus, ScienceDirect), during which the issues will be considered, related to the use of "ScienceDirect" databases, "Scopus" and the analytical tool "SciVal".
During the planned webinars, Elsevier specialists will present Ukrainian scientists with the available opportunities to work with the results of scientific research using electronic databases, analysis of scientific information, determination of current trends in the development of science and technology, search for partners for cooperation, formation of effective strategies during the organization and conduct of research. The creation and correction of institution profiles in the Scopus database will also be considered.
Supporting the scientific community of Ukraine under martial law, "Elsevier" company opened and continues to provide Ukrainian researchers with free access to such electronic resources of scientific information, as a full-text database "ScienceDirect", abstract, bibliographic database "Scopus" and a number of others. Access is granted, in particular, through the Elsevier Electronic Resource Center.
Webinar program, registration form and more detailed information
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