Rules for drawing up a bibliographic list of literature
List of references – a necessary element of the reference apparatus of any printed work (published or unpublished): monographs, dissertation, diploma or term paper, articles.
1.The list includes the quoted, literature mentioned and studied by the author.
2.The content of the list is determined by the author of the work. Particular attention is paid to the reflection of the literature of the latter 3-5 years, as an indicator of the author's awareness of the current state of the research topic.
3.When drawing up a bibliographic list, it is advisable to call it "List of used literature".
4.The list displays all types of documents, regardless of form (way) their presentation and media (printed matter, geographical maps, electronic media, remote access information, etc.).
5.When compiling a list of references, there are various ways to arrange bibliographic descriptions of sources:
numbering (in the order of the first mention of publications in the text of the work).
5.1. The most commonly used alphabetical arrangement, that is, in alphabetical order, the names of the authors and the titles, if the author is not specified or authors more than three.
5.2. In chronological order, all sources are arranged by year of publication, and within one year – in alphabetical order of authors or titles. The chronological principle allows to show the history of studying the researched question (topics). Sometimes the reverse chronological arrangement of sources is used, when the author focuses on the modern formation of the topic, being studied.
5.3. With a systematic arrangement of literature, bibliographic descriptions are grouped by branches of knowledge, individual topics in their logical subordination or chapters, sections of work, and in the middle of each section – alphabetically or in chronological order.
5.4. Quite often the arrangement of literature in the order of the first mention in the text of the work is used (numbering). But, in such a list it is difficult to analyze the coverage of the topic, correspondence of the specified publications with the reference to them. List, composed as follows, not complete, because it includes only the mentioned and cited literature.
6.The publications listed are submitted in the following order:
works by domestic and foreign authors, printed in Russian and Ukrainian in the general alphabet, taking into account the transcription of the spelling;
works of domestic and foreign authors in foreign languages, originally the Latin alphabet, then Oriental languages, if there is;
information online;
statistical materials.
It is recommended that official and guiding documents be placed at the top of the list.
7. The works of one author are arranged alphabetically by title, and authors of the same name – in alphabetical order of initials. No matter how many works by one author there were, be sure to include last name and initials, without replacing them with dashes.
8. The bibliographic list of references uses end-to-end numbering of all sources.
9. The content of the bibliographic list for scientific work is determined by the author.
Usually, the size of the list should not exceed 5 % volume of the manuscript. Example, the optimal amount of literature studied when writing an abstract should be at least 5 sources, course work – 10-15, diploma or master's thesis – 40-50 , and dissertation – close 25 % volume of scientific work.
In the list of published works of the applicant, which is given in the abstract, необхідно вказати прізвища та ініціали всіх його співавторів незалежно від виду публікації
10.Бібліографічний опис документа;- this is bibliographic information about the document, which are given according to clear rules, certain filling and the order of observance of proper zones and elements, intended for identification and general characteristics of the document (DSTU GUEST 7.1:2006).
11. The rules of compiling a bibliographic description are regulated by the state standard "DSTU GOST 7.1:2006 "System of standards for information, library and publishing. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of assembly ».
12. The description consists of elements, which are divided into compulsory and optional. The bibliographic description may contain only obligatory or obligatory and optional elements. Required items include bibliographic information, which provide document identification. they are given in any description.
13. Spacing between characters and description elements is mandatory and is used to distinguish grammatical and assigned punctuation characters..
Depending on the object of description, distinguish monographic, summary and analytical bibliographic description:
monographic – description of a separately issued document (book, brochure, geographical map, etc.);
cocked – per group of documents (multivolume edition, serial editions, annual set of magazines or newspapers, etc.), that is, several volumes, issues, which make up a single edition;
analytical – on part of the document (section, chapter, a paragraph from the book is a separate volume of a multi-volume edition, newspaper article, magazine, collection).
To ensure the accuracy of the bibliographic description, it is compiled directly on the document itself , having a document in front of his eyes («De vizu»), but descriptions for bibliographies may be made on the basis of other secondary documents.
Bibliographic description, usually, is composed in the language of the text of the publication, following the rules of modern spelling. Abbreviations of words and phrases are allowed in accordance with state standards:
DSTU 3582:2013 "Information and documentation. Bibliographic description. Abbreviations of words and phrases in the Ukrainian language.. General requirements and rules. (ISO 4:1984, NEQ; ISO 832:1994, NEQ)»;
GUEST 7.12-93 "Interstate standard. System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. Bibliographic record. Abbreviation of words in Russian. General requirements and rules ".