According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 721 from 29.05.2020 p. "On granting access to higher education institutions and research institutions to electronic scientific databases and recognition of such, repealed, some orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine "at the expense of the state budget the National University of Shipbuilding named after Admiral Makarov was granted access to scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science simultaneously: access to the Scopus database - on 9 months. In the future, the term is planned to be extended in accordance with the indicators of the activity of using the databases and the availability of budget funds.

Setting up remote access to the Scopus database

Dear scientists and students of NUS named after. adm. Makarova!
Given the strengthening of quarantine and restrictive measures in the country and in NUS. adm. Makarova, The scientific library offers to configure remote access to Scopus database resources www.scopus.com for all users, who have and use corporate email domain @ nuos.edu.ua.


Scopus database access address: https://www.scopus.com

Access to the international scientific database Scopus is an opportunity to follow international scientific research, receive up-to-date and high-quality information on their topics, cooperate with foreign partners, get citation information.


According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 721 from 29.05.2020 p. "On granting access to higher education institutions and research institutions to electronic scientific databases and recognition of such, repealed, some orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine "at the expense of the state budget the National University of Shipbuilding named after Admiral Makarov was granted access to scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science simultaneously: access to the Web of Science database at 1 year. In the future, the term is planned to be extended in accordance with the indicators of the activity of using the databases and the availability of budget funds.


Web of Science database access address: http://webofknowledge.com

Access to the international scientific database Web of Science is an opportunity to follow international scientific research, receive up-to-date and high-quality information on their topics, cooperate with foreign partners, get citation information.

BD ScienceDirect

4 December 2020 p. Signing of the agreement between the State Scientific Library of Ukraine and Elsevier completed important negotiation procedures between the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and Elsevier on access to electronic scientific databases and analytical resources.
All state and municipal free economic zones and scientific institutions of Ukraine, regardless of departmental subordination, received one-year access to e-books to almost 39 thousand. All state and municipal free economic zones and scientific institutions of Ukraine, regardless of departmental subordination, received one-year access to e-books to almost https://www.sciencedirect.com/, All state and municipal free economic zones and scientific institutions of Ukraine, regardless of departmental subordination, received one-year access to e-books to almost 2022 p. All state and municipal free economic zones and scientific institutions of Ukraine, regardless of departmental subordination, received one-year access to e-books to almost 2047 All state and municipal free economic zones and scientific institutions of Ukraine, regardless of departmental subordination, received one-year access to e-books to almost. edition.
All state and municipal free economic zones and scientific institutions of Ukraine, regardless of departmental subordination, received one-year access to e-books to almost.

ScienceDirect https://www.sciencedirect.com/ All state and municipal free economic zones and scientific institutions of Ukraine, regardless of departmental subordination, received one-year access to e-books to almost, which contains 25% world scientific publications in all fields of knowledge from over 47 thousand. influential authors.
The ScienceDirect platform presents such types of scientific publications as: Elsevier ebooks (eBooks), book series (Book Series), reference publications (Handbook), textbooks (Textbooks) etc..
Among the advantages of using the ScienceDirect platform is a user-friendly and intuitive interface, common full text download formats (PDF і HTML) and the presence of hyperlinks to a significant number of scientific, technical and medical articles on the platforms of other publishers.
Remote access
For users, who have and use corporate e-mail domain @ nuos.edu.ua instructions for setting up remote access - follow the link https://bit.ly/3dXCmPT.
Remote access:
Reading is learning;
Curious Barbara's nose was not torn off at the bazaar;
ScienceDirect - open access capabilities

Springer Nature

Access to Springer Nature resources

WITH 3 January 2020 year, all Ukrainian state and municipal free economic zones and scientific institutions received free access to full-text resources of a well-known international publishing house Springer Nature. The subscription from the state budget was provided by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Subscribed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine free access to the following resources of the Springer Link portal, namely:

magazine content (articles in peer-reviewed peer-reviewed journals published by Springer) for 1997–2020. – 3 580 issues of magazines;
e-books Springer 2017 p. – 9 505 titles of books.
Topics of magazines and books: mathematical sciences, natural Sciences (biology, medicine, ecology, chemistry, physics, geography, pharmaceuticals, health care), technical sciences (Informatics, engineering), law and international relations, social sciences (psychology, Politology, pedagogy), economic sciences (finances, business and management), as well as the humanities (history, philosophy, literary studies).
Access to Springer Nature resources, one of the world's largest publishers of academic and popular science books and magazines, operates in all buildings and branches of NUS. adm. Makarova for IP address control (from all computers and WI-FI networks) - by links:

Remote access to Elsevier resources (DB Scopus and ScienceDirect) and Clarivate (BD Web of Science)

Employees of the State Scientific Library of Ukraine prepared Instructions on setting up remote access to Elsevier resources (DB Scopus and ScienceDirect) and the Web of Science database. More details on the website of the State Scientific Library of Ukraine https://dntb.gov.ua/scientometrics-ua/remote-access-ua.

The scientific library offers to configure remote access to Elsevier resources (DB Scopus and ScienceDirect) for all users, who have and use corporate mail @ nuos.edu.ua.

Instructions at the link https://cutt.ly/MlBJCTt (in Ukrainian) (addition 2, pp. 14-18).
If you already have a Web of Science account / InCites, which you created from the internal network of NUS. adm. Makarova, then you can log in at the following link: http://roaming.webofscience.com.

If you have not used an existing account remotely for six months, then the password has expired. Contact Clarivate Analytics with this form https://clarivate.ru/sales-enquiries, to restore access.

If you have the opportunity to attend university, then be sure to create a remote access account - how to do it, is told in the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = 7bmJeG6tBFQ.

Consultations on setting up remote access, use of databases and search engines, publishing activity, definition of scientometric indicators is provided by Iryna Bondar (iryna.bondar@nuos.edu.ua), Svitlana Larenkova (svitlana.larenkova@nuos.edu.ua).

Instructions, developed by specialists from Clarivate and Elsevier companies, on creating and filling researchers' profiles on the Web of Science and Scopus platforms.

We draw your attention, that on the official website MES posted instructions, developed by specialists from Clarivate and Elsevier companies, on creating and filling researchers' profiles on the Web of Science and Scopus platforms.

Instruction on organizing author profiles in the Web of Science database.

Instruction on the organization of authors' profiles in the Scopus database

Pages Ukraine Academic Support on the official Elsevier portal and section #StandWithUkraine on the Clarivate portal contain up-to-date information about resource capabilities, educational materials, scheduled webinars.